

Anne Fisher 2012年01月16日

    啊,一月!一整年的美好时光就在眼前,就算是在当前充满风险的经济形势下,到处也还是洋溢着乐观情绪。“一月刚刚开始,一切目标看起来都可以搞定,”《1%解决方案:让接下来的一个月无与伦比》(The 1% Solution: How to Make Your Next 30 Days the Best Ever)的作者汤姆•康奈兰如是说。

    很好,可现实也无法回避。康奈兰曾为联邦快递(FedEx)、戴尔(Dell)、索尼(Sony)、家得宝(Home Depot)和塔吉特(Target)等大公司提供咨询服务,他发现,下列三大错误是经常妨碍进展的罪魁祸首:

1. 单纯依赖“自我激励”来启动计划



2. 好高骛远、急于求成


    举例来说,倘若某个销售员每打一次推销电话,都将自己敲定买卖的技能改善哪怕1%. 康奈兰指出:“如果某人每天打三个推销电话,每次都实现1%的进步,那只需6个周,这个人的成功率就能翻一番。”



    Oh January, the month when the whole year lies ahead and -- even in this dicey economy -- optimism is at a peak. "Everything you want to accomplish seems doable at the beginning of January," says Tom Connellan, author of The 1% Solution: How to Make Your Next 30 Days the Best Ever.

    Great, but then reality sets in. In his consulting practice with clients like FedEx, Dell, Sony, Home Depot, and Target, Connellan has often seen progress stalled by these three mistakes:

1. Relying on "motivation" to get started

    "It's easy to forget that, while motivation leads to accomplishment, the reverse is equally true," says Connellan. "Achieving even a small step toward a goal motivates people to keep going."

    He points to recent research showing that what motivates employees most is tangible progress. "To create that sense of forward motion, ask everyone under you to make a commitment to improve one small aspect of their job performance -- whether it's making two extra sales calls a week or speeding up a production process by 5% -- within the next 60 to 90 days," he suggests. Approaching big changes in bite-size increments "creates enough momentum," he says, to overcome organizational inertia.

2. Thinking only in big, bold terms

    Connellan says that companies' efforts to create change go astray when "they think only about the Big Goal, not about the stages they will need to pass through along the way. But small incremental changes add up."

    Suppose, for instance, that a salesperson improves his or her closing skills by just 1% on each sales call. "Someone who makes three calls a day, and gets 1% better at each one, will double his or her closing rate in six weeks," Connellan says.

    Or let's say that, in your last performance evaluation, you heard that it would help your team if you could listen better. "The trouble with a goal like that is that it is so nebulous, you won't know when you get there," Connellan says.

    His solution: Start with one of the many books, tapes, or online courses available on how to be a better listener, and "make a list of two, three, or five specific things -- not 10 or 20 -- that you're going to do differently." Then concentrate on those small efforts.

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