

Jena McGregor 2011年10月21日


    经济近于停滞已经长达三年,人们已经做好了接受新挑战和不同职位的准备,或者至少要为自己打下更坚实的基础。据睿仕管理公司(Right Management)的一份调查显示,2011年,约84%的员工计划跳槽,而去年这一比例仅有60%。但由于就业市场并不景气,新的商业创意束之高阁,而且婴儿潮一代也纷纷选择推迟退休,因此,现在要想谋求升职,跟主动辞职没什么两样。



    而电缆供应商考克斯通信公司(Cox Communications)也开始与员工共同讨论横向职业发展路线的价值,并将其纳入正式讨论之中。考克斯公司人力资源与发展副总裁艾琳•韩德表示,公司正在有意识地进行这种转变:“公司将平级跳槽作为一个发展机会,而非一个停滞点,来加以宣传。”




    Five years ago Los Angeles-based headhunter Kirk Hoyle couldn't get candidates' attention unless he dangled a title change, a boost in the number of direct reports, and at least a 15% bump in pay. Today it's a different story: Many executives, he says, are willing to take jobs with similar titles and pay in exchange for little more than a shorter commute or a more stable future. The lateral move, once derided, is getting a second look. "Everyone has a subconscious weakness right now," Hoyle says. "There's a lot of insecurity about the future."

    After three years of near economic standstill, people are ready for new challenges, different responsibilities, or at least more solid footing. According to a poll by the consultants at Right Management, some 84% of employees planned to look for jobs in 2011, up from 60% the year before. But with job growth stagnant, new business ideas on the shelf, and baby boomers choosing not to retire, making a move straight up the chain currently looks about as likely as making a voluntary decision to step down.

    The good news: A lateral move -- if done right -- no longer puts you at risk of hitting a dead end. Conventional wisdom posits that sideways moves are like pressing the pause button on your career, an idea that has stuck around even as organizations grow increasingly flatter. But with the complexities of a global business environment and the economic realities of trying to do more with less, agility is becoming as important as trajectory. As Joanne Cleaver, an author of a forthcoming book about making smart lateral moves, puts it, "Over is the new up."

    Some companies are encouraging lateral moves explicitly. Deloitte has popularized the notion, both in-house and with clients, of a "career lattice" rather than a "career ladder" -- a metaphor for the often sideways or diagonally up-or-down directions in which careers move today. (Cleaver's book addresses a similar topic.) Employee groups at insurance giant Chubb (CB) recently held career workshops that addressed how to make the right kinds of lateral moves.

    And the cable provider Cox Communications has begun talking about the value of sideways career steps as part of formal development discussions with employees. Cox's vice president of talent and development, Erin Hand, says the shift is a conscious one: "Organizations are marketing the lateral move as a development opportunity rather than as a parking spot."

    Figuring out how much your company stands behind such marketing is up to you. Lateral moves may not always carry a stigma these days, but they must still be chosen carefully. Which means doing your homework -- about the company's financial prospects if it's an external move, the true responsibilities of the job, and what the future opportunities really are. That's especially true the more senior you are, says New York City-based career consultant Donna Schwarz. If you make a mistake, she says, "how many more moves do you have left?"

    Most important, whether you're moving across the company or across industries, make sure you're prepared for the cultural differences the new job will probably bring. When Valarie Wilder, a group sales manager for a San Diego resort, decided to move to a more stable property earlier this year, she used LinkedIn (LNKD) to discover that most of the team had been with the resort for years. That was a good sign, but it also prepared her for the culture change: "I knew it could take the staff some time to warm up." While that's true with any job, the greater risk you take on with a lateral move makes that research all the more critical.

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