

Amanda Pouchot 2013年04月15日

    有意思的是,女性实际上在谈判方面优于男性——假若她们是在代表别人进行谈判。“女性代表他人谈判的表现比男性出色14%至23%,”斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)的玛格丽特•尼尔在《向前一步》的讲座中谈到谈判时表示。另一项研究显示,一旦女性希望能在谈判中拿出出色的表现,她们就能轻而易举地就能在谈判中胜过男性对手。


    《女性为什么不主动提要求?》(Why Women Don't Ask)的作者琳达•巴布科克表示,好的谈判通常都以一句话开始,这句话能展示你的语言表达和技能。举例来说:“我不知道处于我这个级别的人是否经常谈判,但我希望你会看到我在这方面的技能,把它看成我给这份工作带来的重要价值。

    Y世代女性可以成功地进行协商。在Levo League网络社区中协商起薪的女性中,约一半人的起薪得到了提高。那些起薪没有获得提高的人也没有被取消录用(这是另外一个常见的担忧)。



    本文作者阿曼达•坡措特与卡洛琳•戈恩共同创立了The Levo League公司。

    Yet, the harsh reality is that if women want to reach equal pay, they can't let the fear of social stigma stop them from asking for a raise.

    Interestingly, women are actually better negotiators than men -- if they're negotiating on behalf of others. "Women outperform men in representational negotiations by 14 to 23 percent," said Margaret Neale of the Stanford Graduate School of Business in her Lean In lecture on negotiation. Another study shows that when women expect to do well in a negotiation, they easily out-negotiate their male counterparts.

(Negotiation) practice makes perfect

    Linda Babcock, author of Why Women Don't Ask, says strong negotiation often begins with a line that explains how the conversation demonstrates your skills. For example: "I don't know how typical it is for people at my level to negotiate, but I'm hopeful you'll see my skill at negotiating as something important that I bring to the job."

    Gen Y women can successfully negotiate. Of the women in the Levo League community who are negotiating their starting salary, about half are getting more money. Those who didn't get a raise did not have their job offers rescinded (another common fear).

    One woman who asked and got rejected didn't let it get her down. "I asked," she said. "I exercised the negotiation muscle. I'm still alive. It was liberating. And the next time won't be as hard."

    To get to pay equity, Gen-Y women need to get comfortable being uncomfortable, and ask for more.

    Amanda Pouchot co-founded The Levo League with Caroline Ghosn.

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