

Greg Spencer 2016年11月20日




2、运动手表佳明 Forerunner 735XT:父亲知道我每天跑步对保持工作与生活平衡很重要,所以最近送了我一块新款佳明手表。佳明最近改进了导航系统,即使是陌生地方也能帮我规划路线,合理设计跑步距离。这块表也会存储我最近的跑步记录(甚至能看实时数据),有空时可以查看健康情况。

3、苹果笔记本电脑MacBook Air:这款超薄电脑仅重约2.5磅,可以帮频繁出差的人士减少烦恼(比如机场安检)。我通常自带设备出席会议,这部电脑也提供了许多商用的优势,它灵活便携,经久耐用,安全可靠,不但存储空间大,而且电池续航达到惊人的14小时,即便是最漫长的商旅飞行(和会议)也能坚持。最近我出入办公全改用MacBook Air。传闻称苹果很快会发布新版MacBook Air,可能是入手的好机会。

4、手机配件Mophie对商旅人士来说,最糟的就是电池没电错过重要的电话,或者重要的通话中途被掐断。我发现提供额外电量和存储空间的Mophie推出一款名为Hold Force的新品,是有磁铁的手机保护套,其中包括迷你电池和信用卡或身份证卡槽。想在机场候机室找到适合的充电插座有时并不容易,万一飞行途中电池没电很可能误事。因此Mophie成了我最依赖的工具。相信我,我已经试过Mophie的全线产品。

5、体育新闻应用ESPN Mobile:最后,作为一名热爱橄榄球的CEO,怎么可能不需要一款出国还能追看比赛的工具? 我是佛罗里达州立大学橄榄球队的铁杆粉丝,最近卸载了SportsCenter改用体育频道ESPN新推出的应用ESPN Mobile。现在我能轻松定制赛事和数据讯息,不用解锁屏幕就能跟进。对我来说,工作当然要处理,追踪球队的消息也不能落下。(财富中文网)



作者系度假村、俱乐部、时尚住宅开发商Timbers Resorts的CEO

As a CEO with operations that span across 12 time zones and a travel schedule that takes me across the globe each month, I rely heavily on technology to stay connected.

Whether I’m in a meeting with our capital partner in Los Angeles or fastening my seatbelt for takeoff on a transatlantic flight, these are my five essentials:

1. DOMO. If you are CEO who travels often for business, you know that one of the biggest challenges is being continually connected to the latest financial reports. Instead of waiting for 15-megabyte financial files to download on my phone, I’ve been using DOMO. It’s a user-friendly platform that provides a current graphic overview of our business that I can log into from any device.I can scan financial reports from the 15 properties we operate or find out what’s happening at our headquarters — all in real time. Since discovering this tool, I’ve downloaded DOMO to all my devices and the way I examine monthly financial performance has been forever changed.

2. Garmin Forerunner 735XT. My father recently gifted me a new Garmin watch, since he understands how my daily runs are an important part of keeping me balanced. Garmin’s recently improved navigation system helps me chart the perfect course to ensure I stick to the exact distance I want to run — even if I’m unfamiliar with the area. The watch also stores all my recent (and even live) performance reports for when I have the time to check in on my health activity.

3. Apple’s MacBook Air: At just about 2.5 pounds, this ultra-thin computer makes some of the worst parts of frequent travel (such as airport security) extremely smooth. Since I tend to bring my own device to my meetings, this computer has many business advantages, including mobility, reliable endurance and security. With its high storage and amazing 14-hour battery life that last through the longest business flights (and meetings), I’ve recently completely converted to using the Air as my main computer in and out of the office. With rumors of a new MacBook Air soon to be released, this may be the right time to make the investment.

4. Mophie. There is nothing worse than missing an important call or cutting your phone time short due to insufficient battery life. I’ve discovered that Mophie, the gadget that gives hours and hours of extra power and storage, has just launched Hold Force. Hold Force is a magnetic case system that includes an additional mini battery and credit card/identification holder. You can’t always guarantee there will be an available wall plug at that airport gate, and a battery going dead mid-flight is just bad for business, so Mophie has turned into one of my most reliable gadgets. Trust me, I’ve tried and tested them all.

5. ESPN Mobile. Finally, what football loving CEO doesn’t need a tool to watch games when overseas or keep up with stats on the go? As a dedicated Florida State football fan, the new ESPN app that replaced SportsCenter, gives me an easy way to tailor games and stats without even having to unlock my phone for instant updates. Out of all the work on my plate, keeping up with the team can seem like a job in and of itself.

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