






专栏 - 苹果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011年06月16日


    针对苹果公司(Apple)开发者大会上传出的消息,公司股价上周末应声收报于325.9美元——创下去年12月以来的新低。我想,我们应该看看上周五的这一股价与华尔街分析师一年前发布的12个月目标股价相比情况如何。那份报告是在苹果公司推出iPhone 4的大会召开之后发布的。


    然而,分析师们当时似乎在市盈率倍数这个他们赖以进行预测的关键数据上出了岔子。为了计算目标股价,他们将苹果公司的预期收入乘以从16到22.5的不同系数。然而当苹果公司的业绩超出预估时,发生了两件事:1)苹果公司的股价飞涨暂告停止;2)分析师调低了苹果的市盈率倍数。在分析发布后的四个财季,苹果收入的增长分别达到了74.6%, 67.5%, 75.2%和92.2%








    从现有记录看,据汤姆森/第一呼叫(Thomson/First Call)公司报道,当前苹果公司12个月目标股价区间为从低位的210美元直至高位的612美元,中位数为450美元。


    When Apple's (AAPL) shares responded to the news out of the company's developers conference by closing the week at $325.90 -- their lowest level since last December -- I thought I'd take a look at how last Friday's stock price compared with the 12-month price targets Wall Street's analysts posted exactly one year earlier, after the conference that introduced the iPhone 4.

    I dug out a dozen analyst's reports issued on June 7 and 8, 2010, expecting to find numbers that were wildly off the mark. To my surprise, the 12-month price targets neatly bracketed the stock's current price. They ranged from a low of $287 to a high of $350, with a mean of $322.33 -- just a few dollars off Friday's close.

    Where the analysts seem to have gone off the rails last year is in the price-to-earnings multiples on which they based their predictions. To calculate their price targets, they multiplied Apple's estimated earnings by factors that ranged from 16 to 22.5. When Apple more than delivered on those estimates -- growing earnings 74.6%, 67.5%, 75.2% and 92.2%, respectively, over the next four quarters -- two things happened: 1) the run on Apple's stock price came to a halt, and 2) the analysts cut their multiples.

    When we asked these 12 analysts to explain the discrepancy, the four who responded all gave the same answer: "multiple compression."

    Take, for example, RBC's Mike Abramsky. His 12-month price target for Apple in June 2010 was $350, based on 22 times Apple's estimated fiscal 2011 earnings. His current 12-month target is $450, based on 11 times earnings.

    "Last year investors were excited about Apple's massive tablet head start and iPhone share gains/market expansion (e.g. the Verizon iPhone)," he wrote by way of explanation. "This year, the multiple has been compressed by the market. Investors appear more restrained than last year, considering the big run in the stock. It reflects market uncertainty regarding what will drive the next leg of growth, how much or not Android will impact Apple, Steve's health, etc. Another reason for the lower multiple is higher cash. It is currently 20% of the stock price vs. 17% 1 year ago."

    Susquehanna's Jeff Fidacaro attributed the sharply reduced multiples to the Street's belief that Apple's quarters of breakneck growth are largely over.

    "My sense is 1) given Apple's success in iPhone and iPad and the law of large numbers, consensus is modeling about a 16-17% revenue growth in FY12 from over 60% in FY11 and 52% in FY10, significant deceleration; 2) investors less willing to give Apple credit for its massive net cash balance; and 3) investor concerns on Steve Jobs's health."

    BCG Partner's Collin Gillis notes that the broader market has also been compressed over the past six months -- by his calculation from 15x to 13.8x -- but that Apple is getting squeezed more than most. Reason: Apple's most recent quarter "was about as good as it gets."

    "A year ago, the iPad was a new source of revenue for Apple," says Gillis. "Growth over zero was tremendous. Now it's not, and revenue growth has to slow down. The stock can still go up, but waiting for a multiple to decompress is like waiting for grass to grow."

    For the record, the current 12-month price targets for Apple, as reported by Thomson/First Call, range from a low of $210 to a high of $612, with a median target of $450.







