中国精子银行用iPhone 6S招徕捐赠者

中国精子银行用iPhone 6S招徕捐赠者

Scott Cendrowski 2015年09月28日
国内两家精子银行日前发帖称:“无需卖肾,献精轻松拥有6S!”鼓励男性捐赠精子以获得5000元人民币的补贴来购买最新款iPhone 6S。这款手机的抢手程度由此可见一斑。

    中国消费者正在热切期盼到手一部iPhone 6S,就连精子库也开始用它来吸引捐赠者。




    对苹果而言,中国市场极为重要。苹果上一季度在中国的收入增长了110%。中国大陆加上香港和台湾,贡献了苹果总收入的三分之一。而对中国而言,苹果也同样重要。在中国人看来,iPhone绝不只是一部智能手机,而是一个价值1000美元的饰品。苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克曾说过,为Apple Watch和iPhone 6S搭配玫瑰金色的灵感正是来自中国消费者。在中国几乎每一个城市,你都可以看到二十多岁的年轻人、政府官员,当然还有暴发户手拿金色款iPhone手机。

    分析家表示,iPhone 6S的预定订单可能有多达20%来自中国。这款手机近日已经成为了闲聊中热议的话题。前几天,一名北京的房地产经纪人就拟定了购买计划。他叹道:“在大陆买太贵了,香港就要便宜得多。”他准备去那里抢购一部。

    旧款iPhone 6 Plus在香港的售价比中国大陆低300美元。这促使走私者想尽花招,试图在出入境时夹带手机。




    The iPhone 6S is so anxiously awaited in China that sperm banks are using it to lure donors.

    Two sperm centers posted messages on the country’s Facebook analogue, Tencent’s WeChat, this week encouraging men to donate so they have the cash to buy the new Apple phone that is expected to retail for about $1,000 in mainland China.

    “You don’t need to give up a kidney to raise cash to buy an iPhone 6s as you can get enough money just by donating sperm!” the advertisements said, according to the South China Morning Post.

    In central Hubei province, the going rate for samples from some young to middle-aged men was 5,000 yuan ($800). The Post said the ads had already attracted 400,000 views.

    While China is hugely important to Apple right now—China revenues grew 110% last quarter and the region including Hong Kong and Taiwan comprises almost a third of total revenues— Apple is just as important to China. The iPhone is not just a smartphone to Chinese, but a $1,000 accessory. Apple CEO Tim Cook has said Chinese consumers were the inspiration for the rose gold color of the Apple Watch and now the iPhone 6S. In nearly every Chinese city you see gold iPhone 6s held by aspiring 20-somethings, government officials, and of course the nouveau riche.

    Analysts say China may have driven as much as 20% of 6S preorders and the phone has become part of small talk these days. On a recent day in Beijing, a real estate agent laid out his plan for buying one. “They’re expensive here,” he bemoaned. “Much better prices in Hong Kong.” That’s where he’d go for one.

    The old iPhone 6 Plus sold for $300 dollars less in Hong Kong than mainland China and drove smugglers to find ever more inventive ways to hide phones while crossing the border.

    It may not be surprising, then, that sperm banks are joining the hype.

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