





选张好照片对任何个人档案来说都是第一要务。“招聘者、联系人和人事经理都更喜欢配有照片的领英档案,” 专业简历撰写与编辑服务公司ZipJob 的职场专家凯特琳·普罗克托尔说。“想想你去面试时会以什么样的形象出现在面试官面前,就按这个标准来挑选照片,切忌使用自拍照。”选照片时,要挑选看起来最职业、最有亲和力的那张。



“个性化的置顶信息可以让人快速了解你是谁以及你有哪些专长,” 招聘专家、职位搜索专家、职场博客JobJenny的创始人詹尼·福斯说。“背景图案也可以进行个性化设计,这么做非常有必要,不过许多人甚至都不知道这一点。”对档案进行个性化设计不仅可以让你显得与众不同,还能增进招聘者对你的了解。“我是肯定会好好利用这个版块的,非常有作用!”


“领英上的个人简介一定要精心撰写,而且不要太长,” 福斯说。“大家在看档案时都是一扫而过,没人会从头到尾看完你的档案的。”她建议求职者用第一人称介绍自己,并对自己能做出哪些贡献进行简要概述。

如果你不知道该说什么,那么可以听听创新与营销人才中介公司The Creative Group的执行董事戴安·多梅耶是怎么说的:“这个版块位于头像的正下方,你可以在此分享你的职场故事。如果说领英档案是数字简历的话,那么个人简介就是你的求职信。”










求职收不到答复的原因有很多,但有时可能只是因为你在领英上的状态是“暂时不换工作”。福斯建议求职者要善用领英的公开求职(Open Candidate)功能,以便向使用领英Premium Recruiter的招聘者发出提醒。她说:“你要让招聘者知道你愿意了解新的工作机会,并表明自己对哪些岗位感兴趣。”该功能仅对其他公司的招聘者可见,本公司的招聘者是看不到的,不过如果你不想让公司知道你在找工作的话,最好还是不要用这个功能。




与其把闲暇时光都花费在Instagram和推特上,为什么不去领英上看看呢? “每周登录几次领英账户,花上几分钟,评论下他人发布的帖子,在别人找到新工作或在工作纪念日表示一下祝贺,或者分享你觉得有意思的文章,足不出户就能让自己成为朋友圈里的核心。”福斯说。说到底,领英是个社交媒体平台,用来做些社交的事没什么不妥。(财富中文网)






选张好照片对任何个人档案来说都是第一要务。“招聘者、联系人和人事经理都更喜欢配有照片的领英档案,” 专业简历撰写与编辑服务公司ZipJob 的职场专家凯特琳·普罗克托尔说。“想想你去面试时会以什么样的形象出现在面试官面前,就按这个标准来挑选照片,切忌使用自拍照。”选照片时,要挑选看起来最职业、最有亲和力的那张。



“个性化的置顶信息可以让人快速了解你是谁以及你有哪些专长,” 招聘专家、职位搜索专家、职场博客JobJenny的创始人詹尼·福斯说。“背景图案也可以进行个性化设计,这么做非常有必要,不过许多人甚至都不知道这一点。”对档案进行个性化设计不仅可以让你显得与众不同,还能增进招聘者对你的了解。“我是肯定会好好利用这个版块的,非常有作用!”


“领英上的个人简介一定要精心撰写,而且不要太长,” 福斯说。“大家在看档案时都是一扫而过,没人会从头到尾看完你的档案的。”她建议求职者用第一人称介绍自己,并对自己能做出哪些贡献进行简要概述。

如果你不知道该说什么,那么可以听听创新与营销人才中介公司The Creative Group的执行董事戴安·多梅耶是怎么说的:“这个版块位于头像的正下方,你可以在此分享你的职场故事。如果说领英档案是数字简历的话,那么个人简介就是你的求职信。”










求职收不到答复的原因有很多,但有时可能只是因为你在领英上的状态是“暂时不换工作”。福斯建议求职者要善用领英的公开求职(Open Candidate)功能,以便向使用领英Premium Recruiter的招聘者发出提醒。她说:“你要让招聘者知道你愿意了解新的工作机会,并表明自己对哪些岗位感兴趣。”该功能仅对其他公司的招聘者可见,本公司的招聘者是看不到的,不过如果你不想让公司知道你在找工作的话,最好还是不要用这个功能。




与其把闲暇时光都花费在Instagram和推特上,为什么不去领英上看看呢? “每周登录几次领英账户,花上几分钟,评论下他人发布的帖子,在别人找到新工作或在工作纪念日表示一下祝贺,或者分享你觉得有意思的文章,足不出户就能让自己成为朋友圈里的核心。”福斯说。说到底,领英是个社交媒体平台,用来做些社交的事没什么不妥。(财富中文网)



If you’ve ever applied to a job on LinkedIn, you've seen that message saying X and Y company has viewed your profile. Sure, that’s the outcome you wanted when you sent in your resume, though it's not who viewed your profile but what is in there that matters -especially if you haven’t done anything to it for a while.

According to the 2018 Jobvite Recruiter Nation Study, 77 percent of recruiters regularly use LinkedIn to find candidates, making it the most popular social media used for this purpose. So, if that job description is out of date or your photo is the one you took way back in your college dorms, you should definitely be serious about updating your profile. To ensure it stands out to recruiters, we spoke to career experts about the changes you can make:

1.Use a professional picture

The number one thing every profile needs is a good picture. “Recruiters, connections, and hiring managers all prefer LinkedIn profiles with a photo,” says Caitlin Proctor, a career expert at ZipJob, a professional resume writing and editing service. “Pick one that looks how you would look like when walking into an interview, and have someone else take it for you.” When choosing which one to use, focus on which appears the most professional and approachable.

2. Customize your headline and profile background

LinkedIn assigns both of them automatically: your latest position fills in your headline, and a blue background that looks like a constellation is set to anyone that doesn't create their own. While this may be all you need, having a specific, eye-catching headline and background can attract recruiters to your profile.

“You want a customized headline that quickly tells someone who you are, and what you specialize in,” says Jenny Foss, a recruiter, job search strategist, and founder of career blog JobJenny. "And a lot of people don't even realize you can customize your background, but you can and you should." Not only does this set you apart, but it provides you the opportunity to give recruiters a further sense of who you are. "I'd make the most of it. It's valuable real estate!”

3. Make your summary short and enticing

“It's really important to have a well-thought-out and not oppressively long summary on LinkedIn,” says Foss. “Everyone is skimming, so they may not scroll all the way through your profile.” She recommends clearly introducing yourself in the first person with an overview of what you bring to the table.

If you’re unsure what points to mention, Diane Domeyer, executive director for The Creative Group, a creative and marketing staffing agency, explains it well: “This section, front-and-center under your headshot, is an opportunity to share your career story. If your LinkedIn profile is a digital resume, the summary is your cover letter.”

4.Keep everything up to date

It’s all well and good to set up your LinkedIn and make it look great but, if you don’t add in new information as it becomes relevant, then it’s all for naught. “Too often, people forget to keep their profile updated,” says Domeyer. To stay relevant within the platorm, "keep your profile fresh and be active on it.” Maybe you've had the same job for years, but did you win an award, take on an additional responsibility, completed a certificate, or learned a new skill? Add those to your profile.

5. Showcase your portfolio

Add any work you’ve done that can be easily displayed on the platform. “People tend to skip the Featured section where users can post sample work, articles and links, which is especially important if you’re a creative professional,” says Domeyer. "Take advantage of this opportunity to build your online portfolio." Even if you were quoted in an article or used as a source, it’s worth adding the media it was used for onto your profile.

6. Improve your profile's URL

While it may not seem like much, your URL is what recruiters use to look at your LinkedIn. Proctor recommends changing it from a mix of names and numbers to a smooth and concise link. If your name by itself is taken, or very common, add your degree, location or industry as well. This small move shows you took the extra time to clean up every aspect of your profile, not just the obvious parts.

7. Integrate keywords to become more relevant

When recruiters are searching for potential candidates, they often use keywords to find related profiles. This is a great way to increase the chances of your profile being found. “You want to integrate keywords throughout your profile," says Proctor. "Your headline, about section, work experience, and skills section are all great places for these. Look at current job descriptions in your field to find out what keywords you should use.” These keywords will be very similar, if not the same, to those you integrate into your actual resume.

8. Explicitly say you're job seeking

There may be other reasons why you haven't heard back from a job application, but sometimes you just come accross as unavailable at LinkedIn. Foss suggests to take advantage of the Open Candidate feature, which allows you to alert recruiters who are using LinkedIn Premium Recruiter. "Let them know that you're interested in being contacted, and spell out what types of roles you'd like to hear about,” she says. While recruiters at your own company are unable to see if you’ve activated the feature, any outside recruiting agencies will be able to see it. But consider this: if you don’t want to disclose job searching to your current company, best to leave this off.

9. Have (and give!) recommendations

While it may feel awkward to do so, Proctor suggests asking for recommendations to highlight on your profile and vouch for others on theirs. “Seeing what other people have to say about you is useful, like a 5-star review,” says Proctor. “What you have to say about other people is even more powerful, because it reveals what you notice and appreciate in others.” Reach out to someone you’ve worked with and ask if they want to swap public recommendations with you for LinkedIn—it’s a win-win.

10.Interact with your connections more often

Instead of spending all your free time scrolling through Instagram or Twitter, why not go on LinkedIn? “Spending a few minutes on LinkedIn a couple of times a week, commenting on people's posts, congratulating for new jobs or work anniversaries, or sharing articles you find interesting, keeps you front and center with your network without having to leave your desk,” says Foss. After all, LinkedIn is a social media platform, so there's no harm in treating it like such.
