

COLLEEN LEAHEY 2012年05月24日




    塞莫拉能源公司(Sempra Energy)CEO黛布拉•里德开始读大学选择的是医学预科,但后来她发现,严酷的环境并不适合自己。于是,她选择了商务,但是对于激烈竞争的文化依然没有好感。2008年,她在《纽约时报》(New York Times)上发表的文章中写道:“任何人都有成功的机会。”她在职场中不断晋升,有些男性下属的年纪甚至比她大一倍。她经常问自己:“如果一个24岁的小姑娘对我父亲发号施令,他会有什么反应?”尊重别人是里德职场成功的关键。

Debra L. Reed

Company: Sempra Energy

Fortune 500 rank: 266

    Sempra Energy CEO Debra Reed began her college education as a pre-med student, only to realize the cutthroat environment was not for her. She went into business, keeping her distaste for that kind of competitive culture in mind. "There's room for everyone to be successful," she wrote in the New York Times in 2008. As she climbed the corporate ladder, Reed became the boss of men twice her age. She often asked herself, "How would my father react to having a 24-year-old woman giving him instructions on what to do?" That respect for others was a key component to Reed's rise to the top.

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