

Anne Fisher 2014年10月11日

    最近,可穿戴技术吸引了众多眼球,例如苹果(Apple)最新推出的智能手表,与此同时,一些初创公司也引起了人们的注意,他们将谷歌眼镜(Google Glass)进行自定义,用于特定的工作场所,比如油井、手术室,在中国,它还被应用在工厂里。但如果你是一家普通公司的员工,谷歌眼镜能否让你的生活变得更容易?更确切地说,售价是普通智能手机两倍的谷歌眼镜是否能做一些智能手机目前还无法完成的事情?

    雷•尼古拉斯是美国威斯康辛州麦迪逊软件公司Widen Enterprises的开发总监兼产品经理,他决定一探究竟。几个月前,他开始每天佩戴谷歌眼镜上班。他发现谷歌眼镜的主要优势在于:右眼前方有一个屏幕可以解放你的双手。他说:“你不需要拿起一台设备,便可以拍摄照片和视频,收取电子邮件提醒和各种其他信息。”




    Wearable technology like Apple’s new smartwatch has gotten plenty of attention lately, as have startups that are customizing Google Glass for specific workplace uses from oil rigs to operating rooms and factories in China. But if you work in an ordinary office, can Glass make your life easier? More to the point, at about twice the price of the average smartphone, can Glass do anything a smartphone can’t?

    Ray Nicholus, lead developer and product manager at software firm Widen Enterprises in Madison, Wisc., decided to find out. A couple of months ago, he started wearing the glasses to the office every day. The main advantage he’s found: Having a computer screen in front of your right eye leaves your hands free. “You can shoot photos and videos, and get email notifications and all kind of other information, without having to pick up a device,” he says.

    So far, Nicholus sees several other ways Glass makes everyday office life easier. First, because it integrates with Gmail, Google calendar, and an Android smartphone, “you can glance at incoming emails, phone calls, and calendar reminders all in one place without switching context,” he says. Glass is also useful for meetings. An app called Refresh can do background research on everyone who’s expected in a gathering, or at a job interview, and put the data on the screen “so you can ask the right questions.”

    Nicholus especially likes YourShow, a Glass app that makes notes for a speech or presentation available in front of the speaker’s eyes. “You can see a preview of your slides without losing focus on your audience, and even advance slides just by tapping your glasses,” he says. The only drawback is that, although the speaker is less distracted, the audience sometimes isn’t. “They do notice you’re wearing Glass, and it can be the only thing they focus on.”

    With so many employees now working in places far from the home office, an app called LiveStream could come in handy for making them feel more connected. “Someone wearing Glass in a meeting or other group event, using LiveStream, serves as an ultra-portable camera,” Nicholus says. “It’s an easy way to give remote employees a better sense of being in the same room.”

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