

Aaron Pressman 2020-11-23



这三家运营商为建设5G网络投入了数百亿美元。理论上,5G网络的下载速度比4G平均下载速度快10至100倍。但这种超快速网络还需要许多年时间才能普及。另外,客户还必须更换支持5G网络的手机,比如起售价700美元的新款iPhone 12手机。虽然消费者不再依赖下载,因为他们可以在移动中在线观看电影和欣赏音乐,但更快的网络速度将支持更多新应用,比如手机虚拟现实游戏和多角度体育赛事直播等。

Opensignal在3月至10月期间的测速结果,只体现了这些运营商部署的速度最快的5G网络形式。这些公司正在安装的5G网络有不同类型,有些网速更快。Opensignal主要测试了速度最快的5G网络版本,这类网络使用高频无线电频段,如28 GHz和2.5 GHz。但这也是最难找到的一种网络,而且在Opensignal测速的五个大城市内,没有充分部署这类快速网络。

威瑞森表示,其在55个城市的部分地区提供高频网络。分析师表示,到目前为止威瑞森的高频网络覆盖了约200万人。T-Mobile表示,其2.5 GHz网络到目前为止覆盖了约3,000万人,其目标是到年底之前覆盖1亿人。美国电话电报公司并未公布其最新的快速5G网络计划,但该公司表示其快速网络覆盖35个城市的部分地区。

美国大部分可用的5G网络都在600 MHz和850 MHz等低频段,这是手机常用的三个频段。三家运营商都表示,他们的“全国”5G网络将采用这种速度较慢的版本。







这三家运营商为建设5G网络投入了数百亿美元。理论上,5G网络的下载速度比4G平均下载速度快10至100倍。但这种超快速网络还需要许多年时间才能普及。另外,客户还必须更换支持5G网络的手机,比如起售价700美元的新款iPhone 12手机。虽然消费者不再依赖下载,因为他们可以在移动中在线观看电影和欣赏音乐,但更快的网络速度将支持更多新应用,比如手机虚拟现实游戏和多角度体育赛事直播等。

Opensignal在3月至10月期间的测速结果,只体现了这些运营商部署的速度最快的5G网络形式。这些公司正在安装的5G网络有不同类型,有些网速更快。Opensignal主要测试了速度最快的5G网络版本,这类网络使用高频无线电频段,如28 GHz和2.5 GHz。但这也是最难找到的一种网络,而且在Opensignal测速的五个大城市内,没有充分部署这类快速网络。

威瑞森表示,其在55个城市的部分地区提供高频网络。分析师表示,到目前为止威瑞森的高频网络覆盖了约200万人。T-Mobile表示,其2.5 GHz网络到目前为止覆盖了约3,000万人,其目标是到年底之前覆盖1亿人。美国电话电报公司并未公布其最新的快速5G网络计划,但该公司表示其快速网络覆盖35个城市的部分地区。

美国大部分可用的5G网络都在600 MHz和850 MHz等低频段,这是手机常用的三个频段。三家运营商都表示,他们的“全国”5G网络将采用这种速度较慢的版本。





Wireless carriers in the middle of rolling out new super-fast 5G networks have focused on densely populated urban areas at the start. So for its latest 5G speed report, network testing firm Opensignal focused on five major cities: Atlanta, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington D.C.

Verizon came out ahead, with an average 5G download speed of 438 megabits per second, fast enough to download a high-definition movie in less than one minute. T-Mobile was second at 226 Mbps, and AT&T finished third at 109 Mbps.

All three carriers are spending tens of billions of dollars to add 5G. But it will take several more years before the superfast technology, which can theoretically offer download speeds 10 to 100 times faster than an average 4G connection, is widely available. And customers must upgrade to 5G compatible phones, like the new iPhone 12 line up, which starts at $700. Although consumers don't rely on downloading much anymore—because they can stream movies and music on the go—the faster connections will eventually enable new applications, like mobile virtual reality games and multi-angle live sports broadcasts.

The Opensignal results, measured from March through October, reflected only the speediest form of 5G that the carriers are deploying. The companies are installing multiple flavors of 5G and some types are faster than others. Opensignal mainly focused on 5G over high-frequency airwave bands, like 28 GHz and 2.5 GHz, the fastest version available. It is also the hardest to find and has not been fully deployed even across the five major cities tested.

Verizon says its high-frequency network is available in parts of 55 cities. Analysts say it covers about 2 million people so far. T-Mobile says its 2.5 GHz network covers about 30 million people so far with a goal of reaching 100 million people by year end. AT&T hasn’t said much about its fast 5G plans lately, but offers coverage in parts of 35 cities.

Most 5G available in the U.S. is in lower frequency bands more typically used by cell phones such as 600 MHz and 850 MHz. The three carriers say they offer "nationwide" 5G coverage via this slower version.

Unsurprisingly, Opensignal's 5G tests that included those bands found slower average speeds in the five cities. For example, T-Mobile's average of 53 Mbps in Washington, where it has not deployed the faster type of 5G, was little faster than its 4G network.

Opensignal collects average download speeds from apps installed on millions of consumers phones, rather than by driving around with its own test phones, as rival Rootmetrics does. The crowd-sourced data provides many more measurements but without the same exact comparability of more planned phone tests.
