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Dan Primack 2013年08月28日

Dan Primack专注于报道交易和交易撮合者,从美国金融业到风险投资业均有涉及。此前,Dan是汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)的自由编辑,推出了peHUB.com和peHUB Wire邮件服务。作为一名新闻工作者,Dan还曾在美国马萨诸塞州罗克斯伯里经营一份社区报纸。目前他居住在波士顿附近。

    Facebook (FB)于2012年5月第一次挂牌交易时,纳斯达克系统失灵了,这是真的。纳斯达克的电子设备不堪重负,结果造成了严重的混乱。纳斯达克最终遭到了美国证券交易委员会(SEC)1000万美元的罚款。这也是该委员会针对这类事件所开出的最高罚单。





    纳斯达克上市业务部的员工这回又能拿什么理由来搪塞?不止是那些超级火爆的股票受到了影响,纳斯达克系统中的每一家公司都未能幸免于难。而这是两年以来的第二次重大技术故障。即便这一次故障得到了解决(截至发稿时,问题已经逐步得到解决),纳斯达克又能拿什么来担保这种故障不会在不久的将来再次出现。难道有关公司愿意冒这种风险,成为第二个Regado Biosciences吗?这家公司昨晚宣布了小规模IPO的定价,但在第一天交易时就发现自己陷入了进退两难的境地。


    When Facebook (FB) first tried to trade as a public company in May 2012, it didn't work. Literally. The NASDAQ machinery was overwhelmed, causing so much chaos that the exchange eventually paid out $10 million in the largest SEC penalty of its kind.

    At the time, some speculated if the Facebook experience would cause future new issuers to choose The New York Stock Exchange. But it didn't come to pass. In fact, NASDAQ actually made up ground.

    Between January 2011 and April 2012, there were 92 NASDAQ IPOs and 119 NYSE IPOs. Between June 2012 and the present, there have been 100 NASDAQ IPOs and 110 NYSE IPOs. In other words, NASDAQ actually has been gaining market share when it comes to number of issuers.

    Seems that companies accepted two arguments being put forth by NASDAQ's (NDAQ) new listings department: (1) The Facebook situation was an anomaly caused by record-breaking volume that would not be applicable to most other listings; and (2) Even if such volume is repeated, we fixed the glitch.

    All of which brings us to today, when NASDAQ's entire system went dark for more than three hours. No trading of Facebook or Apple (AAPL) or Amazon (AMZN). No trading of options. No nothing.

    How on earth are NASDAQ's listings folks supposed to spin this? Every single company on the exchange has been affected, not just the super-popular ones. And this is the second major technical problem in two years. Even if this one is fixed -- and it is beginning to be as of this writing -- what assurances can be made that another isn't just around the corner. Does anyone want to risk becoming the next Regado Biosciences (RGDO), which priced a small IPO last night and found itself stuck in limbo during its first day of trading?

    NASDAQ pulled a rabbit out of its hat once, but this time it will be much more difficult...





