

COLLEEN LEAHEY 2012年05月24日




    原强生公司(Johnson & Johnson)高管麦考伊接替钟彬娴,成为雅芳(Avon Products)新任CEO【《财富》500强公司历史上第二次女性之间的交接】。面对这家身陷困境的化妆品公司,麦考伊任重而道远。但正如《财富》杂志高级编辑佩蒂•塞勒斯所说,麦考伊对事业和家庭之间平衡的关注或许正是深陷困境的雅芳所需要的关键要素:“她是一位著名的协作型管理者,经常公开谈论如何平衡职业与家庭,在强生公司时,她就经常鼓励人们要做到两者兼顾……实际上,她的这种工作生活兼顾的经历,也正是她能够入主雅芳的资本。”

Sherilyn McCoy

Company: Avon Products

Fortune 500 rank: 234

    Taking over the troubled beauty icon from Andrea Jung (the second woman-to-woman handoff in Fortune 500 history), former Johnson & Johnson executive McCoy had her work laid out for her at Avon. But, as Fortune editor-at-large Pattie Seller notes, McCoy's focus on work-life balance may be just the key for the struggling Avon. "She is known as a collaborative manager who talks openly about juggling career and family and urges people at J&J to pay attention to both... such work-life experience is practically the price of entry at Avon."

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