

Reuters 2017年07月04日


今年以来,各种传言尘嚣直上,可以说已经到了狂热的地步。据说苹果今年有可能推出三款新iPhone。其中两款产品据说被冠以iPhone 7s和iPhone 7s Plus之名,它们只是在iPhone 7的基础上小幅升级。第三款新产品又被称作iPhone 8或iPhone X(也有可能是另一个全新的名字),它很有可能是一款重大升级的产品。

据称,iPhone 8采用了OLED曲面屏技术。这种显示技术可以带来更高的屏幕分辨率和颜色精准度。它也出现在目前三星的主打机型Galaxy S8上。

但iPhone 8并未止步于此。据报道,苹果还计划使用玻璃作为iPhone 8的主要机身材料。有最新报道显示,苹果已经开发出了一种屏幕下指纹识别技术,就连“黑科技专业户”三星目前也是达不到这种技术的。这意味着苹果可能将在机身正面取消iPhone 8的实体Home键,将其功能转移到屏幕下方,从而使屏幕的面积变得更大。有些报道还表示,iPhone 8的整个正面都被屏幕所覆盖。

这样一来,iPhone 8的显示屏面积就达了5.8寸,显示区域要远大于5.5寸的iPhone 7 Plus。

到目前为止,一向以保密严格著称的苹果公司尚未针对其新机计划发表任何评论,所以所有的报道其实都只是推测。然而目前围绕iPhone 8的传言已经达到了惊人的地步。更重要的是,所有这些报道的消息来源都表示自己了解苹果的新机计划,而且他们对苹果新机的功能描述也基本相同。这表明苹果的新机设计或许已经敲定。

另有报道称,苹果正在考虑推出带有无线充电功能的智能手机。目前,三星等竞争对手已经推出了手机的无线充电功能。据报道,苹果公司也曾考虑过为iPhone 7添加无线充电功能。但等到这款手机去年发布时,该功能却被“阉割”掉了。至于今年苹果即将发布的三款新机是否都有无线充电功能,抑或只有iPhone 8能无线充电,目前仍有争议。当然,苹果依旧是丝毫不肯透露的。

在下半年即将发布的新机上,苹果说不定还要围绕摄像头做些功夫。据媒体报道,标准版的iPhone 7s的背面只搭载了一个摄像头,而苹果计划在iPhone 7s Plus和iPhone 8上采取双摄像头设计。不过iPhone 8的两枚后置摄像头将是垂直排列的,而不是像iPhone 7s Plus那样水平排列。有些专家表示,垂直排列的双摄要比水平排列在成像上稍好一些。




Apple released the first iPhone 10 years ago, and since then the handset has become one of the top-selling gadgets of all time, revolutionizing mobile computing while the company has taken the world by storm. All that success has translated into widespread speculation about the next iPhone and whatApple might have planned for the future.

This year rumors have hit a fever pitch, thanks to speculation that Apple may be planning to unveil three new iPhones. Two of them, believed to be known as the iPhone 7s and iPhone 7s Plus, will offer minor upgrades over last year's models, according to reports. But there's a third in the works, which could be known as the iPhone 8 or iPhone X (or something else entirely) that could deliver major updates.

This most advanced model is said to come with a curved screen featuring organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology. This display technology promises better resolution and more accurate

color representation, and is available currently in Samsung's Galaxy S8 line of devices.

But Apple won't stop there. The company is also reportedly planning a completely new design using glass as its main material. The latest reports suggest Apple has found a way to do something that Samsung has not: placing the handset's fingerprint beneath into the screen. That would mean Apple could move the iPhone 8's home button under the display, eliminating the need for a physical button on the front of the device and allowing for a bigger screen. Some reports have even said that the iPhone 8's entire face will be covered by its screen.

Expanding the surface area for the iPhone could stretch the smartphone's display to 5.8 inches, making it notably larger than the 5.5-inch iPhone 7 Plus.

The notoriously secretive Apple hasn't commented on its iPhone plans for later this year, so all reports should be considered with skepticism. However, the sheer number of rumors stacking up about the iPhone 8 is staggering. And perhaps more importantly, those reports, which all cite sources who claim to have knowledge of the company's plans, are increasingly describing the same features. This suggests Apple might be finalizing its design.

Reports have also said Apple is considering deliver handsets with the wireless-charging option. Several competitors, including Samsung (ssnlf, +11.11%), already offer wireless charging in their devices. However, most reports now say that Apple is planning to catch up to its competitors. Apple did reportedly consider wireless charging for its iPhone 7, but the feature was missing when the phone was unveiled last year. There has been some debate whether all of the three alleged iPhone models coming this year would offer wireless charging, or whether it would just be the iPhone 8. Apple, of course, isn't saying.

Apple may also be planning some camera differences in this the forthcoming iPhone lineup. The standard iPhone 7s will only come with one lens on the back, according to reports, but Apple is planning a dual-lens array on both the iPhone 7s Plus and iPhone 8, the rumor mill claims. However, the iPhone 8's camera array will be vertical, rather than horizontally aligned like in the iPhone 7s Plus. Some experts say a vertical alignment offers a slightly better picture than a horizontal option.

So the last big question is when might Apple unveil its 10th anniversary iPhone? It's hard to say. But most reports peg the announcement at early September.

The iPhone's actual release date is also a moving target. Depending on supply, it's possible customers could get their hands on the smartphone in September. Other reports say Apple's manufacturing partners might need a little more time, and customers won't get the device until October or November.

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