

Robert Hackett 2014年10月27日

    19.戴姆勒金融服务(Daimler Financial Services)




    德国汽车公司戴姆勒的金融服务部门——戴姆勒金融服务(Daimler Financial Services)提供很多特色福利:公司餐厅有健康饮食选择、提供瑜伽课程和按摩治疗。该公司还在类似奥斯卡颁奖的年度大会上表彰员工。总裁奖根据每位获奖者定制。获奖的每位员工或每个团队都有个性化的颂词。公司首席执行官克劳斯•恩滕曼表示,“我们拥有并奉行一套核心价值。它们不只是海报口号,更是推动我们业务决策的道义指南。因此,员工知道我们对他们有什么预期,以及他们可以从我们这里获得什么。我们的价值观创造了透明度,并提供了稳定性。此外,我们还要快乐。”

    19. Daimler Financial Services

    Revenue: $19.3 billion

    Headquarters: Stuttgart, Germany

    Employees: 8,107

    Daimler Financial Services, the financial services arm of the German automaker, offers plenty of perks: healthy diet choices at its cafeterias, yoga classes and massage therapy. The company also recognizes employees at an annual award ceremony akin to the Oscars. The President’s Award is custom-designed for each winner. There is also a personalized tribute to each employee or team who wins. Says CEO Klaus Entenmann, “We have and live a set of core values. They’re not just words on a poster, but rather a moral compass that drives our business decisions. As a result, people know what we expect of them and what they can expect from us. Our values create transparency and provide stability. On top of that, we also like to have fun.”

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