

Beth Kowitt 2021-04-19

2021年4月9日,麦当劳员工在麦当劳门店外举行抗议活动。图片来源:Frederic J. Brown—AFP/Getty Images


麦当劳表示,将从2022年1月开始在餐厅评估工作中使用新标准,并在遍布全球100多个国家的3.9万家自营和特许经营餐厅中强制执行。麦当劳首席执行官克里斯·坎普钦斯基(Chris Kempczinski)在发给公司员工的信中表示,制定相关标准的目的是“强化安全与包容文化”。



由于员工被指控在餐厅中存在性骚扰行为,麦当劳近来遭到了外界的猛烈抨击。在美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)及Time’s Up 司法辩护基金(Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund)等团体向原告提供法律支持之后,该事件更是持续发酵,热度与日俱增。


自2019年11月接替史蒂夫·伊斯特布鲁克(Steve Easterbrook)成为麦当劳首席执行官后,坎普钦斯基一直将强化公司价值观作为自己的工作重点之一。伊斯特布鲁克因向一名员工发送色情短信而遭到解雇,后来麦当劳对他发起了诉讼,并指称,有证据表明,伊斯特布鲁克在离职前一年曾与三名员工发生性关系,还“故意欺骗麦当劳的调查人员”,麦当劳以此为由,要求后者退回补偿金。伊斯特布鲁克的代理律师称相关指控“毫无依据”且“具有误导性”。






麦当劳表示,将从2022年1月开始在餐厅评估工作中使用新标准,并在遍布全球100多个国家的3.9万家自营和特许经营餐厅中强制执行。麦当劳首席执行官克里斯·坎普钦斯基(Chris Kempczinski)在发给公司员工的信中表示,制定相关标准的目的是“强化安全与包容文化”。



由于员工被指控在餐厅中存在性骚扰行为,麦当劳近来遭到了外界的猛烈抨击。在美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)及Time’s Up 司法辩护基金(Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund)等团体向原告提供法律支持之后,该事件更是持续发酵,热度与日俱增。


自2019年11月接替史蒂夫·伊斯特布鲁克(Steve Easterbrook)成为麦当劳首席执行官后,坎普钦斯基一直将强化公司价值观作为自己的工作重点之一。伊斯特布鲁克因向一名员工发送色情短信而遭到解雇,后来麦当劳对他发起了诉讼,并指称,有证据表明,伊斯特布鲁克在离职前一年曾与三名员工发生性关系,还“故意欺骗麦当劳的调查人员”,麦当劳以此为由,要求后者退回补偿金。伊斯特布鲁克的代理律师称相关指控“毫无依据”且“具有误导性”。





McDonald’s on Wednesday announced the rollout of new global standards focused on preventing harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and violence in its restaurants.

McDonald’s said all of its 39,000 restaurants—both company-owned and franchised—in more than 100 countries will be required to follow the standards, which, CEO Chris Kempczinski said in a company message, are designed to “reinforce a culture of safety and inclusion.” McDonald’s said it will start using the standards in its evaluation process of restaurants starting in January 2022.

“There can be no shortcuts when it comes to protecting all of the people who work under the Arches, as well as customers,” Kempczinski said in the message. “When we or our franchisees fall short, we must all have a system in place to address those shortfalls immediately.” Kempczinski also noted that, to the company’s knowledge, the standards are a “first for our industry.”

The new standards will include retaliation, harassment, and anti-violence policies and trainings; annual crew and manager surveys; and a process for reporting complaints and concerns.

McDonald’s has been under fire for allegations of sexual harassment of workers in its restaurants, which have become a growing and more high-profile issue as groups such as the ACLU and Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund have provided legal support to plaintiffs.

In February, Kempczinski said in a public memo that the company was working on the new set of global brand standards after a CBS report detailed several claims by female employees of sexual harassment by their male coworkers at McDonald’s restaurants. In the memo, Kempczinski said sexual harassment has “no place in any McDonald’s restaurant” and that the company will ensure that “every allegation is fully and thoroughly investigated.”

Kempczinski has made reinforcing the company’s values one of his priorities since taking over as CEO in November 2019 after his predecessor, Steve Easterbrook, was fired for sexting with an employee. The company has since sued Easterbrook to claw back his compensation, alleging that it has found evidence that Easterbrook had sexual relationships with three employees in the year before his exit and was “knowingly untruthful with McDonald’s investigators.” Easterbrook’s lawyers have called the suit “meritless” and “misleading.”

The company is also facing several lawsuits from Black franchisees who have accused McDonald’s of racial discrimination. The company has disputed the allegations, calling the suits without merit, and has sought to have them dismissed.

As part of his efforts to change company culture, Kempczinski has hired a new global head of HR and a new global diversity, equity, and inclusion officer. He has also created the role of chief global impact officer. In February, the company released its demographic makeup and said that it would tie a piece of executives’ bonuses to hitting diversity targets.
