






专栏 - 苹果2_0


Dan Primack 2013年07月19日






    Battery Ventures日前聘请了曾经供职于《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)和《福布斯》(Forbes)的瑞贝卡•巴克曼担任传媒与内容副总裁。与此类似,最近,还有同样曾经供职于《华尔街日报》的本•沃森加盟红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)任内容负责人,前《连线》杂志(Wired)编辑迈克尔•科普兰加盟安德森-霍罗维茨风险投资公司(Andreessen Horowitz)任类似职位。




    Friends and family often ask if I want to become a venture capitalist. After all, I know the business after covering it for more than a decade, and the pay is infinitely better. But the truth is that I enjoy journalism too much, and couldn't stomach having to regularly crush the dreams of aspiring entrepreneurs. So no, I tell them, I'm good.

    What I wonder, however, is if venture capitalists often get asked by their friends and family if they really want to be journalists? You know, if it didn't impact their ability to make payments on the beach house. And the ski house. So many venture capitalists not only blog, but have a deep desire to be considered "thought leaders." Or "influencers," in the LinkedIn (LNKD) parlance.

    There was a time when I criticized this practice, arguing that VCs would best serve their investors by putting down the pens and hitting the pavement. But I was wrong. Blogging helped generate deal-flow, particularly by letting entrepreneurs know that there was someone out there who was thinking about similar stuff. Someone who had money to invest.

    Now, however, venture capitalists are no longer content to publicize their own views. They want their entrepreneurs to be noticed as well. Not for what those entrepreneurs are actually doing, but for what they're thinking.

    Battery Ventures yesterday hired Rebecca Buckman, formerly of The Wall Street Journal andForbes, as vice president of communications and content. This follows fellow WSJ alum Ben Worthen recently joining Sequoia Capital as head of content, and ex-Wired editor Michael Copeland joining Andreessen Horowitz in a similar role.

    These are all new positions, with the ex-journos each expected to spend part of their time helping their firm's entrepreneurs be viewed as thought leaders. Guest posts at the most-read sites, smarter tweets, more meaningful status updates, etc. Let someone else handle the ghosted quotes for press releases about a new product or client win.

    The basic explanation for such hires is that one entrepreneur's insights can have a positive effect on another entrepreneur, thus improving the overall ecosystem. And the stronger the entrepreneurial ecosystem, the better for venture capital returns. It's important math, given that each of these folks is likely being paid at least a couple million dollars (out of management fees) over the life of a fund.

    But let me offer up an alternate theory: VCs are trying to win deals by appealing to entrepreneurial ego.

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