






专栏 - 财富书签


John Capouya 2012年09月05日

《财富》书签(Weekly Read)专栏专门刊载《财富》杂志(Fortune)编辑团队的书评,解读商界及其他领域的新书。我们每周都会选登一篇新的评论。





    在这个奇怪的开篇之后,《梦境:探究陌生的睡眠科学》(Dreamland: Adventures in the Strange Science of Sleep)随即以详实的内容对那些个让人苦恼的8小时进行了引人入胜的探索。我们的问题出在什么地方?大背景是:工业革命和托马斯•爱迪生发明的那个讨厌的电光源搞乱了我们的昼夜节律,以及调节睡眠和许多其他基因功能的激素周期。




    David K. Randall beginsDreamland, his look at our unconscious hours, by recounting the start of his own Z-journey. The author awakes one night lying in the hallway of his Brooklyn apartment, clutching a wounded leg. He'd sleepwalked for the first time and apparently -- he couldn't remember a thing -- his steering wasn't skillful enough to avoid a leg-on collision. He sees a doctor, then stays overnight in a sleep lab, only to be told that the causes of his jaunt are unclear and no treatments can reliably be recommended. Amazed at how little we know for certain in this realm, Randall investigates, and this book is the result.

    It's a natural place to begin, but to this occasional insomniac and, I suspect, others with sleep problems, his misadventure does not impress. He got a boo-boo on his leg? Once? Big sleeping deal. This Randall must be a younger man, I thought, and his author photo seems to bear that out. (He's a senior reporter for Reuters, and Dreamland is his first book.) "Sleep wasn't something that we were supposed to worry about in the first years of the twenty-first century,'' he muses, adding that "the importance of sleep likely hovers somewhere near that of flossing in most of our lives.''

    Really? The stressed-out middle-agers I know are obsessed with the sleep they're not getting, gobbling Lunesta, and spending thousands on fancy mattresses. Our monologues about (lack of) sleep are almost as tedious as our riffs on children and real estate. This preoccupation is what makes Randall's book such a compelling -- and marketable -- idea.

    After this curious opening gambit, Dreamland, subtitled Adventures in the Strange Science of Sleep, turns out to be an engaging, well-reported exploration of those fraught eight hours. What's our problem? Big picture: the Industrial Revolution and Thomas Edison's pesky electric light screwed up our circadian rhythms, the natural, hormonal cycles that regulate sleep and many other genetic functions.

    The brain's tiny and still-a-bit-too-reptilian pineal gland is also to blame. It produces sleep-inducing melatonin when it senses prolonged darkness. However, Randall explains, "abundant white light -- especially white with a slight blue tint that mimics the sky -- can fool the pineal gland into thinking that the sun is still up.'' That means you over there -- yes, you -- clutching that laptop in bed, or watching the tube, or catching a movie on your iPad -- are pushing what the author calls "reverse snooze buttons.''

    These factors help explain why one out of every seven Americans has a long-term sleep disorder. Then there are the short-termers: "Every night, about two of every five adults in the United States have problems falling asleep and staying asleep,'' Randall writes. He describes the resulting, burgeoning field of "fatigue management,'' in the private sector and especially in the U.S. military. Here the story bogs down a bit as Randall piles on too many examples of sleep-deprived soldiers and sailors making fatal errors. He then makes the eye-opening prediction that by 2020 all U.S. soldiers will wear sleep monitors on their wrists: "With a few clicks of a mouse, a commander will know how many hours each person in the unit has slept -- and, by extension, what kind of decisions he or she will likely make.''

    In the most alarming (no pun intended) chapter, the author traces the history of sleeping pills and comes close to accusing Big Pharma of somnolence fraud. Those potent little pills were a $30 billion business in 2010 in the U.S. alone, or slightly more than the global population spends going to the movies every year. In 2010, he notes, a quarter of U.S. adults had prescription sleeping pills in their medicine cabinets. And yet, Randall writes, "a number of studies have shown that drugs like Ambien and Lunesta offer no significant improvement in the quality of sleep … They give only a tiny bit more in the quantity department, too.''

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