

Kirsten Korosec 2016年05月09日
特斯拉的Model X和新款Model S标配HEPA空气过滤系统,不仅可以净化车辆内部的空气,还能减少汽车周围的污染。

近日,特斯拉公司将一辆Model SUV放在一个达到极端污染程度的大气球内。按照美国环境保护署的“良好”空气质量指数上限,每立方米空气中细微颗粒物不超过12毫克,而气球内的细微颗粒物比这一标准高出约8,200%。之后,测试人员关上车门,按下“生物武器防御模式”按钮,这一特别设定可以使过滤器达到医疗级过滤效果。

The company placed a Model X SUV in a large bubble with extreme levels of pollution, approximately 8,200% above the EPA’s “good” air quality index limit of 12 micrograms per cubic meter of air of fine particulate matter. Testers then closed the doors and hit the “bioweapon defense mode” button, a special setting activating a medical-grade level of the filter.

据特斯拉表示,在不到两分钟内,HEPA过滤系统便完成了对Model X内部空气的净化,将污染水平降低到了公司仪器无法检测的程度。公司表示,虽然气球内仍充满了污染物,但测试人员可以在汽车里摘下防毒面具,呼吸到新鲜空气。


In less than two minutes, the HEPA filtration system had scrubbed the air in Model X, bringing pollution levels down to levels so low that they were undetectable by the company’s instruments, according to Tesla. Testers were able to remove their gas masks and breathe fresh air while sitting inside a bubble of pollution, the company says.

The filtration system, which has three carbon absorption layers strip the air of pollen, bacteria, and pollution, then began to vacuum the air outside the car as well, reducing fine particulate pollution levels by 40%, the company explains in a blog post. Tesla posits the results prove “the bioweapon defense mode is not a marketing statement, it is real. You can literally survive a military grade bio attack by sitting in your car.” The company also provided a graph, below, charting out the progress.

细微颗粒物或PM 2.5包括微小的颗粒物和液滴,由酸、有机化学物、金属和土壤或尘粒组成。这种颗粒物会降低能见度,随着污染水平提高,空气会变成灰蒙蒙的一片。由于它们的体积非常小,因此会进入肺部,造成各种呼吸问题,如加重哮喘,导致心律不齐,甚至造成心脏病或肺病患者过早死亡等。北京年均PM 2.5水平为每立方米空气56毫克(毫克/立方米),墨西哥城为25毫克/立方米,洛杉矶为20毫克/立方米。






Fine particulate matter, or PM 2.5, is a mix of tiny particles and liquid droplets that are made up from acids, organic chemicals, metals, and soil, or dust particles. This is the stuff reducing visibility and causing the air to appear hazy when levels are elevated. They’re small enough to become embedded in the lungs, causing a slew of health problems, including aggravated asthma, irregular heartbeat, and premature death in people with heart or lung disease. Average annual PM 2.5 levels reach 56 micrograms per cubic meter of air (µg/m3) in Beijing, 25 µg/m3 in Mexico City, and 20 µg/m3 in Los Angeles.

Bioweapons experts have cast doubts on the capability of the filter. This test—which it should be noted was conducted by Tesla—might be an attempt to silence critics. A filter with this kind of capability would be an attractive feature for anyone who commutes every day in heavily polluted areas like China, a market Tesla is trying to reach. The company might be anxious to provide evidence that it really does work as it claims.

The car maker also says it tested the filtration system outside the lab in areas known for poor air quality, such as California freeways during rush hour, landfills, and cow pastures in the central valley of California as well as major cities in China.

Tesla notes in the blog post that it was inspired by the air filtration systems used in hospitals, clean rooms, and the space industry. It turns out that the early seeds of the idea were planted by Google co-founder Larry Page. Tesla CEO Elon Musk sent out a tweet Monday giving Page credit for initially educating him about the health benefits of filtering particulates.

Another interesting details revealed by Tesla: it isn’t finished with the air filter. The company says it is trying to improve the defenses in the primary and secondary filters, which are replaceable.

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