

Robert Hackett 2021-05-26

从与Netflix的秘密交易,到对苹果(Apple)首席执行官蒂姆•库克的拷问,再到关于《堡垒之夜》(Fortnite)中的香蕉人要不要穿衣服的讨论,Epic Game诉苹果案在长达三周、近100个小时的庭审之后,终于在5月24日落下帷幕。



首先,冈萨雷斯•罗杰斯法官不太可能颠覆苹果的业务。据《金融时报》(Financial Times)报道,她曾经向Epic的法律顾问提问:“你能够给我找一个迎合你的诉求的反垄断案例吗?强迫一家大公司大幅改变其业务,比如让苹果公司允许在自家设备上安装多个应用商店程序?有得到法院批准的案例吗?”




如果你手握《堡垒之夜》里的“boogie炸弹”指着我的脑袋,质问我的猜测,我会说:苹果将被迫放松对开发商在应用商店中为其他付费方式打广告的禁令。冈萨雷斯•罗杰斯法官在审理过程中曾经暗示过这种可能性,与此前涉及美国运通(American Express)和铁路公司案件的司法判例相类似。

我猜测法院只会将这一调整应用于手机游戏市场——因为这是冈萨雷斯•罗杰斯法官提出的另一个暗示。如此缩小范围的裁决将减少对苹果整体业务的影响,而且或将有助于安抚部分愤怒无比的应用商店开发者——即使其对Match Group、Netflix和Spotify等其他不满的公司,以及无数的小公司,不起任何的安抚作用。



从与Netflix的秘密交易,到对苹果(Apple)首席执行官蒂姆•库克的拷问,再到关于《堡垒之夜》(Fortnite)中的香蕉人要不要穿衣服的讨论,Epic Game诉苹果案在长达三周、近100个小时的庭审之后,终于在5月24日落下帷幕。



首先,冈萨雷斯•罗杰斯法官不太可能颠覆苹果的业务。据《金融时报》(Financial Times)报道,她曾经向Epic的法律顾问提问:“你能够给我找一个迎合你的诉求的反垄断案例吗?强迫一家大公司大幅改变其业务,比如让苹果公司允许在自家设备上安装多个应用商店程序?有得到法院批准的案例吗?”




如果你手握《堡垒之夜》里的“boogie炸弹”指着我的脑袋,质问我的猜测,我会说:苹果将被迫放松对开发商在应用商店中为其他付费方式打广告的禁令。冈萨雷斯•罗杰斯法官在审理过程中曾经暗示过这种可能性,与此前涉及美国运通(American Express)和铁路公司案件的司法判例相类似。

我猜测法院只会将这一调整应用于手机游戏市场——因为这是冈萨雷斯•罗杰斯法官提出的另一个暗示。如此缩小范围的裁决将减少对苹果整体业务的影响,而且或将有助于安抚部分愤怒无比的应用商店开发者——即使其对Match Group、Netflix和Spotify等其他不满的公司,以及无数的小公司,不起任何的安抚作用。



After nearly 100 hours of testimony ranging from secret deal-cutting with Netflix, to grilling Apple CEO Tim Cook, to discussions about a nude banana-man, the three-week-long Epic Games vs. Apple trial hearings concluded on May 24.

The fight erupted in August, when Epic updated the iOS version of Fortnite, its popular video game, with a “hot fix” to route around Apple’s 30% take on in-app payments. At that time, Apple promptly ejected Fortnite from the iPhone app store. Epic filed suit, alleging that Apple was abusing its market power. The two companies have been duking it out ever since, leading up to May 24’s “hot tub” session, which saw a debate-style close to the trial proceedings instead of the usual closing arguments.

While there’s no knowing which way the court will side in the legal spat, U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, who is presiding over the case, has offered some hints about her thinking. She is looking to antitrust case law, and she appears reluctant to hand either Apple or Epic an easy victory.

For one thing, it’s unlikely that Judge Gonzalez Rogers will upend Apple’s business. “Can you find me a single antitrust case where the type of relief you are requesting”—that is, forcing a large company to substantially alter its business; or, specifically, in this case, making Apple host multiple app stores on its devices—"has been granted by a court?” she once asked Epic’s counsel, as reported by the Financial Times.

“It is a pretty significant step that courts haven’t done.”She said.

But Judge Gonzalez Rogers likely won’t let Apple get off scot-free. At one point, she pressed the company on its apparent stranglehold over the app store. “The 30% number has been there since the inception,” she said at one point, referring to Apple’s general cut of digital payments. “If there was real competition, that number would move—and it hasn’t.” (After litigation commenced, Apple reduced the fee for certain transactions to 15%, including for small developers and for subscription revenues that recur after the first year, a move later copied by Google.)

Fundamentally, the question at the heart of the case is how one defines the market in which Apple supposedly competes; it is the classic monopolist’s dilemma. Apple has been trying mightily to persuade everyone that it faces stiff competition from other app stores and device makers, like Google’s Android and Samsung, thereby justifying its app store rent-taking. Epic, meanwhile, has been pulling out all the stops to argue that Apple’s tight grip on the app store is anticompetitive, greedy, and overbearing.

If you held a Fortnite “boogie bomb” to this columnist’s head and asked for his prediction, he would say this: Apple will be forced to ease up on its ban against developers advertising alternative payment options in the app store. It’s a possibility that Judge Gonzalez Rogers has alluded to during the proceedings, and it nods at judicial precedents from earlier cases involving American Express and railroads.

I suspect the court will apply this tweak only to the mobile gaming market, another idea Judge Gonzalez Rogers has floated. Such a narrowed ruling would reduce the impact to Apple’s overall business, and it might help to appease a particularly aggrieved segment of app store developers—even if it offers cold comfort to other discontents, such as Match Group, Netflix, and Spotify, alongside countless smaller fish.

However Judge Gonzalez Rogers rules, one thing is almost certain: Appeals will lengthen the saga.
