

Laura Vanderkam 2011年12月27日


    OFD咨询公司是一家位于弗吉尼亚州的婚礼营销企业。公司业主梅根•伊利去年九月曾与丈夫一起去爱尔兰度假八天。她说:“在度假之前,我会培训我的一位员工,让他变成‘我的代理人’。” 比如代替她回复电子邮件,前期接洽潜在客户等等。







    然而,即使你牢牢记住上面提到的所有经验,有一些快乐的企业主会建议说,有些时候只要大胆抽身就好。休假有风险,但经营企业通常也有风险。佩奇•阿洛夫芬是行家大腕咨询和营销公司(Mavens and Moguls)创始人。她在自己40岁生日的时候休了整整一个月的假,呆在海外乡下的一户简朴的农家,上不了网也不能接打手机。她早在数月前就通知了所有人,到时间就出发了。她非常享受这段经历。她和丈夫决定在2012年再用一个月时间前往澳大利亚和新西兰度假。



Get help.

    Meghan Ely, owner of OFD Consulting, a Virginia-based wedding marketing firm, took an eight-day trip to Ireland last September with her husband. "Prior to leaving, I trained one of my staff members essentially how to 'be me,'" she says, answering emails, taking the first few steps with prospects and the like.

    Don't have staff? Doctors cover each other's shifts for vacations, and if you have a colleague you admire and trust, you could try referring work over there during your time off -- particularly if you plan to take a longer leave. You could also ask a trusted friend or family member to check your email and voice mail and call your hotel if anything disastrous happens.

Consider shorter, more frequent breaks.

    Guarav Sharma, who now runs the startup RightBuy.com, used to run a web consulting company. "I took a week off last year and even though I planned it well, a few clients were frustrated," he says, and did not become repeat customers. Now he sticks to long weekends.

    Others squeeze in a week by thinking outside the usual calendar categories. Tim Pacileo, owner of TheBoardRoomAdvisors, a marketing firm, often takes his vacation from, say, Wednesday to Wednesday. If clients think on a weekly cycle, this allows you to never actually skip a week. "It's easier on my customers and doesn't affect my income stream as much," he says.

Schedule short "work breaks" on your vacation.

    Brad Friedman, an attorney who now works in social media marketing, says that "My type-A personality wouldn't possibly let me completely shut down for an entire week." So what he does is "set a schedule before I leave town. That schedule provides me with some time every day, or every other day, to check email and phone messages. I try to limit this 'work time' to no more than an hour a day. Frankly, this tip helps me relax on the vacation much more than if I would try to totally cut myself off from work for a whole week."

    But even keeping all this in mind, happy business owners say that you sometimes just have to go for it. Taking time off is a risk, but so is running a business in general. Paige Arnof-Fenn, founder of the consulting and marketing firm Mavens and Moguls, took a month off for her 40th birthday, staying in a rustic farmhouse overseas that had no Internet access or cell phone reception. She told everyone months ahead of time, and then just went. She enjoyed the experience so much that she and her husband will be taking another month off to go to Australia and New Zealand in 2012.

    "Not a milestone birthday for either of us but just a way to celebrate our lives," she says. She and her husband have lost several relatives in the past few years, and the lesson they are drawing from it is to "not … wait for an excuse to take time off" -- even if it takes some effort to scale back up when you return.

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