

Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2014年07月28日





    零售公司CST Brands的CEO吉姆•鲍尔斯很少在工作中哭泣。在此前供职的一家公司,她曾经负责一笔漫长的交易,与交易对手经过了无数次谈判,最终还是以失败告终。她把书摔在桌子上,说了一些过激的话,然后快步离开会议室。在一个没有人的走廊,她终于放声大哭起来。



    作为非营利机构Food & Friends的执行董事,克雷格•施耐德曼每天接触的都是患有艾滋病、癌症和其他疑难杂症的人,还有为这些人提供食物的员工和志愿者。这份工作并不轻松,有时候会变得情绪化,不过这是好事。




    Then, move on. “Just get over it. Everyone else will forget about it if you forget about it,” Kleiman says.

    That’s good advice if you’re on the receiving end of tears as well. Don’t make a big deal about it, and try to move past the incident.

    The upside to crying

    While no expert would recommend crying as a strategy for career success, there is a silver lining. Tears can be cathartic or a means of clearing the air.

    Kim Bowers, CEO of retailer CST Brands, only rarely has been pushed to the point of crying at work. At a previous company, she was in the middle of a lengthy transaction, going through the umpteenth negotiation session with the counterparty, when she finally lost it. She slammed books, made some intemperate comments, and quickly left the conference room. She sought out an empty corridor where she ultimately burst into tears.

    “It was a buildup of weeks and months. Nothing has ever been as tough,” Bowers recalls. “I envy folks that have the ability to absorb it and move on. Every interaction I have is personal. When they go poorly and I can’t fix it, I don’t like that.”

    She found a quiet place to regain her composure, and the team continued with the discussions. While Bowers would have preferred to have kept her temper, she didn’t dwell on the incident. In fact, the negotiations may even have picked up pace because the outburst brought home to everyone in the room how drawn-out the discussions had become. “It probably helped that I snapped because I was the last person in the room they expected to snap,” she says.

    As executive director of nonprofit Food & Friends, Craig Shniderman works on a daily basis with adults living with AIDS, cancer, and other challenging illnesses, as well as his team of staff and volunteers who provide meals to those individuals. It’s difficult work that sometimes becomes emotional, and that’s a good thing.

    “Sometimes, to tear up is a way of communicating,” Shniderman says, recalling a time when an acquaintance of his needed Food & Friends service—someone in her early 30s, the same age as his own child. “When I thought about that woman, I thought about my own child.”

    Talking to a colleague about the situation, he started to tear up, and he welcomed the experience. “It was actually good because it connected me in a very powerful way to the work I do in my life,” he says.

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