

Anne Fisher 2012年01月04日



    • “周五下午2:30,旧金山有多少人在使用Facebook?”——谷歌公司(Google)供应商关系经理面试题。

    • “给你五分钟时间,说点有意思的事来听听。我不会打断你。”——市场营销公司Acosta领导力开发项目面试题。

    • “假设德国人是全世界最高的人,你要如何证明这一点?”——惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)产品营销经理面试题。

    • “给你20个易碎灯泡(这些灯泡到了一定高度就会碎裂)和一栋一百层高的大楼,你如何确定灯泡在什么高度会碎裂?”——高通公司(Qualcomm)工程师面试题。

    • “你对花园小矮人有什么看法?”——“老乔的店”连锁超市(Trader Joe’s)面试题。

    • “圣雄甘地能成为一位优秀的软件工程师吗?”——德勤会计师事务所(Deloitte)分析师面试题。

    • “假设你是业绩最出色的员工,但所有同事都讨厌你;或者业绩排名不那么靠前,但所有同事都喜欢你,你选择做哪一种?”——业务外包解决方案提供商ADP公司内部销售助理面试题。

    • “你如何解决全球饥荒问题?”——亚马逊公司(Amazon)软件开发员面试题。

    • “你热爱生活吗?”——安永会计师事务所(Ernst & Young)税务分析师面试题。

    • “憩室炎(diverticulitis)这个单词如何拼写?”——环境管理咨询公司EMSI Engineering客户经理面试题。

    • “没有订书钉的订书机有哪些用途?请举出5个例子。”——易唯思咨询公司(EvaluServe)商业分析师面试题。

    • “达拉斯或者沃斯堡居民2008年的汽油消费额是多少?”——美国航空公司(American Airlines)收益经理面试题。

    • “如何把一头大象装进冰箱?”——地平线地产集团(Horizon Group Properties)办公室经理面试题。

    For most of us, coming up with dazzling replies to the perennial standard interview queries -- say, "What's your greatest weakness?" or "Where do you see yourself in five years?" -- is plenty challenging. But what would you say if a hiring manager asked you, "What do you think of garden gnomes?" Or how about: "Would Mahatma Gandhi have made a good software engineer?"

    To find the year's most unusual questions, researchers at career site Glassdoor combed through job seekers' reviews of about 115,000 interviews at more than 26,000 companies. Here is a sampling of what they found:

    • "How many people are using Facebook in San Francisco at 2:30 on a Friday?" — Google (GOOG) (vendor relations manager)

    • "Just entertain me for five minutes. I'm not going to talk." — Acosta (leadership development program associate)

    • "If Germans were the tallest people in the world, how would you prove it?" — Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) (product marketing manager)

    • "Given 20 'destructible' light bulbs (which break at a certain height), and a building with 100 floors, how would you determine the height where the light bulbs break?" — Qualcomm (QCOM) (engineer)

    • "What do you think of garden gnomes?" — Trader Joe's (team member)

    • "Would Mahatma Gandhi have made a good software engineer?" — Deloitte (analyst)

    • "If you could be the #1 employee but have all your coworkers dislike you, or be ranked #15 and have all your coworkers like you, which would you choose?" — ADP (inside sales associate)

    • "How would you cure world hunger?" — Amazon.com (AMZN) (software developer)

    • "Does life fascinate you?" — Ernst & Young (tax analyst)

    • "Please spell 'diverticulitis'." — EMSI Engineering (account manager)

    • "Name five uses of a stapler without staples." — EvaluServe (business analyst)

    • "How much money did residents of Dallas/Fort Worth spend on gasoline in 2008?" — American Airlines (AMR) (revenue manager)

    • "How would you get an elephant into a refrigerator?" — Horizon Group Properties (office manager)

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