

Daniel Bukszpan 2015年03月16日

    8. 《怪物史莱克3》

    到2007年,史莱克早已成为一块金字招牌,其第三部电影也就顺理成章地上映了。除了电台主持人拉里•金为“丑陋的继姐”配音外,英国知名喜剧团体Monty Python成员约翰•克里斯和埃里克•爱都也为本片倾情献声。该片的反响甚至超过了第一部,美国国内票房收入达到3.23亿美元,折合现在的3.69亿美元。

    8. Shrek the Third

    By 2007, the Shrek franchise had already proven itself a highly profitable commodity, making a third trip back to the well mandatory. Featuring the voices of Monty Python alumni John Cleese and Eric Idle, as well as that of radio host Larry King as Doris the Ugly Stepsister, the third installment did even better than the original, with domestic box office receipts of $323 million, or $369 million today.

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