






专栏 - 今日科技速递


JP Mangalindan 2011年12月06日


    * “没错,谷歌公司(Google)很了不起。我想,我们要关注他们所做的一切,向他们学习。不过,人们现在已经在Facebook上分享了很多,也在这个平台上讲述了很多自己的生活经历。所以我们认为,迄今为止,我们在这方面拥有更优秀的工具。”——马克•扎克伯格谈Google+是否会构成威胁(科技网站The Next Web

    * 美国有线电视新闻网财经频道(CNNMoney)报道,Facebook收购了基于地理位置提供服务的移动互联应用程序Gowalla,收购金额没有披露。Gowalla团队中的大部分人将移师Facebook位于帕洛阿尔托的总部。他们将致力于开发这个社交网络平台最近推出的时间轴(Timeline)新功能。【美国有线电视新闻网财经频道(CNNMoney)】

     * Mozilla公司的火狐浏览器(Firefox)在桌面浏览市场的份额不断下滑,在移动浏览器市场的份额也仅有微不足道的1%,它还能有出路吗?这家公司正全力以赴保持竞争力——将移动领域作为优先发展方向,雇佣新的专业人才——但问题是,这些努力足以与谷歌(Google)和苹果(Apple)这样的重量级搜索巨头抗衡吗?【《彭博商业周刊》(Bloomberg Businessweek)】

    * 商业管理软件领袖SAP公司计划以34亿美元收购基于网络的企业软件公司SuccessFactors。这笔交易预计将于明年早些时候完成,大概是在其竞争对手甲骨文公司(Oracle)用14亿美元收购RightNow Technologies公司的两个月后。这家公司的主攻方向是客户服务软件。【《纽约时报》(The New York Times)】

    * 当初可汉学院(Khan Academy,全球化的高校视频教程提供商——译注)的免费在线教育视频首次上线时,萨尔曼•可汉可谓轰动一时。现在,可汉正在将这些视频与学校教程结合起来,希望借此再度掀起一波声势。这个项目将在全美36所学院中开始启动。(《纽约时报》)

    * 传统的游戏公司,如微软(Microsoft)、任天堂(Nintendo)和索尼(Sony)正准备掀起新一轮的游戏硬件热潮,但是新一代游戏是不是其实已经面世了?【《财富》杂志 (Fortune) 】

    * 最近,随着Lady Gaga、贾斯汀•汀布莱克和莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥等名人纷纷加入了投资游戏的队伍,科技网站GigaOm开始探究这种现象仅仅是一时的风潮,还是预示着未来的方向。【科技博客GigaOM(GigaOM)】

    * 认识一下Senzari公司:这家新创公司与在线音乐电台服务提供商潘多拉(Pandora)类似,但却希望能够青出于蓝而胜于蓝。它获得了200万美元的天使投资,能为世界各地的用户提供更多的音乐(它的曲库有1,000万多首歌曲,而潘多拉只有90万首)。目前,Senzari在美国和巴西尚处于测试状态,但正计划向拉美、西班牙和澳大利亚拓展。(科技博客TechCrunch)

   *  管窥Facebook的“开放图谱”,以及为什么这家社交网络公司如此不遗余力地推广“自动分享”功能(也叫“无摩擦分享”)。 (科技博客Robert Scoble/Scobleizer)


    * "Yeah, Google's a great company, and I think we want to look at and learn from everything that they do. But at the same time, people have shared a lot on Facebook and have already told a lot of their life story on Facebook. And we think that we have by far better tools for doing that." -- Mark Zuckerberg on whether Google+ is a threat (The Next Web)

    * CNNMoney reports that Facebookbought the location-based service Gowalla for an undisclosed sum. Most of the Gowalla team will move to Facebook's Palo Alto headquarters to work on the social network's recently-introduced Timeline feature. (CNNMoney)

    * With market share of its desktop browser declining and a tiny 1% share of the mobile browser space, can Mozilla's Firefox browser survive? The company is doing all it can to stay competitive -- making mobile a priority, hiring new talent -- but the question remains whether those efforts will be enough against heavyweight browser competitors like Google (GOOG) and Apple (AAPL). (Bloomberg Businessweek)

    * SAP (SAP) plans to buy the Web-based enterprise software company SuccessFactors for $3.4 billion. The deal is expected to close early next year and comes roughly two months after rival Oracle (ORCL) agreed to purchase RightNow Technologies, a customer service software maker, for $1.4 billion. (The New York Times)

    * Salman Khan made waves when Khan Academy's free online collection of education videos took off. Now, Khan wants to do it again by integrating those videos into the school curriculum, starting 36 institutions around the country. (The New York Times)

    * Traditional game companies like Microsoft (MSFT), Nintendo, and Sony are readying a new wave of gaming hardware, but is next-generation gaming actually already here? (Fortune)

    * With celebrities like Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, and Leonardo DiCaprio getting in on the investing game as of late, GigaOm explores whether we're seeing a fad or the future. (GigaOm)

    * Meet Senzari: a Pandora-like startup with $2 million in angel funding that wants to outperform Pandora itself by offering a wider selection of music (10 million plus vs. Pandora's 900,000) to users around the world. Senzari is currently in private beta in the U.S. and Brazil, but plans to expand to Latin America, Spain, and Australia. (TechCrunch)

    * THE PARTING SHOT: A look at Facebook's "Open Graph" and why the social network is pushing automatic sharing (aka "frictionless sharing") so hard. (Robert Scoble/Scobleizer)





