

Anne Fisher 2012年06月29日

    当前就业市场怪相丛生,其中之一就是:虽然失业率居高不下,在职者也会毫不犹豫地为更好的机会抛弃现职。普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)新近的研究表明,主动离职自2010年来增加了14%,并呈继续上升趋势。根据美国劳工部(the U.S. Department of Labor)的数据,辞职的首要原因是:员工觉得自己的努力没有得到直接上司的认可、欣赏。

    “雇员想知道自己做得好的地方和有待提高的地方,”离职安排和培训业巨头哈里森职业服务公司(Lee Hecht Harrison)的资深副总裁克里斯汀•勒夫朗说。“职业生涯方面的对话对调动员工积极性和挽留员工至关重要。”




    One of the many strange quirks in the current labor market is that, although unemployment is high, people who have jobs are not hesitating to ditch them for a better offer. A new study from PricewaterhouseCoopers says voluntary turnover has increased by 14% since 2010 and is still rising. The No. 1 reason people give for quitting, according to the U.S. Department of Labor: They don't feel that their efforts are recognized or appreciated by their direct bosses.

    "Employees want to know what they are doing well and where they can improve," says Kristen Leverone, a senior vice president at outplacement and coaching giant Lee Hecht Harrison. "Career conversations are critical to engagement and retention."

    The firm did a poll, released last month, showing that 52% of employees say they rarely or never get on-the-spot feedback.

    Leverone acknowledges that managers now are stretched so thin that frequent coaching sessions are tough to fit in. But she says even a two-minute chat, on some kind of regular basis, can help: "Quick check-ins are just as important as full career discussions."

    Or as Razor Suleman puts it: "Think about a football team. During a game, the coach and the quarterback are in constant communication, play by play. What if they only talked once a year? Would they ever win a game?"

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