

Lance Lambert 2021-06-13

一年前,美国经济遭遇了自大萧条(Great Depression)以来最差的就业市场,失业率飙升至80年以来的新高——14.7%。说到找工作,在封锁令下达的最初几个月中,员工基本上没有任何话语权。然而,没有想到形势竟然变化的如此之快!经济在经历新冠疫情衰退后的恢复速度亦创下纪录:6月4日,失业率降至5.8%。如今,主动权再次牢牢地掌握在了求职者的手中。

话语权的更迭表现为跳槽人数的增加,而雇主也纷纷小幅调高了薪酬。保德信金融集团(Prudential Financial)的调查发现,有四分之一的员工称自己计划在疫情结束后换工作。原因何在?在那些计划跳槽的雇员当中,有80%称自己对职业发展感到担忧。



1. 受到严重冲击的经济,例如加利福尼亚州和夏威夷州,将提供大量的就业机会

关停让整个美国感到震惊。然而,对那些旅游业重州来说,关停无异于致命一击。时代广场(Times Square)和拉斯维加斯的商业街成了鬼城,而通常热闹非凡的迈阿密海滩(Miami Beach)则是门可罗雀。即便恢复已经开始,这些地方依然较为滞后。确实,美国失业率最高的地区依然集中在旅游业重州,例如加利福尼亚州(8.3%)、内华达州(8%)、纽约州(8.2%)和夏威夷州(8.5%)。唯一的例外是佛罗里达州,其疫情限制解除的更快,如今其失业率为4.8%。


2. 被抑制的需求将刺激旅游业的恢复





3. 拜登全力押注绿色能源就业机会


总部位于波士顿的劳工市场分析公司Burning Glass Technologies在近期的报告中写道:“拜登政府即将在气候变化以及改善美国能源基础设施方面所采取的更加激进的举措,可能会加速这个转变过程。”在同一篇报告中,他们预测可再生能源的规模在未来五年内将增长近一倍。

Burning Glass Technologies预计核工程师(薪资中值113385美元)、废水工程师(82016美元)、能源分析师(70012美元)和太阳能安装人员(33761美元)这类工作将迎来强劲的需求。

4. 云业务很快将聘用更多的员工,其数量比整个公用设施行业还多

即便在疫情前,云计算便已经成为推动科技巨头招聘人数的增长引擎,例如亚马逊(Amazon)、谷歌(Google)和微软(Microsoft)。疫情让这个趋势变得更加狂热。如今,有超过45万员工在云计算领域工作。然而,这个数字还在继续增长。Burning Glass Technologies预计薪资中值为8万美元的云领域在未来五年内将扩张至180万个工作岗位。这个数字几乎是美国公用设施行业54万雇员人数的三倍多。

微软的首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉在其公司宣布了4月出色的营收业绩之后称:“在疫情爆发一年之后,数字业务采纳曲线并没有放缓,而是在加速,而且刚刚才开始。”对于这一业绩而言,微软的云业务部门Microsoft Azure功不可没。

最终,我希望为《财富》杂志的读者提一条薪资建议。就薪资级别而言,雇主是出了名的守口如瓶。尽管诸如Glassdoor这类网站试图填补这一空白,但它们的数据通常十分老旧,也未得到验证。以下是来自《财富》杂志的数据编辑的真诚建议:不妨看看H-1B签证数据。当私人公司使用工作签证聘用员工时,这些薪资条件便成为了公开记录。你可以在美国劳工部(U.S. Department of Labor)按公司名和职务来查找签证数据。这个数据集甚至允许人们按年来重新定义搜索内容。(财富中文网)



一年前,美国经济遭遇了自大萧条(Great Depression)以来最差的就业市场,失业率飙升至80年以来的新高——14.7%。说到找工作,在封锁令下达的最初几个月中,员工基本上没有任何话语权。然而,没有想到形势竟然变化的如此之快!经济在经历新冠疫情衰退后的恢复速度亦创下纪录:6月4日,失业率降至5.8%。如今,主动权再次牢牢地掌握在了求职者的手中。

话语权的更迭表现为跳槽人数的增加,而雇主也纷纷小幅调高了薪酬。保德信金融集团(Prudential Financial)的调查发现,有四分之一的员工称自己计划在疫情结束后换工作。原因何在?在那些计划跳槽的雇员当中,有80%称自己对职业发展感到担忧。



1. 受到严重冲击的经济,例如加利福尼亚州和夏威夷州,将提供大量的就业机会

关停让整个美国感到震惊。然而,对那些旅游业重州来说,关停无异于致命一击。时代广场(Times Square)和拉斯维加斯的商业街成了鬼城,而通常热闹非凡的迈阿密海滩(Miami Beach)则是门可罗雀。即便恢复已经开始,这些地方依然较为滞后。确实,美国失业率最高的地区依然集中在旅游业重州,例如加利福尼亚州(8.3%)、内华达州(8%)、纽约州(8.2%)和夏威夷州(8.5%)。唯一的例外是佛罗里达州,其疫情限制解除的更快,如今其失业率为4.8%。


2. 被抑制的需求将刺激旅游业的恢复





3. 拜登全力押注绿色能源就业机会


总部位于波士顿的劳工市场分析公司Burning Glass Technologies在近期的报告中写道:“拜登政府即将在气候变化以及改善美国能源基础设施方面所采取的更加激进的举措,可能会加速这个转变过程。”在同一篇报告中,他们预测可再生能源的规模在未来五年内将增长近一倍。

Burning Glass Technologies预计核工程师(薪资中值113385美元)、废水工程师(82016美元)、能源分析师(70012美元)和太阳能安装人员(33761美元)这类工作将迎来强劲的需求。

4. 云业务很快将聘用更多的员工,其数量比整个公用设施行业还多

即便在疫情前,云计算便已经成为推动科技巨头招聘人数的增长引擎,例如亚马逊(Amazon)、谷歌(Google)和微软(Microsoft)。疫情让这个趋势变得更加狂热。如今,有超过45万员工在云计算领域工作。然而,这个数字还在继续增长。Burning Glass Technologies预计薪资中值为8万美元的云领域在未来五年内将扩张至180万个工作岗位。这个数字几乎是美国公用设施行业54万雇员人数的三倍多。

微软的首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉在其公司宣布了4月出色的营收业绩之后称:“在疫情爆发一年之后,数字业务采纳曲线并没有放缓,而是在加速,而且刚刚才开始。”对于这一业绩而言,微软的云业务部门Microsoft Azure功不可没。

最终,我希望为《财富》杂志的读者提一条薪资建议。就薪资级别而言,雇主是出了名的守口如瓶。尽管诸如Glassdoor这类网站试图填补这一空白,但它们的数据通常十分老旧,也未得到验证。以下是来自《财富》杂志的数据编辑的真诚建议:不妨看看H-1B签证数据。当私人公司使用工作签证聘用员工时,这些薪资条件便成为了公开记录。你可以在美国劳工部(U.S. Department of Labor)按公司名和职务来查找签证数据。这个数据集甚至允许人们按年来重新定义搜索内容。(财富中文网)



A year ago the U.S. economy plunged into its worst job market since the era of the Great Depression, with the unemployment rate soaring to an 80-year high of 14.7%. When it came to job hunting, workers during the early months of lockdowns had essentially zero negotiating power. How quickly things have changed! The COVID-19 recession recovery is the swiftest on record: On June 4, the jobless rate dipped to 5.8%. Now, the power is firmly back in the hands of job seekers again.

Already, that flipped power dynamic has translated into more job hopping and employers racing to dole out raises. Indeed, one in four workers say they plan to switch jobs once the pandemic ends, according to a recent Prudential Financial survey. Why? Among those who plan to switch jobs, 80% say they are concerned about their career growth.

But this isn’t the pre-pandemic economy. A lot has changed—some of it permanently. For starters, the pandemic-spurred digital explosion has killed off some jobs while creating new opportunities for others. As workers consider exploring this hot job market, Fortune looked through the data to identify where applicants can find opportunity.

Here are four big trends we found.

1. Hard-hit economies like California and Hawaii offer a lot of opportunity

The shutdowns rocked the entire nation. But in tourism-based economies it was a knockout punch. Times Square and the Las Vegas strip became ghost towns, while normally bustling Miami Beach was deserted. Even as the recovery kicked off, those places lagged behind. Indeed, the highest jobless rates in the country can still be found in tourism-heavy states like California (8.3%), Nevada (8%), New York (8.2%), and Hawaii (8.5%). The one exception being Florida, which saw its pandemic restrictions lift more quickly and now has a 4.8% jobless rate.

It’s a bit counterintuitive, but these states with the highest levels of joblessness are actually where the most jobs are being created. Why? Well, with the successful rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, those states are dropping most of their restrictions. And, more important, Americans are ready to start traveling again (more on that below). In the most recent job reports, these tourism-heavy states are posting the highest rates of job growth.

2. Pent-up demand will spur a tourism recovery

In the depths of the crisis, the nation was down 22.4 million jobs. Since then, the historically quick recovery has brought back most of those positions. We’re now down 7.6 million jobs. Of those yet to return, 2.8 million are in leisure and hospitality—by far the hardest-hit industry during the pandemic.

But things are looking up.

When Fortune and SurveyMonkey took the pulse of Americans in April, 34% of U.S. adults said they were comfortable attending big gatherings. But when we asked again in May, that figure shot up to 46%. That’s a massive jump from the 20% levels found in our July 2020 poll. That tells us the vaccine rollout is corresponding with a jump in consumer confidence. Already, air travel and hotel bookings are soaring. If this continues, conferences and business travel might even start to ramp up before the end of the summer.

The most rewarding opportunities in the industry might come on the small-business front. During the pandemic, thousands of gyms, restaurants, and hotels shuttered. Now that consumers are ready to mingle with the public again, there’s an entrepreneurial opportunity for new businesses to enter the space. Not to mention, they will have the incentive of discounted commercial space.

3. Biden is all in on green energy jobs

More than 70% of new electricity capacity created this year will come from solar and wind power. Innovation has turned green energy from a fantasy into a serious threat to coal. And the green sector could soon see further gains: President Joe Biden’s looming infrastructure package would help the renewables industry secure billions. His goal? The White House hopes his infrastructure plan gets the U.S. to carbon-free electricity by 2035.

“More aggressive moves by the incoming Biden administration to act

on climate and improve the nation’s energy infrastructure could speed the shift,” Burning Glass Technologies, a Boston-based labor market analytics firm, wrote in a recent report. In that same report, they projected the renewables sector will come close to doubling in the next five years.

Burning Glass Technologies expects strong demand for jobs like nuclear engineer (median salary of $113,385), wastewater engineer ($82,016), energy analyst ($70,012), and solar installer ($33,761).

4. Cloud will soon employ more workers than the entire utilities industry

Even before the pandemic, cloud computing was the growth engine driving hiring for tech titans like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. The pandemic only added fuel to the fire. There are now more than 450,000 workers employed in the cloud computing business. But it’s only going up from here. Burning Glass Technologies expects the cloud sector, which pays a median salary of nearly $80,000, to expand to more than 1.8 million jobs in the next five years. That will be close to triple the entire 540,000 employed by the U.S. utilities industry.

“Over a year into the pandemic, digital adoption curves aren’t slowing down. They’re accelerating, and it’s just the beginning,” Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said after his company announced its stellar earnings, driven by its cloud unit Microsoft Azure, in April.

Finally, I want to leave Fortune readers with one salary tip. Employers are notoriously discrete when it comes to their salary bands. Though some sites like Glassdoor attempt to fill the void, their data is often old and unverified. Here’s a tip from yours truly, Fortune’s data editor: Check out H-1B visa data. When private companies hire workers on a work visa, those salary offers become public record. You can find the U.S. Department of Labor visa data by employer and title. The data set even allows you to refine the search by year.
