微软CEO谈IT转型、亚马逊与Windows 10

微软CEO谈IT转型、亚马逊与Windows 10

Barb Darrow 2015年05月12日
在云计算时代,“自带设备上班”潮流风起云涌,许多企业的IT人员越来越边缘化。但微软CEO纳德拉认为,IT的真正含义应该是创新(Innovation)与转型(Transformation),而IT人员正是企业创新和转型的关键推动者。在接受《财富》专访时,他还谈到了微软和亚马逊等公司在云计算领域的竞争,以及Windows 10对于这家科技巨头的意义。



    我其实并不关注在IaaS(“基础设施即服务”)领域与亚马逊的竞争,那不重要。我们的Azure Active Directory“微软云”服务已经有了500万个实体用户,这意味着有500万个商业实体在云端上与微软有联系,而且他们既没有用本地服务,也没有我们的许可证。他们使用微软Dynamics进行客户关系管理或企业资源管理,还使用微软的Office 365、Azure和企业移动套件。而这500万个商业实体中,还有4.5亿个个人。




    我想要大规模地构建我们自己的公共云。我们有超过100万台机器。我想要采用同样的软件——这时我们就要说说SQL(服务器)2016了。目前它已经开始运行了,它的名字叫Azure D8。我们将把它反向集成到一款服务器产品中。我认为这种能力在长期内都会给我们带来好处。



    所以Windows 10对我来说是一件大事。它是一个新时代的开始,不仅对于PC,对于平板电脑、智能手机、全息电脑、Surface Hub和Raspberry Pi(又称“树莓派”,一款小型卡片式电脑)也是一样。Windows已经远不止局限于PC。它是一个核心、一个仓库、一个平台。


    我在这次访谈中其实谈到了好几次Office 365,但有趣的是,你并没有把它当成Office。正是由于Office 365,Azure Active Directory才有了那么多商业客户。它是我们在整个Azure项目的核心,也是Office的核心。而且当你登录Windows的时候,你其实同时登录了你的微软账户和Azure Active Directory。所以我才说我们的控制平面是云服务,这些都是整合的方法。


    我认为,只要能接触到最多的用户,赚最多的钱,开发者就会去开发应用。我们在Build峰会上说,我们希望开发者开发通用的Windows应用(即在各种设备上都可以用)。这样做是很有道理的。如果你开发了一款通用应用,你想获得10英尺的游戏体验,你就可以在Xbox上玩。如果你想创新地开发一款全息应用,你也可以在HoloLens这样的全息电脑上运行同一款应用。当然,你也可以选择在Surface Pro 3这样的平板电脑上运行。




    Most people see Amazon as the leader in core infrastructure. Over time it added higher level services and talked more to big companies like General Electric. What’s your take on the competitive landscape for big customers when it comes to cloud computing? Is Google a contender?

    The enterprise market is never winner-take-all. If you look at the previous client-server era, we had a lot of success. So did Oracle, EMC, Cisco. And now, when you look at the current cloud era, you would say there is us, there’s Amazon, and there’s Google who have that hyperscale cloud. But really it’s Amazon, us, and maybe VMware who will translate the position that they had in the previous era to one in this new era.

    I really am not focused on competing against Amazon in IaaS [“infrastructure-as-a-service”]. That’s not what it’s about. Take Azure Active Directory. It’s got 5 million entities—that means 5 million commercial organizations that have a relationship with Microsoft in the cloud and not on premise or with our licenses. None of that. They’re using Dynamics for CRM [“customer relationship management”] or ERP [“enterprise resource management”], Office 365, Azure, Enterprise Mobility Suite. That is representing 450 million individual identities within that 5 million organizational footprint.

    To me what matters is having the right mix of SaaS value. I don’t think of my server business as somehow “old school” or “legacy.” I actually think of the server as the edge of my cloud.

    We now have the ability to tie together the cloud and the server. That is a very unique capability that we have. So who am I competing with? Amazon has no capability to compete there. They don’t have a server. Nor does Google. Oracle doesn’t have the equivalent capability. So those are the places where we want to really excel.

    I’m not claiming that we are the only guys who are going to succeed in the cloud. Others can succeed as well, just like in the previous generation. But the people who are on the right side of history, so to speak, when it comes to technology promise? You identified them right. There is Google, Amazon, and us. But who has the credentials with the enterprise? Who has the tenacity to stay constant with it? It’s not a fashionable thing to say you’re in the enterprise business for a few days and then move onto the next project.

    I want to build our own public cloud at scale. We have over a million machines. I want to take the same software and—well, this is how we got to SQL [Server] 2016. It’s already running; it’s called Azure DB. We will now take that and reverse-integrate it into a server product. That’s the kind of capability that I feel will serve us well in the long run.

    I don’t think we’ve actually mentioned Windows or Office once. Is Microsoft still a Windows company?

    Windows is used by a billion and a half users. We see, on a monthly basis, 850 million machines that touch Windows Update. This is not even counting the machines behind corporate firewalls that don’t directly talk to Windows Update. So it’s a vibrant user base. And there are 300 million PCs, by the way, sold every year.

    So Windows 10 is huge to me. It’s the beginning of a new generation of Windows. It’s not just about PCs. It’s about tablets and phones. It’s also about holographic computers and Surface Hub. It’s about [simple, versatile computers like] Raspberry Pi. Windows has gone way beyond the PC. It’s one core, one store, one platform.

    So to me Windows is very much part of the cloud. But one of the fundamental things I believe is, it’s not just about one device. When I say “mobile first” or “cloud first,” to me it’s about the mobility of the app or the experience, not the mobility of the device. And if you believe that, then the control plane is really the cloud.

    I actually talked quite a bit about Office 365 in this conversation. The fact that you didn’t think of it as Office is interesting. Office 365, that’s where Azure Active Directory gets all those organizational tenants from. It’s core to what we’re doing in Azure. It’s core to what we’re doing in Office. And guess what? When you log into Windows, you’re logged into both your Microsoft account and your Azure Active Directory. So the control plane is in the cloud. And those are the ways things come together.

    If I’m a mobile developer, I can develop for Apple iOS, I can develop for Android, or I can develop for Windows. But there’s been strife with hardware makers and Microsoft. Why develop for you and not them?

    I think they will choose to develop wherever they can make the most amount of money by reaching the most amount of users. At Build we said that we want them to write universal Windows apps [that work across devices]. There are many cases to be made for it. When you build a universal app, and you want a 10-foot experience, you can go to the Xbox. You want to innovate and build a holographic app, you can use the same application on a holographic computer like HoloLens. You can, of course, run it on our tablets like the Surface Pro 3.

    So you now have these “Windows Continuum” features where those universal applications can gracefully move between a tablet and a laptop. It’s relevant for consumers, but it’s also going to be relevant in many industrial scenarios. Those are the kinds of reasons why developers will want to look at us and build for us. But we made it clear at Build that developers can use our back end and still target Android or iOS devices. They can have our Enterprise Mobility Suite and, if they’re an IT person, manage security, identity, device management, and data-loss protection across Android, iOS, and Windows. That’s a unique capability of ours.

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