

Erin Griffith 2017年02月12日




最糟糕的是,VR是一种与世隔绝的体验。虽然看着别人第一次玩VR很有喜感(三星在假日季的一则Gear VR的广告就着重描绘了这一点),但二手的VR体验却没有任何乐趣可言。而且VR的这种头盔与耳机结合的模式,也把“低头族”(即沉浸在手机的世界里,忽略了真实世界中的同伴)这种现象上升到了一个新高度。

在最初的惊喜后,VR给人带来的感觉就是不适和淡漠。这种经历也与VR技术的商业轨迹暗合。在几年的大肆宣传后,Facebook的Oculus Rift和HTC的Vive于去年正式上市,却相继经历了出货延迟和订单取消等问题。据收并购咨询机构Digi-Capital公司统计,去年VR头盔及软件的销售额比此前的预期低了29%,仅为27亿美元。有鉴于此,Digi-Capital公司将2021年前VR市场的销售额预期下调至25亿美元。该公司认为,在同一时期,VR技术更为社交化的小兄弟——AR(比如目前极为火爆的捉妖游戏《Pokémon Go》)却有可能产生830亿美元的惊人收益。


作者:Erin Griffith


Virtual reality is greasy. That’s all I could think as I wandered through the vast labyrinth of digital screens—the widest, flattest, clearest, shiniest, newest models in the world—at this year’s CES in Las Vegas. At the sprawling technology trade show, I was eager to sample the latest in VR, a technology that’s been hyped for a generation but remains a novelty to most people. Each headset I tested left me with a distinct urge to rub hand sanitizer all over my face.

Still, the view from inside the virtual world is striking. In one demo I was transfixed by a trio of body-painted Cirque du Soleil contortionists five feet in front of me. I looked to my left and let out a tiny gasp as a tiger waltzed by. Later, I care fully traversed a (real) rope bridge over a (virtual) snowy overpass. I took in the Milky Way while reclining in a $7,000 full-body massage chair. (I endure these hardships for you, dear reader.) On the CES show floor, long lines formed around VR “experiences” that looked like carnival attractions: a virtual boat ride with nausea-inducing seats, a virtual plane ride with Top Gun–style twists and flips, a scream-inducing virtual spaceship ride.

I could tell which people were experiencing VR for the first time by their dazzled expression after they removed the goggles. But without the trade show’s spinning chairs or relaxing massages, the novelty of virtual reality quickly wears off—especially when you notice the $800 price tag (excluding accessories). Cheaper headsets feel heavy after a few minutes. Some models are difficult to focus. All of them feel greasy. With the exception of elaborate gaming setups, you’re unable to move around (you can’t even see your hands), so the fun part—taking in the 360-degree views—requires awkwardly swiveling your head.

Worst of all, VR is isolating. Beyond the delight of watching someone else’s first virtual reality experience (a moment Samsung promoted aggressively in a holiday ad campaign for its Gear VR headset), secondhand VR is no fun. The headset-headphones combination that virtual reality requires takes “phubbing”—-snubbing your real-world companions for the digital distractions of your phone—to a new level.

VR amounts to exhilaration followed by discomfort and apathy—an emotional journey that mirrors the technology’s trajectory as a business. After years of barely containable buzz, Facebook’s Oculus Rift (fb) and HTC’s Vive (htc) became available last year, only to suffer from shipping delays and order cancellations. VR headsets and software missed sales predictions by 29% last year, bringing in just $2.7 billion, according to Digi-Capital, an M&A advisory firm. As a result, Digi-Capital slashed its sales projections for the market to $25 billion by 2021. It estimated that VR’s more social cousin, augmented reality (e.g., Pokémon Go), would generate a whopping $83 billion by the same date.

The hype surrounding VR today reminds me of the early days of 3D printers: In the future, every home will have one! Except every home didn’t need one, and they remain an expensive curiosity to most. Based on price and entertainment value, VR is in the same spot. Right now virtual reality is best experienced in a crowded, noisy convention center in Las Vegas—a place anyone would be eager to escape. Just bring your own Purell. 

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