
EXAMPLE: Personal encouragement, good working conditions, and large financial incentives all contribute to building strong team spirit within a company.鼓励个人发展、良好的工作环境、巨大的财务激励,都有助于打造公司的团队精神。


EXAMPLE: Next year we will double our sales force, and we are confident that this will significantly increase our revenue.明年,我们将把销售队伍的规模翻倍。我们相信,这将显著提高我们的营业收入。


EXAMPLE: Mobile phones have really caught on, and now even my grandmother uses one.手机真的流行起来了,现在就连我的祖母都有一部。

EXAMPLE: Our company invented a popular new communications device, but our competitors are now producing cheaper look-a-like products that some customers prefer.我们公司发明了一款畅销的新通讯产品,但我们的竞争对手正在生产一种更便宜的山寨货,受到了一些客户的喜爱。  2013-09-30
EXAMPLE: When I disagree with my coworkers, I don't beat around the bush, but instead I always tell them what I am thinking.当我与同事有不同意见时,我不会绕圈子,总是把自己的想法告诉他们。  2013-09-22

EXAMPLE: Our products are cheap and popular, and therefore there's a high turnover that results in large and frequent fluctuations in our inventory.我们的产品便宜,很受欢迎,因而周转率高,导致库存周期性的大幅波动。

EXAMPLE: Yesterday I paid a friendly stranger to help me find an apartment, but today I couldn't find him, and I suddenly realized that he was a rip-off artist, which made me feel foolish.昨天,我出钱让一位友善的陌生人帮我找一间公寓,但今天我找不到他了。我突然意识到,这人是个骗子,我觉得自己很傻。  2013-09-17

EXAMPLE: Despite his great wealth, my brother-in-law is a regular guy who is always enthusiastic and fond of telling jokes.我的妻舅虽然非常富有,但很招人喜欢,他总是热情洋溢,还喜欢讲笑话


EXAMPLE: Our hotel staff has high turnover each year because we employ many young people eager to try other hotels in which they believe they may have more opportunities.我们酒店职员每年的流动率很高,因为我们聘用了很多年轻人,他们想去他们认为机会更多的酒店工作


EXAMPLE: Each Monday morning the vice president for sales has a conference call with her sales managers who work in different regions of the country.每周一上午,销售副总裁都要和全国各地区的销售经理开一次电话会议

EXAMPLE: By a show of hands, a majority of the committee members indicated their approval of the new strategic decision.通过举手表决,大多数委员会成员赞同这项新的战略决策。  2013-09-11
EXAMPLE: My favorite basketball team has lost every game so far this year, and I'm starting to think that it's a lost cause.
今年,我最喜欢的篮球队输掉了到目前为止的所有比赛,我开始相信,这支队伍肯定没戏了。  2013-09-10
EXAMPLE: When he's among his nephews, my rich old uncle likes to sound off about how they should run their businesses.我的有钱老叔喜欢对着侄辈们侃侃而谈,谈应该如何管理企业。  2013-09-05
EXAMPLE: My ambitious friend is a young film actor who hopes to make it big someday.我的雄心勃勃的朋友是一位年轻的电影导演,希望有朝一日大获成功。  2013-09-04
EXAMPLE: If you will lend me an ear for a couple minutes, I can tell you how to do your work a bit more efficiently.如果你能聆听我几分钟,我可以告诉你如何提高你的工作效率。  2013-09-03
EXAMPLE: When my father retires from our family's company next year, I will be in the driver's seat, and I will make some changes which will help us become more modern.明年,我父亲将从我们的家族企业退休,由我来掌管大权,我将做出一些变化,让我们更加现代化。  2013-09-02
EXAMPLE: Believing there is safety in numbers, the nervous tourists always walked through the foreign city's unfamiliar neighborhoods in a large group.这些紧张的旅游者认为人多无患,他们总是集结成一支庞大的队伍,穿过这座外国城市的陌生街区。  2013-08-30
EXAMPLE: My elderly father, who often said he would never use a computer, now loves the Internet, and often "Never say never!" is his advice to his friends.我的老爸过去常说他永远不会用电脑,但他现在爱上了互联网。“别把话说死!”是如今他常给朋友们提的建议。  2013-08-29
EXAMPLE: I said "look who's talking! when my lazy son ridiculed his friend for not studying hard at school."当我的懒惰的儿子嘲笑他的朋友学习不用功时,我说:“别光说别人,看看你自己!”  2013-08-28
EXAMPLE: My boss is cool as a cucumber under pressure and never panics or gets upset regardless of whatever happens.我的老板在压力下沉着冷静,不管发生什么都从不惊慌和生气。  2013-08-27

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