

Anne Vandermey 2013年09月26日


• 目前头衔:COO,赛门铁克

• 上榜时间(排名):2010年(第22位)

吉列成为星巴克(Starbucks)CIO的时候只有31岁。当时,霍华德•舒尔茨刚刚回到这家咖啡业巨头。作为公司最年轻的高管,吉列在提高星巴克的科技水平方面要发挥了重要作用。如今,星巴克连锁店支持手机支付就有他的功劳。此外,吉列是魔兽世界(World of Warcraft)里的高手,曾在大学橄榄球队打球。2012年,吉列离开星巴克,前往百思买(Best Buy)。而在这家面临困境的科技巨头只待了九个月时间,吉列便跳槽到赛门铁克(Symantec)——在这里他将承担更多的责任。

Stephen Gillett

• Current title: COO, Symantec

• Year on list (rank): 2010 (No. 22)

Gillett was just 31 years old when he landed the CIO role at Starbucks. Howard Schultz had recently made his soon-to-be-triumphant return to the coffee giant, and as the company's youngest C-level executive, Gillett would play a big role in making it more tech-savvy. You can thank him for phone-enabled payment at the chain. Gillett, who is also a World of Warcraft ace as well as a former college football player, left Starbucks in 2012 for Best Buy. He stayed at the struggling tech giant for only nine months before decamping for Symantec -- and significantly broader responsibilities.

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