






专栏 - 财富书签


劳伦斯•A•阿莫尔 2012年04月11日

《财富》书签(Weekly Read)专栏专门刊载《财富》杂志(Fortune)编辑团队的书评,解读商界及其他领域的新书。我们每周都会选登一篇新的评论。




    在探讨这个主题的时候,我还翻阅了两本信息量丰富、读起来妙趣横生的新书。尽管书名中带有感叹号,但查克•鲁尼恩撰写的《锻炼真讨厌!》(Working Out Sucks!)为那些很难把屁股从沙发上挪开的人提供了一系列可靠的指导性建议。第二本书是《咖啡有益》(Coffee is Good For You),作者罗伯特•J•戴维斯。这本书穿透各种相互冲突的食物信息形成的重重迷雾(事实上,燕麦对身体有益,低脂肪的饼干通常无益),给我们当中的美食家留下了许多可供咀嚼的好东西。


    —劳伦斯•A•阿莫尔是《时代》(Time)、《财富》、《货币》(Money)和《体育画报》 (Sports Illustrated)等杂志个性化内容的副主编。


    Another piece of good advice: Set realistic expectations. "Trying to lose 40 pounds is a little like deciding you're going to go out and make a million dollars," says Dr. Donald Hensrud, one of the Mayo gurus on nutrition and preventive medicine. "Instead, concentrate on losing one pound at a time."

    The book contains detailed instructions on working out, but it also cuts to the critical quick: Choose exercises you enjoy, and focus on how good you feel when you exercise. The authors offer strategies to help quit smoking and manage stress. They cover blood pressure, cholesterol, medications, transplants, and bypasses, along with angina, coronary artery diseases, vascular disorders, arrhythmias, stroke, CPR, and more.

    It's all there, including a chapter with some appetizing, heart-healthy recipes. What's really nice is that every page of Healthy Heart For Life! treats the reader like an adult. Example: "It's okay to give up if you're feeling discouraged. Everyone fails once in a while -- just get back up and don't lose sight of your goals."

    While we're on the subject, I've run across two new paperbacks that are informative and fun to read. Despite the exclamation point in its title, Chuck Runyon's Working Out Sucks! provides a series of solid how-tos for those who find it hard to move their butts off the couch. The second, Coffee is Good For You, by Robert J. Davis, cuts through the maze of conflicting food information (turns out oatmeal is good for you, low-fat cookies usually are not) and leaves the foodies among us with lots of interesting items to chew on.

    However, we wouldn't need to waste valuable time on any of these books if we used a little common sense. A well-known journal recently reported on a 22-year study of the soft-drink habits of 42,880 male health professionals, ages 40 to 75. After adjusting for smoking, exercise, and family history, the researchers found that men who drank one sugar-sweetened drink a day were 20% more likely to have had a heart attack than non-drinkers. Duh? Hate to say it, but it's hard to see why that's breaking news.

    —Lawrence A. Armour is deputy editor of custom content for Fortune, Time, Money and Sports Illustrated.

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