

John Gaudiosi 2014年08月21日

    超过35万的欧洲玩家(还有一些北美和亚洲玩家)带着朝圣般的心情,赶赴人口刚过100万的德国科隆市,参加一年一度的游戏盛会。美国动视(Activision)在展览中首次公布了Sledgehammer Games工作室的多人游戏《使命召唤:高级战争》(Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare),现场玩家亲身体验了这款将于11月3日正式发布的游戏。

    索尼(Sony)宣布,其游戏主机Playstation 4s已经在全球售出超过1,000万台,这预示着对玩家客厅的争夺战今年将继续上演。为了维持增长态势,索尼在展会上发布了一系列独家游戏,包括Ninja Theory开发的动作游戏《地狱之刃》(Hellblade),《雷曼》(Rayman)制作商Michel Ancel开发的开放世界式冒险游戏《荒野》(Wild),Housemarque开发的射击类游戏《异化》(Alienation)以及Q版游戏《明日之子》(The Tomorrow Children)。微软则发布了由Square Enix和Crystal Dynamics制作的《古墓丽影:崛起》(Rise of the Tomb Raider),这是劳拉•克罗夫系列重新启动后的第二部作品,将在2015年于Xbox平台独家发布。Xbox在2015年还有另外一款游戏大作的续集《光晕5:守护者》(Halo 5: Guardians)。

    而在科隆游戏展上正式宣布的特色作品中,《寂静岭》(Silent Hills)的最新续集赫然在列。这是科乐美(Konami)最为畅销的恐怖题材游戏(还据此改编成了两部电影)。世界级游戏和电影专家,《合金装备5:幻痛》(Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain)的制作者小岛秀夫,以及《环太平洋》(Pacific Rim)的导演吉尔莫•德尔•托罗在这部游戏中强强联手。曾出演美剧《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)的影星诺曼•瑞杜斯将在游戏中担纲主角。


    More than 350,000 gamers from across Europe (and some from North America and Asia) have made the annual pilgrimage to the quaint German city of Cologne, which has a population of just over 1 million. Activision used the convention to debut its multiplayer gameplay for Sledgehammer Games’ Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, allowing attendees hands-on access to the November 3 release.

    The global battle for the living room continued in Germany with Sony announcing it 2has sold 10 million PlayStation 4s worldwide. To keep that momentum going, Sony announced a number of exclusive new titles at the show, including the action game Hellblade from developer Ninja Theory, the open world adventure game Wild from Rayman creator Michel Ancel, the shooter Alienation from Housemarque, and Q Games genre-bending The Tomorrow Children. Microsoft announced that Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics Rise of the Tomb Raider, the second game in the rebooted Lara Croft franchise, will be an Xbox exclusive in 2015. Xbox will also be getting another big sequel next year with Halo 5: Guardians.

    One of the more unique games announced at Gamescom was Silent Hills, the latest sequel in Konami’s bestselling horror franchise (which has also spawned two films). The world of gaming and movies combine in this new game, which is being developed by Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain creator Hideo Kojima and Pacific Rim director Guillermo del Toro. The game will star The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus.

    Here are our top picks for games that debuted at Gamescom 2014.



    游戏平台:Xbox 360、PlayStation 3


    育碧(Ubisoft)显然不会让当代的广大玩家在今年秋天遭受冷落。将故事定在法国大革命时期的《刺客信条:大革命》(Assassin’s Creed Unity)是次世代的一款独特作品,而《刺客信条:叛变》(Assassin’s Creed Rogue)则设定在《刺客信条3》和《刺客信条4:黑旗》(Assassin’s Creed Black Flag)的故事之间。游戏发生在七年战争时期。玩家将扮演一个曾经在系列游戏中当过反派的圣殿骑士谢伊。谢伊曾经是个刺客,而后来因为某些事情成为了刺客猎人,与曾经的兄弟反目成仇。游戏中包含在加拿大和新英格兰地区封冻海岸边的海战,以及与隐秘刺客的陆地对决。而新增加的武器,比如榴弹发射器,给这个隐秘勇敢者游戏添加了更多的冲击感。通过这次新的历程,玩家可以同之前几部作品中的知名人物,比如《刺客信条3》中的海尔森•肯威等进行互动。

    Assassin’s Creed Rogue


    Consoles: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

    Release date: November 11, 2014

    Ubisoft won't leave the huge fan base of current generation gamers out in the cold this fall. Assassin’s Creed Unity, which focuses on the French Revolution, is a next-gen exclusive, but Assassin’s Creed Rogue is set between the events of Assassin’s Creed III and Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. The game takes place during the Seven Years War. Gamers take control of a Templar, which had previously been the franchise's bad guys. Shay is actually a former Assassin who’s out to eradicate the brotherhood for good. Gameplay involves engaging in naval battles at sea off the frozen coasts of Canada and New England, and on-land combat against stealthy assassins. New weapons like a grenade launcher add more punch to this darker, grittier game. Throughout this new adventure, gamers will interact with well-known characters from previous games, like HaythamKenway from Assassin’s Creed III.

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