

Erin Griffith 2014年06月30日


    Facebook的收购活动正在成为一个传奇,而这都是扎克伯格的功劳。去年,这家社交网站收购了好几家公司,大多数都是以招揽人才为目的的小规模收购。然而,那些大型收购行动——斥资190亿美元收购即时通信软件公司WhatsApp以及斥资20亿美元收购虚拟现实技术公司Oculus VR——已经说明了扎克伯格的思路到底有多宽广。成为Facebook子公司后,图片共享服务供应商Instagram取得了成功(上个季度,Instagram的用户数突破了2亿大关),证明扎克伯格的疯狂收购确实有道理。他还在推动内部创新,让Facebook推出了自己的移动内容软件Paper和通信软件Messenger,后者也已经拥有2亿用户。对于Facebook的大胆收购和稀奇古怪的产品,华尔街一直持信任态度——2013年,这家公司的股价上涨了89%。

    Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, Facebook

    Facebook’s acquisitions are becoming the stuff of legend, and it’s all Zuckerberg’s doing. In the last year, the social network has acquired a handful of companies, most of them small acqui-hire deals. But the big deals -- $19 billion for WhatsApp and $2 billion for Oculus VR -- have shown just how big Zuckerberg is thinking. With Instagram’s success under Facebook’s ownership (the app crossed 200 million users last quarter), Zuckerberg has proven there’s a method to his acquisition madness. He’s also pushed in-house innovation, unbundling Facebook’s mobile app by launching Paper, a separate app for content, and Messenger, a messaging app which has crossed 200 million users. Wall Street has responded to Facebook’s bold deals and curious product launches with trust: The company’s stock rose 89% in the 2013.

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