

Patricia Sellers 2014年03月17日

    上周是Facebook公司首席营运官谢丽尔•桑德伯格的新书《向前一步》(Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead)出版一周年的日子,而她本人也在推动女性职业发展的事业中更加地挺身向前。她的《向前一步》已经以27种语言售出了160万册,如今又将会新增8种语言的版本(包括阿拉伯语和蒙古语)。4月8日,她的新书《向前一步:毕业生》(Lean In for Graduates)也将正式出版,她还与女童子军组织共同发起一项名为“抵制Bossy”(Ban Bossy)的公共运动,鼓励女孩更加自信地展示自己,改变那些嘲讽贬低女孩上进的人们的观念。

    尽管她身为Facebook公司首席运营官取得了巨大的成就(桑德伯格在最新一期财富“全球最具影响力的商界女性排行榜”上位居第11位),考虑到她的影响力和她女权主义的力量,我们不禁想知道,桑德伯格会怎样看待位居“财富全球最具权势女性排行榜”榜首的通用汽车公司(General Motors)首席执行官玛丽•芭拉的职业生涯?芭拉曾经告诉我们,她从来不会主动寻求提拔或升职。对此,桑德伯格认为,挺身向前并不意味着要求更多,“向前的涵义是要追求你想要或应得的工作,无论这份工作是否是你主动要求的,”她最近对我说。



    芭拉最近亲自出马,痛下狠手解决通用汽车公司此前处理不当的产品召回事件。她在我最近的问答展览中揭示了自己成功的秘诀 :“无论从事什么工作,都要把它当作终身事业,完全驾驭它。” (财富中文网)


    It's a year this week since the launch of Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead, and Facebook COO-turned-author Sheryl Sandberg is leaning in to her career-counsel crusade fiercely. Having sold 1.6 million books in 27 languages, she's now gearing up for printings in eight more languages (including Arabic and Mongolian), preparing to launch a new book called Lean In for Graduates on April 8 and rolling out, with the

    Girl Scouts, a public-service campaign called "Ban Bossy" to urge girls to assert themselves proudly -- and change the ways of anyone who dares deem them too aggressive.

    For all that -- and for her success as Facebook's (FB) COO, by the way – Sandberg placed No. 11 on Fortune's recently released Global Most Powerful Women (MPW) list. Given her clout and the force of her feminism, we wondered: What does Sandberg think of the career approach of Fortune's No. 1 Global MPW, General Motors CEO Mary Barra, who told us that she has never asked for a raise or a promotion?

    Leaning in, Sandberg responds, is not necessarily about asking for more. "Lean In is about getting the jobs you want and deserve, whether you get them by asking or without having to ask," she told me recently.

    She's not talking about clawing your way to the top, of course. But if you work hard, put in extra hours, travel to the point of exhaustion at times, and you work at the right company, you may not have to ask for either a raise or a promotion. "There is no doubt that Mary Barra has been leaning in at GM," Sandberg says.

    So, does Barra think her own behavior -- never asking for a raise or promotion -- is "un-Sandberg-like"? Definitely not. In fact, the GM (GM) chief agrees with Sandberg that women should negotiate for higher pay rather than accept an original offer. Given her own recently disclosed $14.4 million pay package, did Barra negotiate that up from a lower amount? Neither she nor a GM spokesman will say.

    Barra, who lately has been leaning in personally and aggressively to fix GM's mishandled product recall, explained her formula for success in my recent Q&A with her: "Do every job you're in like you're going to do it for the rest of your life and demonstrate that ownership of it."


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