

Caroline Fairchild 2014年09月09日


    我获得了免费的市场营销。我与媒体的关系一直不错。我已经上过七八次《今夜秀》(The Tonight Show)或《艾伦秀》(Ellen Show),能与媒体保持良好关系确实是好事,这种关系为我节省了大量成本。




    我拍摄过一部电影叫《罪恶之城》(Sin City)。你可能在5个月内只需要拍摄6天,仅此而已。拍电影花费的时间并不是很多。我可以拿出一周时间来拍摄,然后回到公司。拍电影并不像电视剧一样耗时很久,拍电视剧的时候,你可能要每周5天、每天14个小时在片场拍摄,而且这样的状态可能要持续10个半月。实际上,你很难实现两者的平衡,有时候我会觉得有一点疯狂。








    What about when it comes to marketing the brand?

    I get free marketing. I have an authentic relationship with media. When I go onThe Tonight Show or Ellen or some other show, I have already been on there seven or eight times so it is nice to be able to have that relationship with media and I do have that connections so it has saved on costs.

    How do you juggle Honest Co. with your acting career and your family?

    It’s an imperfect balance and I am not sure if I do it very well. I spend most of my time at the office, but my kids’ health and well-being is my priority. I talk to my [business] partners about my responsibility with my children. I have worked around board meetings and conferences. With email, I am still involved in the process of design and it is easy to share files with Dropbox. I can still work on product development that way.

    What’s it like to shoot a movie while running a company?

    I have a movie out now called Sin City. You shoot it for six days over five months. That is all it took. Movies don’t really take that much time. I can go for a week and come back. It is really not time-consuming like a television show where you are on set 14 hours a day, five days a week for ten-and-a-half months. It is a difficult balance and I feel a bit crazy sometimes.

    What is one of the biggest misconceptions people have about you and the company?

    People think we are a baby company. We are a lifestyle company and it is about living a healthy life. A lot of journalists think we are a baby company just because we sell diapers and wipes, but we are really expanding into categories that are really adult focused.

    Is turning the company into a lifestyle brand one of your goals with the latest round of funding?

    Definitely. We want to get into beauty and skin care and we are also looking into home. We are exploring building out our deck and thinking about how we can build these products in an affordable price points in all these categories. We are also thinking about international expansion and going into China and Europe.

    What’s the best advice you got along the way when building Honest Co.?

    If you are going to fail, fail fast and move on. Learn from your failures and move on. There are several failures that we had along the way. We didn’t even test our website when we launched. We didn’t have the technology to really change orders in the first month or two. What you got is what you got, if you didn’t like it you got a full refund. We learned through our mistakes. Luckily, there hasn’t been anything that we haven’t been able to learn and move and grow from.

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