

Robert Hackett ,  Christopher Tkaczyk 2014年10月24日

    世界上最好的科技企业绝不缺乏福利——免费食品、按摩、内部医疗中心。在这个行业,薪水丰厚,奖金让人眼红的工作机会比比皆是。全球性雇主研究机构Great Place to Work旗下工作环境点评网站Great Rated!的文化专家们,通过研究找出了硅谷内外一些最好的企业。以下这20家公司是最吸引并且留住了最顶尖精英的科技企业。

    *收入数字来自最近一个财务年度,最新员工人数由各公司提供。欢迎在Great Rated!网站上阅读更多详情。

    There’s no shortage of perks at the world’s best tech employers — free food, massages, on site medical centers — the industry is jam-packed with employers who offer lucrative pay and enviable extras. A new study from the culture experts at Great Rated!, the workplace review site from Great Place to Work, names some of the best-in-class employers in and out of Silicon Valley. Here are 20 companies that are attracting and retaining today’s top talent in tech.

    *Revenue figures are from the most recent fiscal year and headcount figures are the latest supplied by the company. Visit the Great Rated! links for full workplace reviews.

    Ultimate Software公司





    这家云技术人力资源管理解决方案供应商,不仅帮助别人管理人力资源,它自己也力争在提供优越工作环境方面成为终极典范。该公司为员工及其家属提供包括牙科在内的全额医保,并且聘请了一名全职健康教练,为员工提供健康生活辅导和一对一咨询。员工们表示,尽管公司经常搞自助餐聚会,但保健课程和健康咨询让他们得以保持匀称的身材。一些办公室里配备了维他美仕(Vitamix)榨汁机,一些办公室以“放松”为特色,Ultimate Software公司让工作和快乐达到了平衡。所有新员工在入职时都会获得公司赠送的股份。5月份,该公司还推出了一个名叫PRIDE US的互联网社区,旨在支持LGBTQIA(同性恋、双性恋、变性人、双性人和无性恋者)群体。一位员工说:“我喜欢全额医保、养老保险、公司组织的年度旅游,还有数不清的早餐和午餐,所有这些都是公司买单。为Ultimate Software工作的最美妙之处其实是一些无形的东西——我受到尊重、得到赏识并且获得褒奖,我真的很享受这份工作,享受和同事们相处的时光。这绝对是一份无与伦比的工作,能在这里上班让我觉得非常庆幸。”

    Ultimate Software

    Revenue: $410.4 million

    Headquarters: Weston, Fla.

    Employees: 2,286

    100 Best Companies rank:20

    The cloud-based people management solution company doesn’t just help others manage human capital—it strives to be the ultimate example of workplace excellence. The company boasts fully paid healthcare and dental benefits for employees and dependents, and has a full-time wellness coach who organizes healthy living classes and consults employees one-on-one. Employees say the health classes and wellness counseling help them keep the pounds off — in spite of the company’s frequently catered buffets. With offices featuring Vitamix juicers and “chill rooms,” Ultimate Software strikes a balance between work and pleasure. All new hires are given stock ownership grants when they join the company. In May, the company also launched a Community of Interest called PRIDE US to support its LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual) community. Says one employee: “I love the fully paid health care benefits, the 401(k) program, the yearly company trip, along with the countless breakfasts, lunches, etc. that are also company-paid. The best part of working for Ultimate are the intangibles — I'm respected, valued, rewarded, and I genuinely enjoy my job and co-workers. This is undoubtedly the best job I've ever had, and I'm so grateful to be here.” Read the Great Rated! reviewhere.

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