

Scott Cendrowski 2016年03月02日




“挖掘中国市场的潜力,是花花公子集团过去20年间做得最正确的事情之一,但这是有心栽花还是无心插柳,就不知道了。”花花公子集团的一位营销高管在接受《外交政策》(Foreign Policy )采访时,讲述了花花公子在中国的发展史。该高管甚至表示,中国市场一度将花花公子从破产清算的边缘拯救了回来。



As favorable reviews come in for Playboy’s newest issue that forgoes nude photos for a renewed emphasis on long form journalism, the magazine remains a total unknown in the market where Playboy earns more than a third of its revenues: China.

The brand has almost universal name recognition among Chinese consumers, 97%, where it isn’t associated with carnal desires—strict censorship has banned any officially imported magazines from entering the mainland—as much as vague notes of Western sophistication by lower- and middle-class buyers.

The brand has carved out a fairly lucrative business in China over the past 25 years by licensing its bunny logo for men’s dress shirts, suits, bags, shoes, belts, bags and backpacks. In 2014, $500 million of $1.5 billion in total sales originated in China.

“China is one of the things that Playboy did right in the past 20 years, but whether that was by design or by accident is unknown,” a marketing executive told Foreign Policy in its interesting story this week about Playboy’s history in China, which probably saved the company from an earlier reckoning. Fresh off a new 10-year licensing deal with a Chinese company, the country might also end up subsidizing the new-format magazine should it fail to revive in the struggling print business.

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