

Deena Shanker 2013年04月07日




    虽然大多数专家告诫人们不要在同事间议论工资问题,但是巴纳德学院(Barnard College)的职业顾问克里斯汀•辛指出“知识就是力量”,同时还介绍了几种方法,在不冒犯他人的前提下讨论这个话题。她建议询问一个部门的薪资范围,而不是某一个人的具体数字。“与回答‘你的薪水是多少’相比,讨论‘薪资范围’让人感觉更自在。”(财富中文网)


    Employers should also keep an eye on market rates to make sure they're not underpaying -- or overpaying -- their talent, says Ceniza-Levine.

    Is it ever a good idea to bring up salary with your colleagues? This question may be even more important for women, whose weekly full-time median income in 2012 was 19.1% lower than their male counterparts, according to a March 2013 IWPR study on the gender wage gap.

    There are more effective ways to boost your salary than by comparing paystubs with coworkers, Rockind says. She and Ceniza-Levine recommend looking at industry averages instead. Websites like Salary.com, Payscale.com, and Glassdoor.com let you peek at analogous compensation scales in your geographical region without having to awkwardly ask people you see everyday. You can also talk to people outside of your office to gather this kind of information. "When we want to uphold our reputation at the company, but we still want to find out if we're making a fair wage, this is a great time to use our networks," Rockind says. Consult with HR professionals and use informational interviews to find out about the going rate for your position.

    Even while most experts advise against having these conversations with coworkers, Christine Shin, a career counselor at Barnard College, notes that "knowledge is power" and offers a few ways to bring the topic up without causing offense. Shin suggests asking about salary ranges within a given department instead of inquiring about specific numbers for individuals. "Saying 'salary range' makes people more comfortable than answering the question, 'What do you make?'"

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