

Johan Borge 2016年03月16日



“透视领导力”是《财富》杂志一个在线互动社区,美国创业领域最有思想、最具影响力的商界人士将在此回答关于创业与职业的问题。今天我们的问题是:“向投资人推销创业想法最好的办法是什么?”以下为The Tech Map公司创始人兼CEO约翰·伯格的回答。






Technori和Tech Combustion等聚会组织经常举办各种活动,科技界的创业者不妨抓住这些机会。创业者可以在这类场合向当地社区推销他们的初创公司,表明自己对于联合创始人、技术工作或者投资人的需求。除了这些公关机会,这些活动还能让你推销自己的想法,听取有助于帮助公司发展的反馈意见。


这种周期性项目致力于为初创公司提供发展和扩大业务的短期机会。创业者可以在这里获得指导和不同阶段的融资。此外,在项目周期内,创业者可以在孵化器现场专心开展自己的项目。Techstars、Capital Factory和Y Combinator都是不错的选择。


与孵化器项目类似,天使网络(如Central Texas Angel Network、Silverton Partners和Austin Ventures等)都有融资周期,初创公司在加入之前必须申请。天使网络最终将在一个融资周期内聚集最大数量的初创公司,不过如果没有达到标准也不要灰心。天使投资人可以单独选择投资对象,并对选中的公司进行投资。有的天使网络甚至有导师/办公时间,你可以去推销你的公司,收集反馈和咨询问题。


本文作者约翰·伯格为Tech Map公司的创始人兼CEO。



The Entrepreneur Insider network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in America’s startup scene contribute answers to timely questions about entrepreneurship and careers. Today’s answer to the question “What’s the best way to pitch a startup idea to investors?” is written by Johan Borge, founder and CEO of The Tech Map.

With technology constantly getting faster, it’s no wonder more entrepreneurs are taking a stab at becoming their own boss. And while freedom and flexibility are great, building your own business can make for a challenging road ahead, especially when it’s time to pitch. Do you know how to get in front of the right people to pitch your idea for a shot at making it a reality?

No smart investor will hand over cash until you do more than your basic homework. There’s a due diligence process that individual investors, angel investors, angel networks, and venture capitalists have to follow. They want to see that you have put in the work to flush out details. Business plans, financial projections, and market analysis will help an investor learn more about the industry your startup is looking to break into. No investor will tell you that you have too much information ready about your business.

Investors aren’t as hard to find as you might think. Before you tell me I’m wrong, think of the last time you specifically told someone you were looking for investors. Chances are if you mention to others what you’re looking for, they’ll know someone.

Here are some other ways you can find and get access to investors:

Networking groups

Meetup groups like Technori and Tech Combustionhost events that entrepreneurs in tech, for example, should take advantage of. These events allow companies to pitch their startups to the local community and request anything from cofounders to technical work to investors. Not only are these events great PR for the company, but they also give you the opportunity to pitch and receive feedback to continually help grow your startup.

Incubator programs

These cyclical programs offer startups an intense, short-term opportunity to grow and scale their business. Entrepreneurs get mentoring and various stages of funding, and are typically required to be onsite and work on the project intently for the duration of the program. Techstars, Capital Factory, and Y Combinator are great places to start.

Angel networks

Like incubator programs, angel networks (Central Texas Angel Network, Silverton Partners, andAustin Ventures, for example) have funding cycles and application processes that startups go through before joining. The network will eventually end up with a max number of startups in a funding cycle, but don’t be discouraged if you don’t make the cut. Individual angel investors have the option to independently reach out and make a deal if they so choose. Some angel networks even have mentor/office hours where you can come in and pitch your business, collect feedback, and ask questions.

Nailing the art of pitching is key if startups want to attract investors. Using personal coaches, attendingspeaking classes, and watching other startup pitchescan help you improve your own and better navigate the challenging entrepreneurial road ahead.

Johan Borge is founder and CEO of The Tech Map.

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