

Patricia Sellers 2014年06月03日


    万豪国际(Marriott International)执行副总裁兼全球首席传讯与公共事务官凯瑟琳•马修斯每年都会在《财富》杂志(Fortune)-美国国务院的全球女性领袖辅导计划中对未来的女性领袖发表讲话。马修斯的讲话总是会赢得很多共鸣,但今年的讲话真正改变了来自尼日利亚一位商界女性的想法。

    聆听马修斯谈论领导力,尼日利亚Rahamaniyya Oil and Gas Ltd.公司政府关系专员佛罗伦斯•奥佐被深深吸引,并由此走到台前,推动领导了一场寻找被博科圣地恐怖团体绑架的尼日利亚女孩的公众运动。上周一,奥佐在《财富》杂志Postcards专栏中刊登的嘉宾文章充满感情地讲述了她学习公众领导力的故事。






    Kathleen Matthews, the EVP & Chief Global Communications & Public Affairs Officer at Marriott International (MAR), speaks every year to the rising-star women in the Fortune-U.S. State Department Global Women's Mentoringprogram. Matthews' message always resonates, but this year it literally transformed the thinking of one businesswoman from Nigeria.

    Listening to Matthews talk about leadership, Florence Ozor, a government relations specialist at Nigeria's Rahamaniyya Oil and Gas Ltd., was riveted enough to come out of her shell and help lead the public campaign to find the Nigerian schoolgirls abducted by the Boko Haram terrorist group. In a Guest Post on Postcards Monday, Ozor told her emotional story about learning to lead publicly.

    For any leader to succeed long-term, Matthews told Ozor and her 22 fellow mentees in theFortune-State Department program, you have to do more than seize the moment: You have to adapt and make changes throughout your career. Matthews, who spent 25 years as a TV reporter in Washington, DC., before she moved to Marriott, followed her own advice and allowed me to share it with you here. Here are Matthews' three basic rules for success that lasts:

    1. Push past fear and embrace change in order to keep growing. Too often women play it safe, rather than stretch past their comfort zone.

    2. You don't want to be a plant with a root system that has outgrown your pot. To flower and bloom, you need to keep "re-potting."

    3. Always be on the lookout for people to replace you when you do move into that bigger pot. This enables you to create a legacy, provide opportunity and pay it forward.

    After 25 years in TV news, I made a career change at age 50 to a corporate communications and public affairs role at a global hospitality company. It was the scariest thing I ever did, and the smartest.

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