




技术达人们将新一代互联网简称为Web3,或Web 3.0。而我们现在的互联网世界被称作Web 2.0,简单易操作,基于应用程序运转。通过互联网,我们可以和朋友、同事聊天;购买日用品、服装;阅读新闻和消息等。然而,在当今的Web 2.0时代,人们的网络生活正在被若干身价上万亿美元的互联网巨头所控制,比如苹果、Facebook、亚马逊和谷歌。

Web3的发展前景始于将互联网运行方式去中心化,并把一部分权力还给互联网用户。以太坊联合创始人、计算机科学家加文·伍德(Gavin Wood),以及与他志同道合的从业者们表示,他们的梦想是,让新的社交媒体平台、搜索数据库、银行和电子商务网站取代目前的科技公司巨头,成为互联网发展的新常态。关键是,这些新公司不会依靠某几个公司私有的加密算法运行,而是以区块链为运行的基础。像比特币等加密货币,就是依靠区块链存在和发展的。


Dapper Labs是非同质化代币(NFT)领域中最知名的公司之一,其首席技术官迪特尔•雪莉(Dieter Shirley)此前曾对《财富》杂志表示,区块链平台并不是专属于某些人的。


据《纽约时报》报道,虽然Web3的概念听起来天马行空,但其确已引起了风险投资者的兴趣。仅今年一年,他们就向加密货币等区块链项目投入了超过270亿美元。同时,Web3也引起了科技巨头们的注意,这些大公司的参与可能会改变Web3的初衷。最近,马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)将Facebook更名为Meta,他希望其能走在Web3时代的发展前沿。

扎克伯格说:“人们之间的互动、联系和沟通将自然而然地发展到下一个阶段,即利用NFT, Web3和元宇宙作为交流的平台。”


埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)则把Web3看作一种虚伪的假象。他上周在推特上说,Web 3.0“听起来像胡扯。”他还认为,关于Web 3.0的炒作“比99年还要疯狂”,即90年代互联网泡沫经济和随后的泡沫破裂现象。


年轻的创业者们正试图使其更加面向大众。加文·伍德(Gavin Wood)创立了Web3基金会,此基金会正致力于为基于区块链的产品创建一套标准化法规和管理原则。Dapper Labs等公司也在开发基于NFC的卡片交换游戏,如NBA Top Shot和CryptoKitties,以吸引用户使用区块链技术和数字钱包。

今年早些时候,Dapper Labs创始人兼首席执行官罗厄姆•加雷格兹卢(Roham Gharegozlou)在接受《财富》杂志采访时表示:“除Web 2.0外,人们甚至不知道还有其他的选择。”


“人们需要做的就只是在复选框里打钩,点击‘确认’。我们生活的世界就是这样子,” 加雷格兹卢说。“人们从未有过选择的余地——所以现在我们正在努力,去创造一种新的可能。”(财富中文网)



技术达人们将新一代互联网简称为Web3,或Web 3.0。而我们现在的互联网世界被称作Web 2.0,简单易操作,基于应用程序运转。通过互联网,我们可以和朋友、同事聊天;购买日用品、服装;阅读新闻和消息等。然而,在当今的Web 2.0时代,人们的网络生活正在被若干身价上万亿美元的互联网巨头所控制,比如苹果、Facebook、亚马逊和谷歌。

Web3的发展前景始于将互联网运行方式去中心化,并把一部分权力还给互联网用户。以太坊联合创始人、计算机科学家加文·伍德(Gavin Wood),以及与他志同道合的从业者们表示,他们的梦想是,让新的社交媒体平台、搜索数据库、银行和电子商务网站取代目前的科技公司巨头,成为互联网发展的新常态。关键是,这些新公司不会依靠某几个公司私有的加密算法运行,而是以区块链为运行的基础。像比特币等加密货币,就是依靠区块链存在和发展的。


Dapper Labs是非同质化代币(NFT)领域中最知名的公司之一,其首席技术官迪特尔•雪莉(Dieter Shirley)此前曾对《财富》杂志表示,区块链平台并不是专属于某些人的。


据《纽约时报》报道,虽然Web3的概念听起来天马行空,但其确已引起了风险投资者的兴趣。仅今年一年,他们就向加密货币等区块链项目投入了超过270亿美元。同时,Web3也引起了科技巨头们的注意,这些大公司的参与可能会改变Web3的初衷。最近,马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)将Facebook更名为Meta,他希望其能走在Web3时代的发展前沿。

扎克伯格说:“人们之间的互动、联系和沟通将自然而然地发展到下一个阶段,即利用NFT, Web3和元宇宙作为交流的平台。”


埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)则把Web3看作一种虚伪的假象。他上周在推特上说,Web 3.0“听起来像胡扯。”他还认为,关于Web 3.0的炒作“比99年还要疯狂”,即90年代互联网泡沫经济和随后的泡沫破裂现象。


年轻的创业者们正试图使其更加面向大众。加文·伍德(Gavin Wood)创立了Web3基金会,此基金会正致力于为基于区块链的产品创建一套标准化法规和管理原则。Dapper Labs等公司也在开发基于NFC的卡片交换游戏,如NBA Top Shot和CryptoKitties,以吸引用户使用区块链技术和数字钱包。

今年早些时候,Dapper Labs创始人兼首席执行官罗厄姆•加雷格兹卢(Roham Gharegozlou)在接受《财富》杂志采访时表示:“除Web 2.0外,人们甚至不知道还有其他的选择。”


“人们需要做的就只是在复选框里打钩,点击‘确认’。我们生活的世界就是这样子,” 加雷格兹卢说。“人们从未有过选择的余地——所以现在我们正在努力,去创造一种新的可能。”(财富中文网)

There’s nothing that the techies and crypto kings of Silicon Valley love more than a good buzzword, and they’ve got a new one going around that’s picking up steam: Web3.

So what exactly does it mean? Is it akin to the meaningless “synergies” and “learnings” that make up the lexicon of corporatese, or is there some actual heft to the concept?

Web3, or Web 3.0, is shorthand for what some tech people believe the next iteration of the internet will look like. We’re currently living in a Web 2.0 world, which is app-based and easy to use. We can talk to our friends and coworkers, purchase our groceries and clothing, and get our news. But in Web 2.0, our online lives are currently ruled by trillion-dollar companies like Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Google.

The promise of Web3 began as a way to decentralize how we function on the web and put some of that power back into the hands of users. The dream, according to people like Gavin Wood, the computer scientist who cofounded Ethereum, is that new social media platforms, search databases, and banking and e-commerce sites will replace the current major tech companies, becoming the new normal. Most important, instead of being powered by proprietary and secretive corporate algorithms, these new companies would run on blockchains, the systems upon which cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are built.

The mechanics of blockchains prevent corporations from keeping proprietary data hidden, they are unable to block third-party sites, and the software is open source.

These blockchain platforms don’t belong to anyone, Dieter Shirley, the CTO of Dapper Labs, one of the largest companies in the NFT space, previously told Fortune.

“There is no single company…that can pull the plug,” he said. “It’s not about opening borders, it’s about creating a new realm where there are no borders to begin with. Where the core rules are securely baked into the system, and its operation is fully verifiable and predictable.”

Although that might sound like a fantasy, the concept of Web3 has certainly caught the eye of venture capitalists, who have put more than $27 billion into blockchain projects like crypto just this year, the New York Times reported. It has also, however, caught the eye of Big Tech titans, whose involvement might negate the ideals on which it was founded. Mark Zuckerberg recently rebranded Facebook as Meta, a company that he hopes will be at the forefront of Web3.

“Just like NFTs, Web3 and metaverse platforms are the next natural progression in how we interact, relate, and communicate with each other,” Zuckerberg said.

But Web3 skeptics argue that it’s difficult to bust open a potential monopoly like Facebook when Facebook is the one leading the way.

Elon Musk has called out these hypocrisies. Web 3.0, he tweeted last week, “sounds like bs.” The hype surrounding it, he said, is “nuttier than ’99,” a reference to the dotcom boom and subsequent bust of the 1990s.

Right now Web3 does exist, but it exists largely in the crypto universe that involves digital currencies and the exchange of NFTs, and isn’t widely accessible to the average internet user.

Young entrepreneurs are trying to change that. The Web3 Foundation, founded by Wood, is working on creating a set of standardized regulations and governing principles for blockchain-based products. Companies like Dapper Labs are also creating NFT-based card exchange games like NBA Top Shot and CryptoKitties, in a bid to get users on board with blockchain technology and digital wallets.

“People don’t even know the alternative,” Roham Gharegozlou, the founder and CEO of Dapper Labs, told Fortune earlier this year, referring to Web 2.0.

The current crop of developers came up learning there was only one way to write an app, and that paying a “tax” to Apple or Google was inevitable, he said. Consumers don’t know where their data is going, either.

“You just press checkboxes, you press ‘Accept.’ That’s the world we live in,” says Gharegozlou. “No one has provided an alternative—that’s what we’re trying to make.”
