

Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2012年09月26日

    珍妮•西尔斯多弗对各种分心的事情早已司空见惯。这位59岁的政府关系专家在俄亥俄州哥伦布市的全美互惠保险公司(Nationwide Insurance)工作,由于是开放的办公室环境,她想不听到邻近工作间同事的对话都难。



    其它公司的员工只敢偷偷摸摸地玩纸牌游戏或者单词接龙,全美互惠保险公司反而鼓励西尔斯多弗去玩各种益智游戏,因为它们已经成为公司健身计划的组成部分。游戏套装名为“脑力培养方案”(My Brain Solutions),由脑力资源公司(Brain Resources )制作。该软件旨在指导员工如何集中注意力和应对压力,从而提升工作效率和记忆力,增进积极思维,并达成其它增强脑力的目标。




    来自密苏里州堪萨斯城的电子病历提供商塞内公司(Cerner Corporation)也在今年夏天引入了“脑力培养方案”,作为一个试点项目,面向美国国内约9,500名年轻而富进取心的员工提供支持。塞内公司最终可能将该项目提供给全球、包括印度在内的员工。寻求精神卫生保健在印度甚至是相当大的耻辱。



    Jeanne Siersdorfer is no stranger to distraction. The 59-year-old government relations specialist at Nationwide Insurance in Columbus, Ohio works in an open office environment where it's all too easy to latch onto cubicle neighbors' conversations.

    But Siersdorfer has a secret weapon: hours of computer time she's logged balancing a virtual basketball while other objects fly across the computer screen.

    "I catch myself and say, 'focus, focus, focus.' I visualize that crazy basketball and trying to balance it and the next thing I know, I'm back in my zone at work," she says.

    Unlike other office workers who may play solitaire or Words With Friends on the sly, Nationwide actually encourages Siersdorfer to play the basketball game, among others, and has made it a part of its wellness plan. The games, which are produced by a company called Brain Resources and part of a package called My Brain Solutions, aim to teach concentration and stress management techniques to boost executive function and memory, increase positive thinking, and achieve other brain-enhancing goals.

    As more and more jobs rely on knowledge work, creativity, and communication skills, it's not enough to have workers sitting at their desks -- they must also be mentally sharp, emotionally present, and free from distraction. The answer for some: brain training.

    "The brain, we're finding out, is much like muscles in the body. If you exercise it, it gets better. You actually grow neurons," says Gregory Bayer, chief executive of Brain Resources, which created My Brain Solutions. "If you can teach people how to manage those multitasking and stressful environments optimally, you're going to preserve their health."

    My Brain Solutions users begin with an assessment of their brain to provide a baseline along four axes: emotion, thinking, self-regulation, and feeling. Based on the resulting profile, the software suggests specific games to build up the areas of cognitive function that are weakest. The system tracks users' progress, giving points for playing time and badges when users reach milestones.

    Cerner Corporation, an electronic medical records provider based in Kansas City, Mo., introduced My Brain Solutions as a pilot program this summer, aiming to offer support to its young, hard-driving workforce of about 9,500 in the U.S. Cerner may eventually expand the program to its global workforce, including staffers in areas like India, where seeking mental health care comes with a considerable stigma.

    "Usually, people don't engage in this type of activity until they're not functioning well; they're headed toward a diagnosis," says David Nill, vice president and chief medical officer at Cerner. "Brain Resources brought on an ability for consumers to engage any time, any place, on their own terms without having to talk to anybody."

    Over 1,000 Cerner employees signed up for the program within the first two weeks and currently the company has 2,500 users, more than Nill anticipated. It's a key area of interest because behavioral health issues such as depression and anxiety affect 30% of Cerner's employees and family members and cost about $2 million in health expenses. The most expensive cases, which represent about 5% of Cerner's workers, involve stress-related conditions, according to Nill.

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