

Dana Hull, 彭博社 2021-01-07



Loup Ventures的执行合伙人吉恩•蒙斯特在给客户的信中写道:“好消息是特斯拉的产品得到了消费者的喜爱,坏消息是为了满足市场需求,特斯拉需要迅速完成得克萨斯州奥斯汀和德国勃兰登堡的新厂建设工作。虽然上海工厂的建设看起来并不困难,但提高产量绝非易事,而这也是特斯拉在2021年面临的最重要任务之一。”

无论对马斯克还是特斯拉来说,2020年都是意义非凡的一年。在连续五个季度实现盈利后,特斯拉于去年12月被正式纳入标普500指数(S&P 500 Index)。2020年,特斯拉股价上涨了743%,市值达到6,689亿美元,马斯克也因此而成为全球排名第二位的富豪。马斯克在推特(Twitter)上称赞了自己的团队,还表示,在公司成立之初,他认为特斯拉活下来的几率只有10%。



Wedbush的分析师丹尼尔•艾夫斯在一份报告中写道:“马斯克及他的公司基本实现了其年交付50万辆汽车的目标。过去十个月,在全球消费需求严重萎靡的背景之下,特斯拉Model 3车型的市场需求却依然极为强劲,这对特斯拉公司及看多该公司的人士而言无疑是一大荣耀。”




要想完成既定目标,特斯拉需要在上一季度完成181,000辆汽车的销量,而事实上,该公司不仅达成了这一目标,还有所超越,实际销量较7至9月期间增长达30%。这一成绩在很大程度上要归功于特斯拉中国工厂增产及美国工厂Model Y等新车型产量的提升。

特斯拉称,旗下上海工厂已经开始生产Model Y车型,交付工作预计也将于近日启动。

虽然特斯拉是全球电动汽车市场当之无愧的领导者,但与通用汽车(General Motors Co.)、大众(Volkswagen AG)等老牌车企数以百万计的燃油轿车、卡车销量相比,其交付量依然微不足道。上述两家车企及其他车企计划于未来几年将数十款电动车型推向新生的电动汽车市场。



成立之初,特斯拉凭借Model S轿车和Model X SUV两款小众豪华车型在市场上一战成名。如今,凭借起售价格低于5万美元的Model 3和Model Y两款平价车型,特斯拉吸引了更多消费者的目光。去年9月,马斯克表示,特斯拉计划从2023年开始销售价格为2.5万美元的车型。


2020年12月28日,31岁的药剂师丹妮尔•沃森在推特上说自己刚刚喜提了一辆Model Y。这位南卡罗来纳州格林维尔的居民在一条私信中写道,她是在北卡罗莱纳州的夏洛特接到的这辆车。这一事实表明,特斯拉在美国的品牌影响范围已经远超其诞生地——加利福尼亚州。(财富中文网)





Loup Ventures的执行合伙人吉恩•蒙斯特在给客户的信中写道:“好消息是特斯拉的产品得到了消费者的喜爱,坏消息是为了满足市场需求,特斯拉需要迅速完成得克萨斯州奥斯汀和德国勃兰登堡的新厂建设工作。虽然上海工厂的建设看起来并不困难,但提高产量绝非易事,而这也是特斯拉在2021年面临的最重要任务之一。”

无论对马斯克还是特斯拉来说,2020年都是意义非凡的一年。在连续五个季度实现盈利后,特斯拉于去年12月被正式纳入标普500指数(S&P 500 Index)。2020年,特斯拉股价上涨了743%,市值达到6,689亿美元,马斯克也因此而成为全球排名第二位的富豪。马斯克在推特(Twitter)上称赞了自己的团队,还表示,在公司成立之初,他认为特斯拉活下来的几率只有10%。



Wedbush的分析师丹尼尔•艾夫斯在一份报告中写道:“马斯克及他的公司基本实现了其年交付50万辆汽车的目标。过去十个月,在全球消费需求严重萎靡的背景之下,特斯拉Model 3车型的市场需求却依然极为强劲,这对特斯拉公司及看多该公司的人士而言无疑是一大荣耀。”




要想完成既定目标,特斯拉需要在上一季度完成181,000辆汽车的销量,而事实上,该公司不仅达成了这一目标,还有所超越,实际销量较7至9月期间增长达30%。这一成绩在很大程度上要归功于特斯拉中国工厂增产及美国工厂Model Y等新车型产量的提升。

特斯拉称,旗下上海工厂已经开始生产Model Y车型,交付工作预计也将于近日启动。

虽然特斯拉是全球电动汽车市场当之无愧的领导者,但与通用汽车(General Motors Co.)、大众(Volkswagen AG)等老牌车企数以百万计的燃油轿车、卡车销量相比,其交付量依然微不足道。上述两家车企及其他车企计划于未来几年将数十款电动车型推向新生的电动汽车市场。



成立之初,特斯拉凭借Model S轿车和Model X SUV两款小众豪华车型在市场上一战成名。如今,凭借起售价格低于5万美元的Model 3和Model Y两款平价车型,特斯拉吸引了更多消费者的目光。去年9月,马斯克表示,特斯拉计划从2023年开始销售价格为2.5万美元的车型。


2020年12月28日,31岁的药剂师丹妮尔•沃森在推特上说自己刚刚喜提了一辆Model Y。这位南卡罗来纳州格林维尔的居民在一条私信中写道,她是在北卡罗莱纳州的夏洛特接到的这辆车。这一事实表明,特斯拉在美国的品牌影响范围已经远超其诞生地——加利福尼亚州。(财富中文网)



Tesla came close to meeting its 500,000 vehicle-deliveries goal for 2020, setting the stage for a new year in which it’s expanding in China and poised to open new factories in Texas and Germany.

The electric-car maker said Jan. 2 it handed over 180,570 vehicles in the year’s final three months, the most for any quarter but just 450 vehicles shy of the half-million mark Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk sought for the year. Tesla has been ramping up output of its more mass-market models to meet rising global demand for battery-powered cars, with 2020’s total jumping 36% from the prior year.

“The good news is Tesla has the formula consumers want,” Gene Munster, managing partner at Loup Ventures, wrote to clients. “The bad news is to keep up with this demand, the company needs to quickly build new factories in Austin, Texas, and Brandenburg, Germany. While they made it look easy in Shanghai, ramping production is difficult and will be one of the most important Tesla topics in 2021.”

Musk and Tesla had a remarkable year, with the company joining the S&P 500 Index in December after five consecutive quarters of profit. The shares rallied 743% in 2020, giving the carmaker a $668.9 billion stock-market capitalization. Musk -- who ended the year as the world’s second-richest person -- took to Twitter to praise his team, saying that in its earliest days he thought the carmaker had only a 10% chance of even surviving.

Tesla shares rose 5.2% to $742.55 as of 9:47 a.m. in New York on January 4. The stock closed at a record $705.67 on Dec. 31.

The quarterly delivery figure is widely seen as a barometer of demand for both Tesla’s vehicles and consumer interest in electric vehicles worldwide. The company says its quarterly deliveries statements should be viewed as slightly conservative and that final numbers could vary by 0.5% or more.

“Musk & Co. basically hitting its 500k goal for the year is a major feather in the cap for the company and the bulls as Tesla saw robust Model 3 demand over the last 10 months despite the hurricane-like consumer headwinds seen globally” because of the Covid-19 pandemic, Wedbush analyst Daniel Ives wrote in a report.

“Comfortably exceed”

Tesla had predicted in January 2020 -- before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic -- it would “comfortably exceed” sales of half a million cars. The company said in October it still expected to meet that target despite a temporary shutdown of its factories in the spring, and Musk suggested it was within reach in an internal email sent to employees in December.

Analysts also predicted Tesla would meet its sales goal for the year, which further buoyed the company’s shares in the waning days of 2020. The surge withstood multiple share offerings that could boost the carmaker’s cash balance to around $20 billion.

The company undershot the 181,000-vehicle threshold it needed to clear in the most recent quarter, a 30% jump over the July-September period. The push largely depended on increased output from its China plant and higher output in the U.S. of the newest vehicle in its lineup, the Model Y.

Tesla said Model Y production in Shanghai has begun, with deliveries expected to begin soon.

While Tesla is the clear global market leader, its vehicle deliveries are tiny compared to the millions of gasoline-powered cars and trucks sold by established automakers such as General Motors Co. and Volkswagen AG. Those two carmakers and others are preparing to flood the nascent EV market with dozens of battery-powered models over the coming years.

Quarter-end push

To capitalize on its head start, Tesla is building two new vehicle assembly operations -- the one outside Berlin that could eventually assemble as many as 500,000 cars annually, and the other in Texas that will make the brand’s first pickup. Both are expected to start production later this year, joining its existing vehicle-assembly facilities in Fremont, California, and Shanghai.

Once known for niche luxury models such as its Model S sedan and X sport utility vehicle, Tesla has broadened its appeal with the 3 and Y models priced to start below $50,000. Musk said in September that he plans to start sales of a $25,000 Tesla by 2023.

As usual, Tesla delivered many cars during the quarter’s final days. Musk offered an incentive in the final three days of the year, saying in a tweet that buyers would get three months of an optional driver-assistance tool Tesla calls Full Self-Driving.

Danielle Watson, a 31-year-old pharmacist, tweeted on Dec. 28 that she had just taken delivery of a Model Y. In a private message, the Greenville, South Carolina, resident said she took delivery in Charlotte, North Carolina -- a sign the lure of Tesla’s brand power in the U.S. is growing well beyond its home state of California.
