

Adrian Croft 2021-07-16



“侧载”是指从官方的应用商店——比如iPhone搭载的苹果应用商店(App Store),以及使用谷歌安卓(Android)移动操作系统的手机搭载的Google Play商店——以外的来源下载和安装应用程序。





苹果的首席执行官蒂姆•库克在今年6月警告称,欧盟(European Union)一项旨在增强网络竞争的拟议法律要求苹果允许iPhone用户通过“侧载”来安装应用程序。在他看来,此举将招致无穷无尽的麻烦。库克在法国VivaTech科技大会上发布演讲时指出:“这将破坏iPhone的安全性,以及我们在应用商店中构建的诸多隐私保护措施。”











苹果的应用商店和Google Play已经成为苹果和谷歌母公司Alphabet的摇钱树,因为这两家科技巨头都对利用各自商店销售的应用程序,以及用户在应用程序内购买的项目收取费用。根据应用程序市场情报公司Sensor Tower的数据,今年上半年,苹果应用商店将从应用程序内购买、订阅和付费应用等方面产生415亿美元的全球消费支出,而Google Play则为234亿美元。


上周,美国数十个州向谷歌发起诉讼,指控该公司滥用其对那些通过Google Play商店发布应用程序的开发者的权力。

谷歌的公共政策高级总监威尔逊•怀特发表博文,对这些指控提出异议。他说:“如果你在Google Play中没有找到你要找的应用程序,你完全能够选择从竞争对手的应用商店或直接从开发者的网站上下载。”

美国国会去年发布的数字市场竞争状况调查报告指出,鉴于苹果应用商店和Google Play是占主导地位的分销渠道,再加上苹果和谷歌还在开发自己的应用程序,这可能会扭曲竞争,伤害开发者,并导致应用商店运营商优待自家的应用程序。


今年6月,美国众议院司法委员会(House Judiciary Committee)通过了一项旨在遏制科技巨头主导地位的立法,其措施包括要求苹果允许iPhone用户侧载应用程序。该法案目前正等待众议院全院进行辩论。

此外,苹果和谷歌还与《堡垒之夜》(Fortnite)的开发者Epic Games公司就应用程序付费问题发生了争执。去年8月,在Epic允许手机用户直接向它付款购买游戏内的虚拟物品之后,苹果和谷歌将这款广受欢迎的游戏从各自的应用商店下架。Epic随即提起诉讼,指控这两家公司滥用权力,强迫开发者使用它们的应用程序内支付系统。

苹果方面一直辩称,封锁第三方应用商店是维护隐私、保障安全的必要之举。而Epic Games的诉状则指出,这家iPhone制造商的上述说法只不过是它蓄意阻挠竞争的“借口”而已。美国的地区法官伊冯娜•冈萨雷斯•罗杰斯预计将在未来几个月就该案进行裁决。这份裁决书将对关于侧载和苹果应用商店权势的讨论产生重大影响。(财富中文网)




“侧载”是指从官方的应用商店——比如iPhone搭载的苹果应用商店(App Store),以及使用谷歌安卓(Android)移动操作系统的手机搭载的Google Play商店——以外的来源下载和安装应用程序。





苹果的首席执行官蒂姆•库克在今年6月警告称,欧盟(European Union)一项旨在增强网络竞争的拟议法律要求苹果允许iPhone用户通过“侧载”来安装应用程序。在他看来,此举将招致无穷无尽的麻烦。库克在法国VivaTech科技大会上发布演讲时指出:“这将破坏iPhone的安全性,以及我们在应用商店中构建的诸多隐私保护措施。”











苹果的应用商店和Google Play已经成为苹果和谷歌母公司Alphabet的摇钱树,因为这两家科技巨头都对利用各自商店销售的应用程序,以及用户在应用程序内购买的项目收取费用。根据应用程序市场情报公司Sensor Tower的数据,今年上半年,苹果应用商店将从应用程序内购买、订阅和付费应用等方面产生415亿美元的全球消费支出,而Google Play则为234亿美元。


上周,美国数十个州向谷歌发起诉讼,指控该公司滥用其对那些通过Google Play商店发布应用程序的开发者的权力。

谷歌的公共政策高级总监威尔逊•怀特发表博文,对这些指控提出异议。他说:“如果你在Google Play中没有找到你要找的应用程序,你完全能够选择从竞争对手的应用商店或直接从开发者的网站上下载。”

美国国会去年发布的数字市场竞争状况调查报告指出,鉴于苹果应用商店和Google Play是占主导地位的分销渠道,再加上苹果和谷歌还在开发自己的应用程序,这可能会扭曲竞争,伤害开发者,并导致应用商店运营商优待自家的应用程序。


今年6月,美国众议院司法委员会(House Judiciary Committee)通过了一项旨在遏制科技巨头主导地位的立法,其措施包括要求苹果允许iPhone用户侧载应用程序。该法案目前正等待众议院全院进行辩论。

此外,苹果和谷歌还与《堡垒之夜》(Fortnite)的开发者Epic Games公司就应用程序付费问题发生了争执。去年8月,在Epic允许手机用户直接向它付款购买游戏内的虚拟物品之后,苹果和谷歌将这款广受欢迎的游戏从各自的应用商店下架。Epic随即提起诉讼,指控这两家公司滥用权力,强迫开发者使用它们的应用程序内支付系统。

苹果方面一直辩称,封锁第三方应用商店是维护隐私、保障安全的必要之举。而Epic Games的诉状则指出,这家iPhone制造商的上述说法只不过是它蓄意阻挠竞争的“借口”而已。美国的地区法官伊冯娜•冈萨雷斯•罗杰斯预计将在未来几个月就该案进行裁决。这份裁决书将对关于侧载和苹果应用商店权势的讨论产生重大影响。(财富中文网)


“Sideloading” may seem like an arcane term. But it has become a buzzword in tech circles, going to the heart of debates on security and privacy, and whether Apple and Google wield excessive power over the apps used by billions of mobile phone users.

What is sideloading?

Sideloading means downloading and installing apps from sources other than official app stores like Apple’s App Store on the iPhone or Google Play on phones using Google’s Android mobile operating system.

Apple does its best to stop you from sideloading on the iPhone. It says that downloading apps from other sources risks undermining Apple’s privacy and security safeguards, putting you and your sensitive personal data in the path of scammers and cybercriminals. Android phones let you sideload apps with a few taps in settings. Some makers of Android phones, such as Samsung, also preinstall their own app stores on their phones.

Why does the sideloading debate matter?

It’s central to some of the battles Apple and Google are engaged in with software developers as well as government officials who are looking to rein in Big Tech’s power. Apple and Google collect billions of dollars from their app stores, a revenue stream that could be hit if consumers download apps from elsewhere.

Tim Cook’s warning

Apple CEO Tim Cook warned in June that a proposed European Union law aimed at increasing competition online would require Apple to let iPhone users install apps through sideloading, which he said would invite trouble. “That would destroy the security of the iPhone, and a lot of the privacy initiatives that we’ve built into the App Store,” he said, speaking at France’s VivaTech conference.

Threat to privacy and security?

Apple followed up Cook’s warning by releasing a report filled with dire warnings about the risks of sideloading.

The iPhone maker said it reviewed every app in the App Store to check that each met its standards.

“This process…is designed to protect our users by keeping malware, cybercriminals, and scammers out of the App Store. Apps designed for children must follow strict guidelines around data collection and security designed to keep children safe,” Apple said.

Touting its privacy credentials, Apple said it only collects personal data when it’s necessary to deliver a product or service. Sideloading, it said, would “expose users to scammers who will exploit apps to mislead users, attack iPhone security features, and violate user privacy.”

Apple cited a study that found that devices running on Android had 15 times as many infections from malicious software as the iPhone, partly because Android apps “can be downloaded from just about anywhere.”

Dramatizing the perils of sideloading apps from outside Apple’s ecosphere, the report described a nightmarish day for the fictional John and his 7-year-old daughter, Emma. A game downloaded from a third-party app store sells Emma’s data to data brokers while charging John’s credit card without his consent. Meanwhile, John unwittingly downloads a copycat version of a selfie filter app that threatens to delete all his photos unless he pays a ransom; he goes on to download a pirated fitness app and is unaware he is paying his monthly subscription to scammers.

Is sideloading possible now?

On Android phones, it’s easy to change the settings to allow sideloading. On iPhones, part of what is often called Apple’s “walled garden,” doing so requires more technical know-how. In extreme cases, some users resort to “jailbreaking,” which is like breaking open the iPhone to enable apps to be installed from outside the App Store.

What’s at stake?

The App Store and Google Play have become important money-spinners for Apple and Google parent Alphabet because they both charge fees on apps sold in their stores and on in-app purchases by their users. The App Store will generate $41.5 billion in consumer spending globally from in-app purchases, subscriptions, and premium apps in the first half of this year, compared with $23.4 billion for Google Play, according to app market intelligence firm Sensor Tower.

Legal and regulatory challenges

Dozens of states sued Google last week, alleging that the company abused its power over developers that distribute apps through the Google Play store.

Google’s senior director of public policy, Wilson White, disputed the allegations in a blog, saying: “If you don’t find the app you’re looking for in Google Play, you can choose to download the app from a rival app store or directly from a developer’s website.

The majority staff report on last year’s congressional investigation of competition in digital markets said the App Store and Google Play were dominant distribution channels, and this, coupled with Apple’s and Google’s development of their own apps, could distort competition, hurt developers, and lead to the app store operators giving preference to their own apps.

Apple and Google disagreed with the report.

In June, the House Judiciary Committee passed legislation to curb tech giants’ dominance, including allowing sideloading on iPhones. The bill is now awaiting debate in the full House.

Apple and Google are also locked in a dispute with Fortnite creator Epic Games revolving around payments from apps. Last August, Apple and Google removed the wildly popular Fortnite game from their app stores after Epic let mobile app users pay it directly for in-game purchases. Epic responded by suing Apple and Google, accusing them of abusing their power by forcing developers to use their in-app payment systems.

In its lawsuit against Apple, Epic Games described the iPhone maker’s argument that blocking third-party app stores was necessary to maintain privacy and security safeguards as “a pretext” to prevent competition. U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers’s ruling, expected in coming months, will have a big impact on the debate over sideloading and the App Store’s power.
