

方绘香(Erika Fry) 2020-09-25




Wellcome Leap的首席执行官、美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)前局长雷吉纳•杜根对这一看法表示认同:“在我看来,现在的大环境就像是会诞生第一颗人造卫星(Sputnik)的契机,仿佛1918年的大流感与1929年的空难重叠在了一起。”她还补充道:“这些艰难的困境总能诞生出新一轮的变革浪潮,这并不是巧合。继第一颗人造卫星之后,人类致力于创新,进入了航天时代;同样,这场疫情也可以带领人类走向健康时代。这需要广泛的参与性。但肯定在我们力所能及的范围内。”



弗雷德•哈钦森癌症研究中心(Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center)的副教授特雷弗•贝德福德呼吁建立更好的传染病监测系统:“如果可以在造成成千上万例感染前捕捉到病毒,我们就能够抑制住疫情。”他还指出,原有的数据系统不利于各系统之间的通讯,除此之外,错误的监管政策也导致美国的新冠疫情响应滞后,而这些领域都有很大的提升和改进空间。







Wellcome Leap的首席执行官、美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)前局长雷吉纳•杜根对这一看法表示认同:“在我看来,现在的大环境就像是会诞生第一颗人造卫星(Sputnik)的契机,仿佛1918年的大流感与1929年的空难重叠在了一起。”她还补充道:“这些艰难的困境总能诞生出新一轮的变革浪潮,这并不是巧合。继第一颗人造卫星之后,人类致力于创新,进入了航天时代;同样,这场疫情也可以带领人类走向健康时代。这需要广泛的参与性。但肯定在我们力所能及的范围内。”



弗雷德•哈钦森癌症研究中心(Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center)的副教授特雷弗•贝德福德呼吁建立更好的传染病监测系统:“如果可以在造成成千上万例感染前捕捉到病毒,我们就能够抑制住疫情。”他还指出,原有的数据系统不利于各系统之间的通讯,除此之外,错误的监管政策也导致美国的新冠疫情响应滞后,而这些领域都有很大的提升和改进空间。




The global pandemic has certainly been costly, claiming nearly a million lives and untold sums in lost economic activity since the outbreak emerged in late last year. How can we do it better next time?

Experts, speaking at a Fortune virtual event on September 22 afternoon, weighed what will be required—from basic readiness to radical innovation to global collaboration—and what can be gained from the current moment.

“We never should have had this pandemic,” said Paul Stoffels, chief scientific officer at Johnson & Johnson. “We could have done so much more. And that’s what the future should bring. Everyone is ready to fight wars, but nobody is ready to fight wars with biology. But I think we’re ready to do this: The science is there; the capabilities are there. Let’s get ready to make this the next wave of innovation.”

Regina Dugan, the CEO of Wellcome Leap and a former director of DARPA, agreed with that assessment. “It feels very much to me like a Sputnik moment—almost as if the 1918 pandemic and the ’29 crash happened on top of each other.” She added: “It’s not coincidental that new waves of transformation happen and grow out of these very difficult situations. It’s my sense that just as we had a new commitment to innovation after Sputnik, this coronavirus could spark, not a space age, but a health age. And that’s going to require a lot of us. But it is certainly within our capacity to get it done.”

One area where she imagined radical innovation is in the way clinical trials are conducted. Rather than running expensive, time-consuming vaccine or drug studies with tens of thousands of human volunteers, she suggested we could use tissue and organ engineering strategies.

“We could accelerate the process without risking safety,” she said. “This is important, not only for the lives that will be saved, but also for economic damage. If we saved one month in the clinical trial, that's $300 billion worth of economic damage avoided.” She also noted that such a strategy could address equity and representation issues that clinical trials investigators struggle with, as you’d be able to study the vaccine on all population types.

Trevor Bedford, associate professor at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, made the case for better infectious disease surveillance systems. “If you can catch a cluster very early on before it gets to hundreds of thousands of people, you can quench that outbreak.” He also noted that legacy data systems that don’t easily communicate with each other as well as misguided regulatory policy had slowed the U.S.’s COVID response and could be vastly improved on.

Stoffels, a pharma veteran who has been on the front lines of many outbreaks, from HIV to Ebola to Zika, stressed one last point from his years in the field. “The attention of the world is only there when it when it threatens Western countries,” he said, noting that J&J had to stop its work on a once urgently needed Zika vaccine because there was zero interest in it. “Zika can come back anytime…The seeds of many of these viruses are in parts of the world [that get] no attention. They could start growing and expanding, and before we know, it’s a global problem. We have to be global citizens, having the conscience but also the insights and the commitment to not just work when it reaches the U.S. shores, but also work long before that.”

Dugan concurred: “We need to recognize that there is a certain class of problems…We’re just not going to solve them inside national borders. We need new strategies, new organizations, new collaborations, and we need the commitment of our leaders to facilitate those kinds of interactions. We’re going to have to solve those problems together.”
