

Isaiah Hankel, Entrepreneur 2015年02月09日






    1. 认可胜利。



    2. 不要过于依赖外部认可



    3. 保持压力。




    This post is in partnership with Entrepreneur. The article below was originally published at Entrepreneur.com.

    Entrepreneurs often feel like impostors at their businesses and in their lives because they’re constantly trying to do things they’ve never done before. Every day they’re learning new skills and this can prompt them to feeling like they’re not really qualified to be running their businesses.

    But many people experience impostor syndrome at some point. They persistently see themselves as inadequate or failures despite information indicating that their skills are sufficient or they’re successful.

    Confident entrepreneurs accept their inadequacies. They are simply faking it before they make it and that’s OK. It’s called learning.

    Once business leaders learn to accept this process, their imposter syndrome goes away. Here are 10 other tricks confident entrepreneurs can use to avoid impostor syndrome:

    1. Own the victory.

    Confident entrepreneurs own their accomplishments. The cause of imposter syndrome is an inability to internalize success. Instead, people think they got lucky, slipped in or benefit from an unusual amount of help.

    It takes integrity to own a victory. Sure, you may have been lucky or have had help as a new business owner, but you probably did your part, too. Even if you were just in the right place at the right time, you were still there. Without you, the victory wouldn’t exist.

    2. Don’t rely so much on external validation.

    External validation is a crutch. No one should have more power to make you feel better about yourself than you.

    Sure, it’s fine to feel good when other people compliment you and you should always accept external praise, but don’t overly rely on it.

    3. Keep the pressure on.

    You can’t fight self-doubt with more self-doubt. Too many entrepreneurs make the mistake of combating impostor syndrome by purposefully lowering the bar for themselves.

    These types say things like “Oh, I’m not that good” or “I’ll probably mess up” before daring to take a specific action. Some will even go as far as sabotaging their own performance to fulfill the lower expectations.

    The problem is that trying to take pressure off yourself by pretending to be more of a failure will make you more of a failure. It’s a pitiful cycle. You set the bar lower and lower each time until what you do doesn’t matter at all.

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