

Rachel King 2020-08-12



图片来源:Courtesy of Simon & Schuster

《我为马狂:一位女士与爱马的世界》(Horse Crazy: The Story of a Woman and a World in Love with an Animal)

作者:莎拉·马斯林·内尔(Sarah Maslin Nir),8月4日发售

在供职于《纽约时报》的10年中,莎拉·马斯林·内尔曾踏入过西非恐怖分子的老巢,也曾深入过野火肆虐的加州。每发布一篇报道,她在回家前都会先做一件事情:搜索马。在《我为马狂》(由Simon & Schuster出版社出版)一书中,内尔探讨了像她那样痴迷的人士,并阐述了相关原因。从走私稀有印度马精液的英国社会名流到被抹去的黑牛仔传承,内尔审视了人们对这种动物各种形式的爱意。

图片来源:Courtesy of Grand Central Publishing

《崛起的女勇士:为真正的公平而战》(She Will Rise: Becoming a Warrior in the Battle for True Equality)

作者:凯蒂·希尔(Katie Hill),8月11日发售

在因为报复性性丑闻而辞去其众议院议员一职之后,作为这一丑闻的受害者前国会女议员凯蒂·希尔讲述了她自己在政界遭受的女性歧视以及双重标准。然而,希尔称自己并不希望打消女性竞选并从事权力职位的想法。相反,在《崛起的女勇士》(由Grand Central Publishing出版社出版)一书中,希尔认为,正是因为女性歧视的大行其道,女性才更应该走上领导职务,并努力改变这个长久以来阻止女性获得平等待遇的体制。

图片来源:Courtesy of Waterbrook Press

《懒人的诀窍: 工作中要学会捡西瓜丢芝麻》(The Lazy Genius Way: Embrace What Matters, Ditch What Doesn't, and Get Stuff Done)

作者:肯德拉·阿达奇(Kendra Adachi),8月11日发售

最近流行一条口头禅:多干活不如会干活。然而,有鉴于当前的世界局势,完成一项工作并非易事,即便那些拥有居家工作特权的人士亦是如此。那么,考虑到所有这些因素,再加上夏末的酷热,播客主持人肯德拉·阿达奇的新书、伦理作品《懒人的诀窍》(由Waterbrook Press出版社出版)可谓是恰逢其时。阿达奇希望通过此书鼓励读者按照自己的节奏来生活,从而建立适合自己的生活常态,自然而然也包括事先为其他事情安排好时间。关键一点在于,从小事开始,并发现哪些做法合适以及不适合自己,然后果断地摒弃那些不适合的做法。

图片来源:Courtesy of Dey Street Books

《寻找自由:哈里与梅根,以及当代皇室的期望》(Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family)

作者:欧米德·思科比(Omid Scobie)与卡洛琳·杜兰德(Carolyn Durand),8月11日发售

在英国皇室最知名的两位人物戏剧性地告别了皇室之后,解读白金汉宫这场大戏的书刊在今夏可谓是层出不穷。但如果要选一本的话,不妨看看《时尚芭莎》杂志编辑欧米德·思科比与《世界时装之苑》杂志撰稿人卡洛琳·杜兰德合著的这本书。该书已经登上了美国和英国亚马逊预订榜榜首位置。尽管《寻找自由》(由Dey Street Books出版社出版)并非是官方授权的传记(苏赛克斯公爵与公爵夫人称并未参与此书的撰写),但人们从《泰晤士报》发表的摘录内容可以推断出,该书以这对公众夫妇的视角为出发点,最为真实地讲述了二人的故事。然而在过去两年中,英国小报一直在锲而不舍地刊发各种负面新闻报道,令这对夫妇不胜其扰。

图片来源:Courtesy of Simon & Schuster

《新美国人》(The New American)

作者:米什莱恩·阿哈龙尼安·马康姆(Micheline Aharonian Marcom),8月18日发售

米什莱恩·阿哈龙尼安·马康姆的小说《新美国人》(由Simon & Schuster出版社出版)用抒情散文的形式讲述了一位梦想者惊心动魄的虚构历程,其灵感部分源于对中美洲难民的采访。梦想者指代的是无证件青年移民,他们自小被带到了美国,一直在美国生活、上学,而且在很多情况下被看作是美国人。马康姆小说的主角是一位年轻的危地马拉裔美国大学生,他没有证件,但他的父母从未向他透露此事。他被美国驱逐出境,但随后决定踏上漫长的旅途,跋涉数千英里回到加州的家中。

图片来源:Courtesy of National Geographic

《大自然的本质》(The Nature of Nature ),

作者:恩瑞克·萨拉(Enric Sala)博士,8月25日发售

新冠病毒再次提醒人们,保护自然不仅仅是富有国家的奢侈品或浪漫的理想信念,同时也是事关全球民众的生存。这个世界因为一种从动物传播至人类的新型病毒而进入了停滞状态。《国家地理》杂志的驻校探险家、Pristine Seas项目的主导者恩瑞克·萨拉博士讲述了为什么保护大自然是人类最好的健康保险、此举背后的经济逻辑,以及它为什么应该成为人类的道德准绳。(财富中文网)




《我为马狂:一位女士与爱马的世界》(Horse Crazy: The Story of a Woman and a World in Love with an Animal)

作者:莎拉·马斯林·内尔(Sarah Maslin Nir),8月4日发售

在供职于《纽约时报》的10年中,莎拉·马斯林·内尔曾踏入过西非恐怖分子的老巢,也曾深入过野火肆虐的加州。每发布一篇报道,她在回家前都会先做一件事情:搜索马。在《我为马狂》(由Simon & Schuster出版社出版)一书中,内尔探讨了像她那样痴迷的人士,并阐述了相关原因。从走私稀有印度马精液的英国社会名流到被抹去的黑牛仔传承,内尔审视了人们对这种动物各种形式的爱意。

《崛起的女勇士:为真正的公平而战》(She Will Rise: Becoming a Warrior in the Battle for True Equality)

作者:凯蒂·希尔(Katie Hill),8月11日发售

在因为报复性性丑闻而辞去其众议院议员一职之后,作为这一丑闻的受害者前国会女议员凯蒂·希尔讲述了她自己在政界遭受的女性歧视以及双重标准。然而,希尔称自己并不希望打消女性竞选并从事权力职位的想法。相反,在《崛起的女勇士》(由Grand Central Publishing出版社出版)一书中,希尔认为,正是因为女性歧视的大行其道,女性才更应该走上领导职务,并努力改变这个长久以来阻止女性获得平等待遇的体制。

《懒人的诀窍: 工作中要学会捡西瓜丢芝麻》(The Lazy Genius Way: Embrace What Matters, Ditch What Doesn't, and Get Stuff Done)

作者:肯德拉·阿达奇(Kendra Adachi),8月11日发售

最近流行一条口头禅:多干活不如会干活。然而,有鉴于当前的世界局势,完成一项工作并非易事,即便那些拥有居家工作特权的人士亦是如此。那么,考虑到所有这些因素,再加上夏末的酷热,播客主持人肯德拉·阿达奇的新书、伦理作品《懒人的诀窍》(由Waterbrook Press出版社出版)可谓是恰逢其时。阿达奇希望通过此书鼓励读者按照自己的节奏来生活,从而建立适合自己的生活常态,自然而然也包括事先为其他事情安排好时间。关键一点在于,从小事开始,并发现哪些做法合适以及不适合自己,然后果断地摒弃那些不适合的做法。

《寻找自由:哈里与梅根,以及当代皇室的期望》(Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family)

作者:欧米德·思科比(Omid Scobie)与卡洛琳·杜兰德(Carolyn Durand),8月11日发售

在英国皇室最知名的两位人物戏剧性地告别了皇室之后,解读白金汉宫这场大戏的书刊在今夏可谓是层出不穷。但如果要选一本的话,不妨看看《时尚芭莎》杂志编辑欧米德·思科比与《世界时装之苑》杂志撰稿人卡洛琳·杜兰德合著的这本书。该书已经登上了美国和英国亚马逊预订榜榜首位置。尽管《寻找自由》(由Dey Street Books出版社出版)并非是官方授权的传记(苏赛克斯公爵与公爵夫人称并未参与此书的撰写),但人们从《泰晤士报》发表的摘录内容可以推断出,该书以这对公众夫妇的视角为出发点,最为真实地讲述了二人的故事。然而在过去两年中,英国小报一直在锲而不舍地刊发各种负面新闻报道,令这对夫妇不胜其扰。

《新美国人》(The New American)

作者:米什莱恩·阿哈龙尼安·马康姆(Micheline Aharonian Marcom),8月18日发售

米什莱恩·阿哈龙尼安·马康姆的小说《新美国人》(由Simon & Schuster出版社出版)用抒情散文的形式讲述了一位梦想者惊心动魄的虚构历程,其灵感部分源于对中美洲难民的采访。梦想者指代的是无证件青年移民,他们自小被带到了美国,一直在美国生活、上学,而且在很多情况下被看作是美国人。马康姆小说的主角是一位年轻的危地马拉裔美国大学生,他没有证件,但他的父母从未向他透露此事。他被美国驱逐出境,但随后决定踏上漫长的旅途,跋涉数千英里回到加州的家中。

《大自然的本质》(The Nature of Nature ),

作者:恩瑞克·萨拉(Enric Sala)博士,8月25日发售

新冠病毒再次提醒人们,保护自然不仅仅是富有国家的奢侈品或浪漫的理想信念,同时也是事关全球民众的生存。这个世界因为一种从动物传播至人类的新型病毒而进入了停滞状态。《国家地理》杂志的驻校探险家、Pristine Seas项目的主导者恩瑞克·萨拉博士讲述了为什么保护大自然是人类最好的健康保险、此举背后的经济逻辑,以及它为什么应该成为人类的道德准绳。(财富中文网)



A former congresswoman's memoir about her personal experience of misogyny and double-standards in politics, a novel about a deported "Dreamer" who makes his way back to the United States through an arduous and heartbreaking journey, and the one royal biography (of many this summer) to rule them all.

Here are some suggested reads being published in August.

In the decade she has worked for the New York Times, Sarah Maslin Nir has reported from terrorist hot spots in West Africa to wildfire-ravaged California. And as soon as she files each story, she chooses to do one thing before heading home: search for the horses. In Horse Crazy (Simon & Schuster), Nir scoured the world for people as obsessed as she, and uncovered their why. From the British socialite who smuggled rare Indian horse semen, to the erased legacy of the Black cowboy, Nir examined love for these animals in all its forms.

After resigning from her seat in the House of Representatives amid a controversy in which she was the victim of revenge porn, former Congresswoman Katie Hill shares her experience with misogyny and double standards in politics. But Hill says she does not want women to be discouraged from running for and taking positions of power. On the contrary, in She Will Rise (Grand Central Publishing), Hill argues rampant misogyny is all the more reason for women to lead and to work to change the systems that have prevented women from achieving equality for so long.

A recent work mantra that has emerged is don't work harder, but rather, work better. But given the state of the world right now, it's hard to get any work done—even for those privileged enough to work from home. Perhaps then, amid all else combined with the overwhelming heat in the dead of summer, podcast host Kendra Adachi's new work ethic book The Lazy Genius Way (Waterbrook Press) is perfectly timed for release. Adachi basically encourages readers to live at their own pace in order to establish a routine that works well for them—not to mention scheduling in time for rest. The key is to starting small and asking oneself what is working and what isn't—and to ruthlessly cut out what isn't.

In the wake of the dramatic departure of two of the most popular figures in the British Royal Family, there are a slew of books being released this summer about the drama brewing in Buckingham Palace. But if you're going to choose one to read this summer, make it this one from Harper's Bazaar editor Omid Scobie and Ellecorrespondent Carolyn Durand, which has already been sitting at the top of the preorder charts for weeks on Amazon in the U.S. and the U.K. Although Finding Freedom (Dey Street Books) is not an officially authorized biography—the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have said they have not participated in the book—excerpts published in The Times infer the book is the most major account told from the popular couple's perspective after a turbulent two years of relentless and overwhelmingly negative press in the British tabloids.

Inspired in part by interviews with Central American refugees, and told in lyrical prose, Micheline Aharonian Marcom's novel The New American (Simon & Schuster) tracks the heart-pounding and fictional journey of a dreamer, a term referring to young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, who have lived and gone to school here, and who, in many cases, identify as American. Marcom's protagonist is a young Guatemalan American college student who is undocumented but was never told this by his parents. He gets deported, but then decides to make the long journey, thousands of miles back home to California.

COVID-19 is yet another reminder that conservation is not just a luxury for rich countries or a romantic ideal—it's necessary for our global survival. The world has been brought to a standstill by a novel virus that was transmitted to humans from animals. Dr. Enric Sala, a National Geographic explorer-in-residence and leader of the Pristine Seas project, makes a case for why protecting nature is our best health insurance, why it makes economic sense, and why it is our moral imperative.
