

Jeff DeGraff 2013年09月17日







    记叙文是按顺序组织的一个故事,这种文体其实就是讲述故事的方式。为了形成不同的版本,或是创造新的综合体,可以把故事解构,然后重新组织合成。比如Dos Equis牌啤酒。上世纪70年代,许多美国人要等到上大学才能第一次品尝到这个牌子的啤酒。在美国加州或者墨西哥州,每逢寒假,大家聚会时都会一起喝这种酒。但它算不上什么高端的品牌。后来,从1900年起经营啤酒生意的酒厂Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewery推出了一则“全球最有趣男士”的广告,改变了这个品牌的故事。广告的主人公是007特工詹姆斯•邦德和美国文学家欧内斯特•海明威的合体,广告以时间顺序回放了主人公英勇无畏的举动,显示了他堪称男子汉的种种成就。通过改变叙事体,Dos Equis牌啤酒虽然身处日渐萎缩的市场,却迎来了爆炸式的增长。





    杰夫•德拉格夫是教授、作家、演说家及数百家机构的顾问。了解杰夫的最新动向可关注他的twitter账号 www.twitter.com/JeffDeGraff。

    Analogical Creativity

    Great innovators, from Archimedes in his bathtub to Einstein riding his elevator of relativity, have used analogies to solve complex problems. We use analogies to transfer information that we believe we understand in one domain (the source) to help resolve a challenge in an unfamiliar area (the target). For example, vacuum cleaner design was largely unchanged for nearly a century when inventor James Dyson used a different analogue -- cyclones -- to separate particles through the spinning force of a centrifuge.

    Analogies can be used to disrupt habitual thinking to make way for new ideas. In the same way that an analogy helps us make sense of our experiences by assimilating what we don't know into what we do know, the process also works in reverse. That is, we can take something we believe we know and use an analogy to make it unknown. Artists call this defamilarization. Albert Camus frequently narrated his stories from the point of view of a housefly. Consider what your strategy development process would look like if it were done from the point of view of your children instead of your shareholders or customers.

    Narrative Creativity

    Have you ever heard a child try to get a story straight? Or maybe you have a dear friend who always blows the punch line of a good joke. Both are examples of how hard it is to tell a coherent, meaningful and compelling tale.

    Stories are a complex mash up of characters, actions, plots, description, and grammar. Most importantly, they have a narrative voice -- our voice -- authentic or personified. How we tell the tale can either energize the most mundane anecdote or dampen even the most rousing spellbinder.

    Narrative is a story communicated in sequence. It is how the tale is told. Stories can be readily deconstructed and reconstructed to make different versions or new concoctions. For example, many American's first drank Dos Equis beer in the 1970s during their college years while on winter break in California or Mexico. It wasn't exactly a premium brand. Then the Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewery, which had been in business since 1900, changed the story of the product with an advertising campaign about "The Most Interesting Man in the World." This character was a combination of James Bond and Ernest Hemmingway and the commercials chronicled his manly feats of derring-do. By changing the narrative, Dos Equis experienced explosive growth in a shrinking market.

    Intuitive Creativity

    This is where creativity becomes bigger and possibly beyond us. Intuition is about receiving ideas as much as generating them. There are several methods for freeing and emptying the mind -- meditation, yoga, and chanting to name a few. The basic idea is to distract and relax the mind to create a flow state of consciousness where ideas come easily. Disciples are typically apprenticed by acknowledged gurus and often take years to master these techniques.

    Rabindranath Tagore, the first Asian Nobel Laureate, developed some meditative practices specifically to enhance personal creativity, as did Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the Waldorf education system. The approaches to intuitive creativity are too numerous to chronicle here. They range from autonomic writing to taking mind altering drugs (not recommended).

    You may not be a Shakespeare, Rembrandt, or Leonardo, but you can always work to increase your own creative capacity. All of these approaches are within your power -- you just have to keep trying new things. Remember, a creative life means you make it up as you go along.

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