

Nicole Goodkind 2020-03-17




长期以来,拜登一直都有一些财力雄厚的企业高管支持,比如美国前商务部长佩妮·普利茨克和Avenue Capital Group的马克·拉斯里。但自超级星期二以来,他又收割了一批新的超级拥护者。债券公司Garcia Hamilton & Associates执行合伙人吉尔伯特·安德鲁·加西亚之前支持另一位总统竞选候选人迈克·布隆伯格,现在他说他“百分百支持拜登”——就像前纽约市长一样。布隆伯格已承诺将在财力上鼎力支持他的老对手,据悉他计划成立一个新组织,帮助拜登拿下六个主要的州战场——并最终与现任总统唐纳德·特朗普一决高下。

在超级星期二,拜登在各州的广告投放预算只有区区340万美元,与桑德斯的1850万美元不可同日而语。预计他将利用新募得的资金在几个关键州进一步招兵买马,同时增加广告投放,继续为自己的竞选造势。从数据来看的确如此,来自Advertising Analytics的数据显示,随着募资额的激增,拜登在俄亥俄、佛罗里达、密歇根等州追加了1030万美元的电视广告投入,超过了桑德斯的开支。


与此同时,桑德斯的竞选团队表示,他们不会被拜登日渐庞大的竞选资金所吓倒。他们的数字筹款总监罗宾·柯伦说道, “桑德斯不会把时间都用于举办盛大的筹款活动,向亿万富翁们要钱。”






这篇文章的另一个版本发表在《财富》2020年4月刊上,标题是“In the Money”。





长期以来,拜登一直都有一些财力雄厚的企业高管支持,比如美国前商务部长佩妮·普利茨克和Avenue Capital Group的马克·拉斯里。但自超级星期二以来,他又收割了一批新的超级拥护者。债券公司Garcia Hamilton & Associates执行合伙人吉尔伯特·安德鲁·加西亚之前支持另一位总统竞选候选人迈克·布隆伯格,现在他说他“百分百支持拜登”——就像前纽约市长一样。布隆伯格已承诺将在财力上鼎力支持他的老对手,据悉他计划成立一个新组织,帮助拜登拿下六个主要的州战场——并最终与现任总统唐纳德·特朗普一决高下。

在超级星期二,拜登在各州的广告投放预算只有区区340万美元,与桑德斯的1850万美元不可同日而语。预计他将利用新募得的资金在几个关键州进一步招兵买马,同时增加广告投放,继续为自己的竞选造势。从数据来看的确如此,来自Advertising Analytics的数据显示,随着募资额的激增,拜登在俄亥俄、佛罗里达、密歇根等州追加了1030万美元的电视广告投入,超过了桑德斯的开支。


与此同时,桑德斯的竞选团队表示,他们不会被拜登日渐庞大的竞选资金所吓倒。他们的数字筹款总监罗宾·柯伦说道, “桑德斯不会把时间都用于举办盛大的筹款活动,向亿万富翁们要钱。”






这篇文章的另一个版本发表在《财富》2020年4月刊上,标题是“In the Money”。


Joe Biden’s surprise Super Tuesday win—followed closely by his decisive primary victories in states like Michigan and Missouri on March 10—jabbed his floundering campaign with a shot of adrenaline, vaulting him ahead in the polls and the delegate count. But as dramatic as those gains may be, they pale in comparison to what the triumph is poised to do to his campaign coffers.

At the end of 2019, it took the Biden campaign a full three months to drum up about $22 million, a figure that put him squarely behind Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Mayor Pete Buttigieg. In the week following his 10-state victory, Biden brought in the same sum in just five days.

“It’s an avalanche now,” says John Morgan, an attorney and top bundler for Biden, of the incoming interest in backing the former Veep. The question has gone from, Will there be enough cash to get through the month? to “Will there enough time in the day to go to all of these fundraising events?” says Morgan. “Everyone is clamoring to hold them.” (The Biden campaign did not respond to requests for an interview.)

Biden has long had the backing of some deep-pocketed execs, such as former U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker and Avenue Capital Group’s Marc Lasry. But in the days since Super Tuesday he’s attracted new ones. Gilbert Andrew Garcia, managing partner of bond firm Garcia Hamilton & Associates and former supporter of Mike Bloomberg's presidential campaign, says he’s now “100% behind Joe”—as is the ex New York City mayor himself. Bloomberg has pledged to throw his financial might behind his old rival and reportedly plans to create a new organization to help Biden win in six primary battleground states—and eventually take on President Donald Trump.

Biden, who had just $3.4 million to spend on ads in Super Tuesday states—as compared with Sanders’ $18.5 million—is expected to use his newfound cash to boost staffing in key states and up his ad profile. Indeed, after his initial surge Biden invested an additional $10.3 million in TV spots in states like Ohio, Florida, and Michigan, outspending the Sanders campaign, according to data from Advertising Analytics.

Another likely budget line: aiding down-ballot congressional races, says Lawrence Norden, director of the Brennan Center’s electoral reform program. Part of Biden’s appeal is his promise to hold the House and turn the Senate blue, so backing those races is essential to buttressing his support.

Team Sanders, meanwhile, says it’s not cowed by Biden’s growing war chest. “Bernie doesn’t spend his time holding fancy fundraising events to ask billionaires for money,” says digital fundraising director Robin Curran.

Of course, if Biden’s bid to land the nomination is successful, he’ll face the President—and the roughly $93 million the Trump campaign had on hand at the beginning of the year. Time will tell if Biden’s bankrollers are ready to go dollar-for-dollar with the power of the presidential purse. 

Big Number

$22 Million

Biden’s five-day fund¬raising total after Super Tuesday; last year he raised the same amount over three months

Sources: Biden campaign; FEC

A version of this article appears in the April 2020 issue of Fortune with the headline "In the Money."
