






专栏 - 从华尔街到硅谷


Dan Primack 2014年04月09日

Dan Primack专注于报道交易和交易撮合者,从美国金融业到风险投资业均有涉及。此前,Dan是汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)的自由编辑,推出了peHUB.com和peHUB Wire邮件服务。作为一名新闻工作者,Dan还曾在美国马萨诸塞州罗克斯伯里经营一份社区报纸。目前他居住在波士顿附近。
汤姆•柏李赫曾是Zynga 的创始成员,但现在却进入了一个全新的领域,担任Surna公司的CEO,主要面向商业化大麻种植户生产室内气候控制系统。他说,游戏总有玩腻的一天,但大麻却不会。

    六年前,小型初创游戏公司星佳(Zynga)的创业团队成员汤姆•柏李赫还在旧金山福蒙特大街的一间小办公室里工作。柏李赫后来又加入AdExchange和Golden Palace Online Casino等公司,从事软件开发工作。他作为一名机器人工程师的职场经历波澜不惊。2009年,他离开了星佳,在多伦多创办了一家游戏工作室,还曾涉猎酒店行业。

    但如今,柏李赫正在从事一项与之前截然不同的工作:在波士顿以北20英里一家小酒店的宴会厅里,他正在向150位授信投资人解释公司的业务。除了对大麻的共同兴趣外,这些投资人与游戏玩家没有丝毫相似之处。这是ArcView投资者网络(ArcView Investor Network)最近举办的一场展销活动。这个组织的个人投资者每年支付数千美元,了解大麻行业中那些增长迅速的、最热门的公司。

    柏李赫现担任Surna公司(Surna Inc.)首席执行官。这家公司位于科罗拉多州的波尔得,主要面向商业化大麻种植户生产室内气候控制系统。公司之前的名称是Hydro Innovations,后在本周早些时候被OTC上市公司Surna反向收购。








    Six years ago, Tom Bollich was working out of a small office on Vermont Street in San Francisco, as part of the founding team of a small gaming startup called Zynga. It was a natural progression for the onetime robotics engineer, who had gone on to software development jobs at such companies as AdExchange and Golden Palace Online Casino. He left Zynga (ZNGA) in early 2009 to launch a Toronto-based gaming studio, and also to dabble in the restaurant industry.

    Today, however, Bollich is in a very different place: A small hotel ballroom 20 miles north of Boston, explaining his company to a roomful of 150 accredited investors who share little with gamers outside of a common interest in marijuana. This event is the latest pitch session for the ArcView Investor Network, a group of individuals who pay thousands of dollars annually to learn about the hottest companies in the burgeoning cannabis sector.

    Bollich is the chief executive of Surna Inc., a Boulder, Colo.-based maker of indoor climate control systems for commercial marijuana growers. The company previously was known as Hydro Innovations, before being acquired earlier this week by OTC-listed Surna (SRNA) in a reverse merger.

    "This is the next gold rush," says Bollich, in the midst of glad-handing potential customers. "It's kind of like Internet gaming was when Zynga started, except this isn't a hits-driven business. People get tired of games, but I haven't seen many people who get tired of pot."

    Most commercial cannabis growers use their local HVAC supplier in order to keep indoor temperatures and humidity in line. But Surna argues that existing technologies aren't optimized for marijuana crops, are not comprehensive (i.e., temperature and humidity) and that air-chilling systems are not as energy-efficient as their water-chilling products. The company's products run from $1,200 for a small system to nearly half a million dollars for a very large one (Surna isn't disclosing sales information, except to say that it has sold systems valued in the "hundreds of thousands of dollars"). It also installs each of its own systems with full-time Surna employees (of which there are only about a dozen right now).

    "For some reason, most of the companies creating products for growers have focused on lights," Bollich explains. "But that's only part of the equation."

    Surna expects to eventually expand into other industries -- including broader agriculture and server farms -- and to move up from its OTC listing to the NYSE Amex. But, for now, it's working to gain traction in one of America's fastest-growing markets.

    "The cannabis market is only going to get larger and larger as regulations loosen," said an ArcView Investor Network member, after I finished speaking with Bollich. "A company like Surna only needs to worry about execution, not demand."





